Charlie Weasley (Character) - Photo, Actor, "Harry Potter", Arthur Weasley


Character History

Charlie Weasley is a secondary character franchise about Harry Potter. The second son of the son of Molly and Arthur, according to Joan Rowling, was interested in dragon more than women, therefore was not married and did not have children.

History of character creation

Family Weasley are purebred wizards, because of friendship with the Magali-ordered blood traitors. Thanks to the upbringing, each of the seven children received immunity to such statements and did not consider "dirty" unworthy communication.

The British writer demonstrated a friendly family readers, everyone in which he managed to distinguish any abilities. On the pages of books, the attitude of Joan Rowling to these characters is traced. Obviously, the author experienced admiration for caring Molly, because she managed to raise six decent sons and daughter Ginny Weasley.

The magic universe is filled with bright heroes, confusing plot lines and in detail of the images. Unfortunately, not all literary prototypes from Ptterians found an embodiment on the screens. It was also touched by Charlie, although the guy did not infuriate the guy in the novels to the eldest brother - Bill Weasley.

About the young man reader finds out indirectly, from dialogues and memories. The first appearance of the lover of dragons happen in the book "Harry Potter and the Fire Cup", where he comes from Romania to the tournament of three wizards. Further biography of the guy is connected with the second Order of the Phoenix. Like the other family members, the former student did not stay away from the threat arising and stood on the defense of Hogwarts.

Fans have doubts about its orientation. Each of the kind of purebred wizards entered into a marriage, and the grandchildren also brought up Molly years. Charlie did not get his wife and children, which contributed to a number of tricky issues addressed to the writer. Joan explained that the real love of this character is dragons, and everything else is the reporters speculation.

As for the films, the purposeful son of Arthur appeared in the adaptation in the image - it was a photo from vacation in Egypt. Actor Alex Crocford, according to the quotes from an interview, initially passed Casting for the role of Perscy Weasley. And completely unexpectedly received an offer to play his brother.

Image and biography Charlie Weasley

The year of birth of the hero - 1972, at the 12th-year-old, the teenager entered Hogwarts, where he was defined at the Faculty of Gryffindor. Despite the fact that the family could not be called prosperous, the parents provided the child with everything necessary: ​​mantle, a magic wand and other magical objects.

In school, the teenager was not bragged with excellent marks, although he could become the best if not hobbies and passion for dragons. Since childhood, the student knew how to fly on a broom, so he joined the ranks of the players in Kviddich. The ability of his father, Arthur Weasley, was handed over to his son. Soon Charlie became a catcher, almost as good as Harry. And she ended Hogwarts is the captain of the team.

On the 2nd course, the guy decided for himself, which will connect life with the study of the winged animals. Therefore, a number of disciplines chose with a number of disciplines, which considered the desired specialty.

Seeing for the first time these magical beings, Charles "got sick." And he had to try hard, learning in many ways independently to achieve the goal. The student's zeal noticed, so immediately after passing the final exams, he received an invitation to the Romanian reserve. It also worked there and during the formation of the second Order of the Phoenix.

When a young man became known that the British Ministry of Magic plans to send dragons to the tournament in Hogwarts, he was easily part of the accompanying expedition.

For a character, it was an excellent chance to meet with the family and visit home. In addition, the lover of winged animals was important to hear reliable news about the situation associated with the revival of Wolan de Morta. On the contest, a graduate school of magic finally met with close friends of Ron - Hermione Granger and Harry Potter.

When Dumbledore revived the Order of Phoenix, Charles remained in Romania, but assumed an important function in the war against the Dark Lord. So, the dragonologist attracted to the work of foreign magicians.

Nevertheless, the guy joined the family in the battle for Hogwarts, although not immediately. He arrived together with Horacium Slugork, Professor of Potrevia. They headed voluntary reinforcement, in which friends and relatives of school students were held.

Actually, such aid has become decisive in the battle. Charlie strengthened the defeated castle and helped to discard the army of deaths.

The appearance of this character retains the main trait of all weasley - red hair. Although because of a long stay in the sun, they burned to a light golden shade. According to the physique, the dragonist resembles the twins Weasley. He has a knocked figure, developed muscles and low growth. Bright blue eyes, an open smile, nice features of the face - such a description gave the hero Joan Rowling.

From the clothes, a purebred wizard prefers ordinary jeans and shirts. In Romania, he acquired products from dragon skin, although in Britain such goods were not affordable to his family.

The appearance of Charlie is deceptive. Although he gives the impression of a sincere and mental person, in fact it is hidden. In fact, the guy adheres to the opinion that it is better for words - only a matter. It may seem that he will intentionally keep in human society, preferring the care of winged animals. And it will be partly the right statement, only it does not apply to the relationship with the sister and the brothers.

With them, a professional in the field of magical creatures feels better than with unfamiliar people. And it is not surprising, because the privacy in the reserve influenced the character of the guy.

From the late biography, it is known that he continued to study the dragons. Rita Skiter in the summer of 2014 curious about the reasons for the celibacy of Brother Ron, trying, obviously, to wake a reason for the screaming header. But attempts by the journalist to blacken the name of the specialist were not crowned with success.

The character also entered the special composition of the wizards who visited the sanctuary of dragons. Subsequently, Charles wrote work on weak places in the skins of these creatures, trying to minimize the damage that animals could bring people.

Interesting Facts

  • The hero became a shhefer at the wedding Fleur Deklakur and Bill.
  • The graduation work of the dragonologist was the manufacture of two amulets. The first defended from the fire, the second slowed down.
  • In Hogwarts, the student became close to Hagrid, who liked the zeal of the student in care of magical animals.
  • After the guy bought himself a new magic wand in Romania, old inherited Ron.
  • Charlie is the only one from the family who appeared in the films only in the photo.


  • 1997 - "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"
  • 1998 - "Harry Potter and a Secret Room"
  • 1999 - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban"
  • 2000 - "Harry Potter and Fire Cup"
  • 2003 - "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix"
  • 2005 - "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"
  • 2007 - "Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows"


  • 2001 - "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone"
  • 2002 - "Harry Potter and a Secret Room"
  • 2004 - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban"
  • 2007 - "Harry Potter and Order of Phoenix"
  • 2009 - Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince
  • 2010 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part I "
  • 2011 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part II "

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