Singer Maksim - health condition, 2021, what awaits, now, news, opinion of specialists


In June 2021, it became known that the singer McSim fell ill. Suspected of a coronavirus infection, which rages in the world from the beginning of 2020 and managed to take the lives of millions of people in different countries, was not confirmed at the beginning, but the result of the third test was positive. The state of the performer of hits "Do you know" and "tenderness", which is located in a private clinic, doctors evaluate how stable heavy: more than 2 weeks the artist is in a coma, and its health improvements are not observed.

In the material 24cm - what happens now with Maksim, the latest news about the vocalist and the opinions of the environment and specialist doctors about what she expects in the future.

What happens to Maksim?

Marina Abrosimova, known in Russia and abroad as a performer Maksim, about 3 weeks dwells in a coma. The singer was hospitalized in Moscow in mid-June 2021. On the eve, the celebrity celebrated its 38th birthday, and after played with a concert in Kazan, despite the deterioration of the well-being, which appeared the first alarm symptoms of ORVI and high temperature. Coronavirus test, which was made immediately, gave a negative result.

However, after some time, the state of the singer deteriorated, a decline of forces appeared, difficulty breathing and cough. The ambulance accidentally delivered it to the clinic, where she made a computer tomography and all necessary research was conducted. The test again did not confirm the presence of infection in the body of the artist. Nevertheless, doctors reported a defeat of 40% of the lungs and diagnosed pneumonia. The celebrity told fans about their own well-being, posing a post in "Instagram" with photographs from the hospital chamber. However, later she disappeared from social networks, having ceased to publish fresh news about their state of health and state of health than caused concerns and excitement of fans of her creativity.

On June 19, there were reports that the celebrity was transferred to intensive care. It became known that the singer McSim was introduced by doctors into an artificial one and connected to the pulmonary ventilation apparatus, as it was becoming more harder to breathe it alone. The use of a tight respirator did not help, with which the doctors wanted to relieve the respiratory process. The newly conducted test on COVID-19 was with a positive result. According to physicians, the situation was greatly complicated by a weakened vocalist immunity: they make themselves to know the consequences of the experienced accident and alcohol addiction, from which McSim struggled not so long ago.

Opinions of specialists

It is known that the singer McSim lay in a single ward under the individual supervision of nurses and doctors in a private medical institution in Otradnaya. Later, representatives of celebrities reported that in this hospital it is no longer. Apparently, the actress was transferred to another clinic. Doctors do not hurry with forecasts regarding the further fate of the patient, because the situation has developed serious. It remains to be hoped only to a miracle that will be recovered by celebrities in such circumstances, experts are convinced.

The artist diagnosed the total lung damage: double-sided polysegenic pneumonia. Doctors-pulmonologists and other doctors argue that in concomitant problems with such a diagnosis, in addition to violations of gas exchange and acute respiratory failure, becomes strong inxication of the entire organism, which indicates serious consequences.

According to doctors, the consequences of infection and complications have become quite large-scale due to the fact that the singer did not observe the bed regime as soon as he felt the deterioration of health. The speech at the concert in such a state turned into a planning results for the lung singer: singing leads to strong ventilation of respiratory organs. This contributed to the fact that the infection spread lightning, hitting the lung fabric like a flame that smelves the polyethylene film.

Medics note that the consequences of alcohol abuse affected: a depleted organism cannot cope with so many problems at the same time that attack it from different sides. It is also scientifically proven that alcohol destroys the reserves of nutrients, vitamins and the necessary amino acids in the body that are necessary to combat viruses.

In addition, it is reported that the singer was found symptoms of serious liver damage, so doctors are engaged in additional surveys and eliminating the manifestations of hazardous disease. Opinions of experts have been brought to the fact that the disease managed to go to the chronic stage and could not be felt about himself, or the singer thought she managed to cure.

Other doctors support colleagues, do not answer questions about the fact that the celebrity is waiting for and do not give comforting forecasts to relatives about the state of health of the singer Maksim. The pulmonologist Vyacheslav Ovechkin explained that the translation of the patient with IVL on an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) does not bear hopes for improving the situation. This means much greater hard measures compared to artificial ventilation. In addition, restrictions are established for the period of stay under the IVL apparatus on the eve of the translation: no more than 5 days. The reverse translation of the human body is usually also perceived extremely difficult. Therefore, the chances of restoring experts are estimated as negligible.

Director of the singer Margarita Sokolova also assessed the likelihood of her recovery. According to the representative of Maksim, there is hope for improving the situation. The results of the re-tomography, which showed the seal detected before the foci of infection in the lungs and new formations with signs of regression. Thus, the situation did not deteriorate, but also to talk about noticeable improvements early.

Yana Bogushevskaya, working as a PR manager of the singer Maksim, told about his own vision of the situation. According to her, there is hope for a positive development of events, because the celebrity is a young and strong woman, so her body will be able to cope with the disease. The numerous celebrity fans army does not lose hope for a positive outcome of the situation and prays her recovery.

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