Mumina Troll (Character) - Pictures, Author, Tuva Jansson, Country, Adventure


Character History

Mumi-Troll is a fictional literary hero of the Finnish writer Tuva Jansson. The central character in a series of children's books is friends with Snusmumric, hates loneliness and every day discovers something new.

History of character creation

In the works of Jansson, the features of the heroes of the folklore world are traced. Interestingly, the true interpretation of the word "troll" is lost in centuries. Researchers believe that it has been identified with something supernatural and even dangerous. There is also indirect evidence: in Sweden, the concept of Trolldom was denoted by malicious magic. And in German languages, the term Trolla has imagined the ideas about the witches witchcraft.

In the Scandinavian mythology, Trolli was terrible creatures with an incredible force. The place of their habitat was the caves, where those kept treasures.

On the pages of the books of the famous writer, the terrible descendants of giants turned into obedient fabulous creatures. Tuva Jansson shared in an interview that the first acquaintance with future heroes of her work took place in Stockholm. Then her uncle Einar scared the niece by the fact that if she was peeling, the troll will come and freeze her neck.

Under the impression of Tuva began to draw unknown creatures. Later, these sketches together with the final characteristics were connected in the first story. It was in 1945. The scenery of the narration was the favorite Writers in two countries - Sweden and Finland. And in the center of the plot, the author placed a fun and even comic character.

He lives in a blue house in the middle of the valley along with a numerous family. All of these creatures are constantly faced with some threats. In the first fairy tale this is a flood, then a calm rhythm of life violates the sea monster, a hurricane and even witchcraft. You have to get out of the cozy nest and go to dangerous adventures. In the final of the narration, everything returns to the safe bed, which is necessarily fixed by the big holiday.

The author was recognized that her own, as well as a close environment made a prototype of this family. For example, Mumi-dad reminds her father exposed to depressive states. Provinal taut is written off from a long-standing girlfriend. But the Mooma Troll itself is worth viewing as Self-portrait Jasson.

The popularity of the cycle about funny creatures is easy to explain, because the story liked readers of different ages. Tuva retained in the works of the balance between the two worlds - children's and adults, clearly following the traditions of world literature.

The logical structure of the story, which includes the problem, travel and positive final, causes associations with such masterpieces of classics, like "Alice in Wonderland" and "Robinson Cruzo". There is a place and mysticism - in the "wizard hat", the ghostly Hatifnatta worship their "deity" - barometer.

The central hero is growing with every book. If at first a character is looking for a missing bag, a house or a fallen comet, then psychological problems are also considered in the final works of the cycle. So, the teenager begins to be interested in unexpected topics - loneliness and life tests. And the text itself is replete with philosophical quotes and aphorism.

The image and biography of Mooma Troll

The main feature of a funny resident of the valley throughout his biography remains love for friends. He believes in them and feels terrible if any of his surroundings are unhappy.

Tuva Jansson described it as a teenager. Therefore, the mumy troll is vividly interested in the world that opens outside the house. He loves the sea, as well as collect sinks and pebbles. He likes when guests come, although there is enough relatives in the dwelling.

There are so many exciting things around, but a friend of Snusumumric considers the most secure place to the valley. It is quite curious and bold, not afraid of strange creatures and is easy to contact with new acquaintances. His only phobia is loneliness.

If the best friend of Moomin-Troll in the narration appears by a hermit traveler, then the character of the main character is a dreamy and philosophical. He has to expect comrade all winter, as he leaves for the south to experience the cold season. But when it comes back, all summer people are dedicated to each other, putting in incredible adventures.

The appearance of the central character little reminds of the most sinister giants from Scandinavian mythology. In the pictures illustrating the books of Tuva Jansson, it is a cute and funny creature, something resembling a hypopotam.

Moomin Troll in cartoons

The first shielding of the adventures of the residents of the valley became Japanese cartoons. In 1969, the TV channel Fuji TV launched the broadcast of the anime series about everyday problems of funny characters.

The plot of the paintings was based on the book original, but significantly changed the composition of the actors and their characters. Also, critics noted that the narration was much deeper and more dramatic.

