Celebrities that were given from Coronavirus - Russian, Hollywood, Vaccine, Feeling


2020 made changes to the usual life of billions of people on the planet and forced to revise the life principles and views. Despite the large number of victims from COVID-19, there are first steps towards victory over the virus. In a short time, vaccines were developed that would help the population to avoid a meeting with a disease or minimize its health effects.

Of course, not everyone perceive the need to vaccinate without the share of fear, skepticism and disapproval, but there are many volunteers who give an example of the rest. In the material 24cm - Russian and foreign celebrities, which were given from coronavirus.

Sergey Shoigu

Russian politicians were among the first volunteers who took part in vaccination. Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergey Shoigu made a vaccination from Coronavirus in August 2020. Thus, the head of the military department decided to participate in a scientific medical examination of the domestic vaccine. This Shoigu told his colleagues from foreign countries. The participants of the study for its example were also military doctors and commanders.

Sergey Sobyanin

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin also decided to submit an example to colleagues and residents of the capital. It was a vaccination at the beginning of the autumn of 2020. Sobyanin said that the procedure was normal, no special changes in well-being happened: only a small headache and heaviness was noted. But, according to the metropolitan mayor, he had confidence, "that we are all right."

Vladimir Zhirinovsky

The leader of the LDPR faction Vladimir Zhirinovsky also demonstrated confidence in the effectiveness of the Russian vaccine. Politician seriously approached the procedure: the vaccination policy was injected into 2 stages with a necessary interval, and the physicians continue to control his well-being within 6 months.

Rodion Gazmanov

One of the first volunteers who agreed to experience the domestic vaccine and make a vaccination from Coronavirus, became the son of Oleg Gazmanov, Rodion. The singer spoke about it on his page in "Instagram". According to the artist, the procedure occupied a little more than an hour, including the preparatory stage and medical observation after vaccination. "Flight is excellent," Rodion wrote in his post. Next, the singer wore a special tracker to send data to the doctors and continued to conduct a "diary of the vaccine" in the social network, where it shared sensations and changes in well-being.

Mikhail Boyarsky and Larisa Luppian

Mikhail Boyarsky and his spouse Larisa Luppian were among the Russian celebrities that were hidden from Coronavirus. The artist did not change the decisions to undergo vaccination even after the procedure briefly lost consciousness. The reason was the leap of pressure, but it did not affect the vaccination and its consequences. Boyarsky's wife noted that the sensations after vaccination are comparable to flu vaccinations.

Dmitry Krylov

TV presenter Dmitry Krylov in January 2021 spoke about the passage of vaccination, which is carried out in 2 stages at intervals 21 days. The wings were concerned about the fact that in the certificate, which was issued after vaccination, the name of the Vaccine "Satellite V" was not indicated. However, friends reassured him, explaining that this is the name of the trademark of the domestic vaccine.

Vladimir Mashkov

The well-known Russian actor and director Vladimir Mashkov also entered the selection of celebrities, which were given from coronavirus. For a procedure that takes place in 2 stages, a Russian vaccine "Satellite V" was used. Doctors told that the artist was in a good mood and joked, quoting the famous poem Sergey Mikhalkov about vaccinations. According to the actor, the vaccination helped him get rid of the next fear.

Maxim Fadeev

The famous composer Maxim Fadeev also told about what he participated in vaccination. He weighted risks and accepted this decision to protect himself from severe consequences. Fadeev noted that he has health problems, and considered that "it will be more correct to go along the path of least resistance." Some users accused the composer that he advertises a vaccine for money, but in response, Fadeev said it contradicts its principles.

Alena Apina

Singer Alena Apina also decided to overcome the fear of encountering severe illness and made vaccination. According to the performer, she was tired of living in fear for his health and want to work calmly, ride on shooting and ethers, meet friends. The feelings after the Apina procedure told that she wanted to sleep.

Evgeny Plushenko

Olympic champion Yevgeny Plushenko, his wife Yana Rudkovskaya and their son Alexander also took part in vaccination and made vaccinations in the early 2021. This celebrity told subscribers in "Instagram", responding to questions of fans.

Ian McKellen

English actor Ian McCellen, who is famous for the role of Gandalf, also made a vaccination from coronavirus. According to the celebrity, he hopes that vaccination will help bring the return to a normal lifestyle.

Oliver Stone

American film director Oliver Stone arrived in Russia at the end of 2020, to make a film about climatic changes, and decided to undergo vaccination. Stone came to the number of Hollywood celebrities, which were given from Coronavirus, and said that he had heard a lot of positive words about the Russian vaccine "Satellite V", so I wanted to check the effectiveness of the drug on myself.

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