Evgeny Raev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Dancing with Stars" 2021



Evgeny Raev is a professional dancer, as they say in Slang, Balknik. From 2015 - a regular participant of the show "Dancing with the Stars" on the TV channel "Russia-1". Before returning to his homeland, he built a career in Europe and America and, it is worth noting, seriously succeeded. In the service record of Eugene - the victory at the US Championship for ballroom dancing, the place in the Finals of the Championships of Holland, Great Britain and Russia. As of 2020, he is also a threefold finalist of the World Cup.

Childhood and youth

Evgeny Raev was born on February 10, 1993 in St. Petersburg, the cultural capital of Russia. His childhood is connected with this city.

In 2000, the boy went to school No. 191 with an in-depth study of foreign languages, and after the 2nd class I was transferred to the gymnasium No. 177 of the Krasnogvardeisky district. It was here that he met the sports and ballroom dancing, which to this day is his passion and a means of existence. Interest in choreography woke up in Evgenia Raev in 5 years.

"Maybe I was not born by the god of dancing, but it was exactly born to be a dancer," he said once in an interview.

Parents held aside from the creative development of the Son, but the grandfather was frantically supported. He took his grandson from school every day and took him to the dancer, often stayed looking at the training session.

16 years old - fateful age in the life of Evgenia Raeva, time of change in a dance career and personal life. He moved from Parents from St. Petersburg to Yaroslavl and met the mentors who helped go to the next, the highest level of ballroom dancing. It was at the age of 16, Eugene understood what he wants to devote himself.

For higher education, the guy went to Moscow. In absentia, he graduated from the faculty of "complex coordination types of physical culture and sports activities" in the specialty "Theory and Methods of Sports Dance" in the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism. This diploma gives the dancer right to teach.

Personal life

With the show "Dancing with the stars" is connected not only by the creative development of Eugene Raeva in Russia, but also his personal life. On the shooting of the 9th season in 2015, the dancer met with the actress Irina Pegova - the former wife of Dmitry Orlova. She acted as a pair with Andrei Kozlovsky and, by the way, took the 1st place.

The assumption that Evgeny Raev and Irina Pegov in relations were confirmed after the premiere of the film "He - Dragon" (2015). On her, the lovers appeared, holding hands. Their, unlike ill-wishers, seemed completely not embarrassed by a 15-year-old difference in age.

Judging by the photo note in "Instagram", Evgeny Raev and Irina Pegov are still found, or at least keep friendly relations after they broke up. For example, they filmed together in the club Leonid Agutin on the song Funky Cha, whose premiere took place on April 29, 2020.


By nationality, Evgeny Raev is Armenian. This suggests that it is distinguished by amazing hardworking, and his creativity in his blood. But even with such congenital qualities in the early stages, the dancer had to be not easy. For example, he often swore with partners. And Teachers told: "You are cold, you are blind, you do not feel a partner." But this is the most important thing in ballroom dancing.

To overcome the internal barriers to Eugene helped Scientology. After acquaintance with this religious direction, his dance career went uphill. A series of success began with the 5th place at the World Championships in Paris. Then Evgenia Raev was 18 years old. In 19, he moved to New York.

After 3 years, conducted in the United States, Evgenia Raev called the producers of the show "Dancing with the Stars", which goes on the TV channel "Russia-1" since 2006. They were invited to shoot on the 9th season in February 2015. The dancer refused: would have to sacrifice serious contests appointed for May 2015. Change the decision of Raeva forced the partner.

For the first time, Evgeny Raev came out on parquet of the project "Dances with the Stars" of Evgeny Raev with actress. Despite the colorful, abundant performances of the performance, the pair could not get to the final. But the next 10th season of 2016 was successful for the dancer: together with the actress Nelli Uvarov, he took the 2nd place and a prime of spectator sympathy.

After filming the 9th season of "Dances with Stars", Evgeny Raev decided to stay in his homeland for a while and try to make a career in Moscow. He not only performed in contests, but also fit into the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater. A. P. Chekhov, opened the school of dancing for children. Dancing for Eugene Raeva is literally everything. Once he noted in an interview:

"If I had forced me to choose between everything that I have now, plus a lot of money, but without dancing, and the opportunity to dance every day, but without work and connections in the new city, I would choose the second. I can live without books, without watching movies. I love to play guitar and piano, but without it I can do. And without dancing, I would not be happy, it's for sure. "

Evgeny Raev now

April 5, 2020 on the TV channel "Russia" after a 4-year-old break started the 11th season of the show "Dancing with the Stars". Evgeny Raev again among the participants. His partner became the actress Maria Poroshina. From the episode to the episode, the pair is in the top three leaders.

Now the guy is busy "dancing with the stars." Even in "Instagram" he speaks only about the show: This time the dancer is stronger than the usual wants to win. A possible victory will be one of the most serious achievements in the biography.


  • 2015, 2016, 2020 - "Dancing with the Stars"

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