Fred Weasley (character) - photo, actor, "harry potter", James Phelps


Character History

Fred Weasley - Son Molly and Arthur Weasley, senior of twins. Garry Potter's cycle cycle character was distinguished by irrepressible energy, talent in everything to see positive. Those unexpectedly for the audience turned out to be the tragic fate of the hero.

History of character creation

Joan Rowling, prescribing the images of the family of purebred wizard, endowed each of them certain talents. The older brothers - Bill and Charlie Weasley - diligently studied, were olders and subsequently got a dream of a dream. Ron also did not destroy the tradition, demonstrating success in the art of magic.

Stay in Hogwarts became the platform for the disclosure of their natural talents. As for the twins, they distinguished themselves in the other. Provided that the guys were far from stupid, the exams were handed over to lower points.

Fred and George Weasley, according to the British writer, are one of the most favorite franchise characters. According to quotations from an interview, Joan Rowling from the first line knew who she would have to kill. And it was not easy to author.

Thanks to these adolescents, the cozy House Arthur and Molly sometimes looked like a battlefield. In the books of descriptions of experiments and their consequences, perhaps, act as the most funny details of the narration.

Merchant entertained readers throughout the story about the young wizard. And even despite the obvious inconsistencies in appearance between the literary prototypes and their cinery, two mischievous guys fairly won the recognition of fans.

Image and biography Fred Weasley

Gemini appeared on April 1, 1978. The date of birth did not accidentally coincided with the day of laughter - in childhood both delivered the mother to their big problems with their cereals. Fred was a little older, which seems to be reflected on the relationships of the brothers.

The boy in this explosive duet was the unlawful leader - answered the ideas, was the start, although George tried to keep up. Strong energy beat the key, forcing Molly to shudder from the sons of suspicious noise from the bedroom.

Gemini broke the stereotype that the mother never confuses one offset with another. Fred was easily misleading Molly, introduced by George. The boys were so similar to each other and outwardly, both in nature, and on behavior that they did not constitute a difficult to fool even close.

Difficulties in connection with endless trips and experiments lay on the shoulders of teachers of the School of Magic, when adolescents entered Hogwarts. Like the older weasley, the guys fell to the Faculty of Gryffindor. And parents began to regularly receive letters with complaints on sons.

From the 1st Course Fred rated opening prospects and a new platform for incredible inventions. With a tripled force, he came up with things that had fun friends and led to the frenzy of teachers. The first in "disfavor" came the Zaughz Filch, who soon even built a separate box in the office, which folded records about the assigned to the brothers Weasley punishments.

On the 2nd course, the guys had a new passion - together they joined the team of Quiddich as a pen. Another a year later, Meschakaki met Harry Potter, who soon also entered the national team. The senior twin admired the game of a young wizard and stated that with this catcher, their team will certainly win the championship.

In the summer of Fred, George and Ron make a dangerous operation on the challenges of the boy with a scar from the house of adoptive parents. For this they had to "borrow" from the Father Flying Machine. The eldest was driving and led the rescue process.

At the 5th year, contrary to the hopes of the parents, none of the young inventors became an old-age. But both of this fact were only glad, because they believed that only fools were worthy of such a title. Meanwhile, the main initiator of pants formed a different goal in life - to win the Cup in your favorite game.

The path to victory was not easy, but in the final Gryffindor received the 1st place. After the triumph, the twins sat for preparing for exams, and eventually handed over the owls with the lowest balas, barely reaching passing.

In the same period, the ideological inspirer of the creative tandem was thinking about the monetization of his experiments. The guys began to produce comic things, calling them the "horror strokes of weasley." The matter went successfully: soon young talents threw orders.

Business required financial investments. Fred during the world championship set savings on the result of the final match. The joy of winnings was replaced by a disorder - a fee was given to Leprechaun gold, which soon disappeared.

Attempts to restore justice did not lead to success, which was oppressed by the young inventor. In the end, Harry Potter helped the twins, passing their money from victory in the tournament of three wizards.

When Dolores Ambridge settled in Hogwarts, Fred declared war on her. For a series of tricks, the new director of Hogwarts expelled both brothers. Finally, lovers to arrange draws launched an incredible fireworks in the building with loud flappers flying dragons and bombs.

After the triumphant graduation of learning, the red-haired initiator of pranks together opened the store in the braid alley, the guys and lived there. At Christmas returned home, where they played with Ginny Weasley and entertained local girls with incredible focus.

When the threat from Volan de Morta became a real, the unlawful leader of the Duet of the famous jokers decided to return to the castle. Not in the character of the guy was sitting in the shade. During the battle for Hogwarts, the explosive wave covered with him Ron, Harry and Hermione Granger. Senior of Weasley twins died, and his death for George became a non-healing wound.

Fred Weasley in films

Of course, the screening of magical history would be incomplete without the participation of famous experimenters in it. Gemini forced readers to laugh up to tears with their leavings, so it was expected that their films would give the films a humorous notch.

Fred's role was performed by James Phelps, and his brother Oliver played George. Both young actors since childhood were read by the works of Joan Rowling, so when he heard about listening, they decided to try their happiness.

The road to 200 miles from the house became the take-off band - the Phelps brothers were approved on the role of red-haired wizards. As a result, they participated in all parts of the franchise.

As well as literary prototypes, James and Oliver are like two drops of water, except for the pair of details. Once they decided to take advantage of this and changed places. But the deception still revealed, so the guys made the scenes.

Unlike the image in the books where Fred is medium height and below Ron, in the film, the opposite is the opposite. Both twins are launch and slender, but such inaccuracy did not affect the impression of the game of actors.

Interesting Facts

  • In school years, the character was in love with Angelina Johnson, although direct instructions on the fact that students meet was not in books or on the screen.
  • In honor of the deceased brother George called the Son.
  • According to one theory, Molly called children in honor of Fabian and Gideon Pruietov - according to the first letters of their names.
  • Hagrid compared the pranksters of young experimenters and their love for draws with such tricks of Sirius and James.
  • The only moment when in the literary biography and on the screen heroes arise separately, - the operation "Seven Potters".
  • During the same mission, Fred, reincarnated in Harry, played Daniel Radcliffe.
  • Because of the tricks of the older brother, Ron got arachnophobia.
  • The tragically deceased hero was the first of Weasley, who shook his hand back after a long conflict with the family of Percy.


You will ask less - you hear less lies! ... no need to forget that he knows how to move faster than Severus Snape from shampoo.


  • 1997 - "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"
  • 1998 - "Harry Potter and a Secret Room"
  • 1999 - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban"
  • 2000 - "Harry Potter and Fire Cup"
  • 2003 - "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix"
  • 2005 - "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"
  • 2007 - "Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows"


  • 2001 - "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone"
  • 2002 - "Harry Potter and a Secret Room"
  • 2004 - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban"
  • 2007 - "Harry Potter and Order of Phoenix"
  • 2009 - Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince
  • 2010 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part I "
  • 2011 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part II "

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