Interesting Facts about Tatyana Golikova - Childhood, Husband, Children, Rest, Bans


On February 9, 2021, Tatyana Golikova, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Ex-Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and the Ex-Minister of Health, notes. Foreign media many years ago rightfully assigned a woman the status of the "most beautiful minister". In the working environment of Golikov - serious and strict, and outside the service it is charming, cheerful, but at the same time wounded and romantic nature.

These and other interesting facts about Tatyana Golikova - in the material 24cm.

Tears politics

In rare interviews on "non-political" themes, you can sometimes find interesting facts about Tatyana Golikova. Often a woman avoids questions about personal who do not concern work. But one day, the statesman said that it was difficult for her to keep the emotions of the dignity, or, on the contrary, when he sees human suffering, grief. With outsiders, people try not to show this, but at home alone gives the will of the feelings.

Tatyana Golikova also considers himself a romantic nature. She shared a touching fact of life as her husband congratulated her on the day of Angel, January 25th. At home, the spouse put baskets with flowers, and in the bedroom there was a "tiny rag angel" in the table. It not only raised the mood, but so lost a woman that she did not restrain the tears.

Tatyana Golikova herself also loves to make her husband and loved people. In addition to things and material values, it tries to come up with something touching and memorable. For example, write down video spending, come up with a comic greeting.

Golikova at home

Communication with her husband, family and home duties Tatyana Alekseevna tries to devote half Saturday and Sunday. For her, these are holy and inviolable days: colleagues asks not to disturb at this time on workers. An interesting fact about Tatiana Golikova: In relations with her husband, they also have a rule: not to discuss the work of the house. Tatyana Alekseevna believes that for family communication and so it remains very little time, so trying to avoid workers, even if an irresistible desire to find out the opinion of your husband on political or state issues. Also, the politician admitted that the offer to become minister immediately answered that he did not want to work with her husband in the government, he considers it wrong.

Tatyana Golikova

Poverty and work

The childhood of the famous woman-politics up to 8 years passed in Mytishchi, in the house of grandmother, a strict and combat woman. The family lived in the barrack, the amenities were located outside, recalls the fact of Tatyana Golikov's life. In kindergarten, she and cousin did not go, helped to keep the economy and performed most of the domestic duties, as the grandmother was sick and walked with difficulty. But the discipline was iron. Girls cleaned the courtyard, polish polish, prepared food, washed floor. Despite household difficulties, Tatiana Golikova remained bright and joyful memories of childhood. There were many friends, and the problems simply did not pay attention.

The politician notes that it is well known what poverty is, the lack of money in the wallet and what it is - to refuse themselves in everything. "It happened that not something to collect dinner," recalls Tatiana Alekseevna. But at the same time she never waited for help from outsiders, always achieved everything with their work.


To rest and distract from work, on the weekend Tatyana Golikova devotes free time with cooking. Crown dish - soups, a lot of favorite family recipes. Also in the family love vegetables. Tatyana Alekseevna admits that with her husband regularly holds post.

The politician notes that their home is very welcoming, she loves when friends and relatives come to them and are staying late. At work for obvious reasons, not to fun, it is necessary to look serious and focused, and in the home setting of Tatyana Alekseevna a cheerful and friendly man and anyone in the company of friends will not let you bored and sad.

Children of her husband

Tatyana Alekseevna married the second time. Golikova's common children and her wife Viktor Khristenko, who is older than 10 years old, no. Victor has children from the previous marriage. Politician is recognized that they could love them very much, glad when they come to visit. Often they all go to relax, they communicate a lot. This makes relations in the family even more gentle and touching, Tatyana Alekseevna believes.

But the feelings of pity, according to Golikova, should not be between the spouses. She perceives her husband as a father and spouse, but at the same time not putting these concepts above each other. After all, children grow up and leave, and a man stays next to. And with this person you need to be ready to meet old age.

Interesting Facts about Tatyana Golikova - Childhood, Husband, Children, Rest, Bans 5689_2

Prohibition on trousers

Fact from the life of the famous Female Minister: during working hours there are always strict skirts or business dresses. The habit of not coming to work in pants appeared in the 90s, when Golikova worked in the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR. Then she once came in pants to work after the watch on a vegetable base. Senior colleagues made a woman comment: "So it is impossible." Since then, it has become a ban for it, strict rule, a kind of dress code. In addition, the habit of paying attention to appearance, clothes, makeup helps Tatiana Alekseevna do not forget that she is not only a politician, but also a woman. The main recipe for beauty from the policy: "Love and be your beloved."


At the end of the selection, another interesting fact about Tatyana Golikova. In an interview with the politician once noted that he did not like the word "official", although it came from Tsarist Russia and was not originally endowed with a negative color. However, in the modern world, the minister believes, the concept has become "abusive", it sticks to it all "not good". Among the officials also "there are both good and bad, as among ordinary people," convinced Golikov.

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