In 1991-1992, Visual 80 and TeleScreen Japan Inc studio in Japan have already released the 3rd anime series, based on the works of the Finnish writer. Interestingly, the producer of this project was the brother Tuva - Lars. The picture was broadcast on the territory of the United States, Norway, Great Britain and even more than 2 dozen countries, including Russia. Due to such a wide coverage of the magic story, found out the whole world.

Frame from the cartoon Mumina Troll and Comet

The action of the series rotates around a curious mummobe, as well as in the books. Even the chronology of events has been saved, which was not in the first screenplay. Residents of the magic valley are not people. Perhaps so they are more humane in actions. The plot of the Japanese cartoon is positive, carries an educational function. And the only negative hero is Morra.

In 1978, a puppet Soviet cartoon was released, consisting of 3 episodes based on the Fairy Troll and Comet fairy tale. He voiced most of the actors, including the main character, Zinovy ​​Gerdt. The artists adhered to compliance with the illustrations of the original, so cartoons turned out exactly how readers were represented by them.

The second cycle, published in 1980, continued the storyline. However, the appearance of the heroes was very different. The decision to change the appearance was caused by the fact that the director planned to give the project an energetic and cheerful tone, and disproportionate creatures with ridiculous little limbs fit poorly into such a concept.

Moomin Troll in Culture

The works of Tuva Jansson were repeatedly set on a large scene. On December 28, 1949, the premiere of the play Vivika Bandeler was held in the Swedish Theater on the basis of a story about the fallen comet. And in 2015, the world saw the first ballet based on the same book. The production was presented in the building of the Finnish National Opera.

In Tampere (in the province of Piccama), a museum dedicated to funny characters was opened. It has original illustrations and three-dimensional layouts that create an atmosphere of the magic valley. And in Natali there is a whole thematic park operating in the summer months.

The musical creativity of the "Neosculs" group is also associated with the work of the Finnish writer. In 2007, the team created the composition "Mumina-Troll and a Wizard Hat", and in 2019 - Mumi-Pope Memoirs.

The production of the character figurines is engaged in the Arabia factory. This also includes souvenirs in the form of mugs and christmas toys with the application of images of heroes.

Interesting Facts

  • Ilya Lagutenko recorded the Russian-language version of the Bring The Snow song as a soundtrack to the Finnish animation film "Moomin Trolli and Christmas".
  • Initially, the name of the Laguthenko group has copied the name of the chief character of the book and did not contain the letters "th".
  • Due to the peculiarities of the Japanese language, the names of some heroes have changed much. For example, Fréken Snork became Sokuodziosan, Hamul - Hamurgen, and Mumi-Troll called Mumin.


"It is impossible to constantly be friendly and sociable. Simply do not have time. "" True, nice, when does anyone miss you and is waiting for you and is waiting for you? "" And then, what to do with a new hat, when will the catastrophe occurs? With the same success, you can die in the old ... "" And I worry every day I worry the end of the world and still continue to dress and undress, there is and wash the dishes, take guests, as if nothing happens! "


  • 1945 - "Little trolls and a large flood"
  • 1946 - "Mumi Troll and Comet"
  • 1948 - "Wizard Hat"
  • 1950 - Memoirs Mumi Pope "
  • 1954 - "Dangerous Summer"
  • 1957 - "Magic Winter"
  • 1962 - "Child Invisible"
  • 1965 - "Dad and the Sea"
  • 1970 - "At the end of November"


  • 1969 - "Mumi-Trolli"
  • 1972 - "New Moomin Trolls"
  • 1977-1982 - "Stories about mumi-trolls"
  • 1978 - "Mumi-Troll and others"
  • 1978 - "Mumina-Troll and Comet"
  • 1978 - "Mumina-Troll and Comet: the way home"
  • 1980 - "Mumi-Dol. The whole thing is in the hat "
  • 1981 - "Mumi-Dol. Summer in mumi-share "
  • 1983 - "Mumi-Dol. In Mumi-Dol comes autumn "
  • 1983 - "Happy Days Mumi Trolls"
  • 1986 - "Winter in the Mooma Trolley Valley"
  • 1990 - "The Adventures of Mumi Trolls"
  • 1992 - "Comet in the Mooma Trolley Valley"
  • 2008 - "Mumi-Trolli and Summer Madness"
  • 2010 - "Mumi Trolli and Comet"
  • 2017 - "Moomin Trolli and Winter Tale"
  • 2019 - "Mumi"

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