The history of love Anna Herman and Zbignev Tukholsky - acquaintance, relationship, son, fate


Estrada Star, whose voice admired millions of people throughout Eurasia - from the simple Soviet worker to the Pope of Roman. And a simple engineer of the Department of Metal Science. It seems that these two can not bind anything. But such an opinion is erroneous, because there are no distances and obstacles for feelings.

The story of the love of Anna Herman and Zbignev Tukholsky, starting with dating and ending with the tragic final of the relationship - in the material 24cm.

Suitcases, correspondence and meetings

Posted to another business trip to the city of Wroclaw Polish engineer, having understood with the instructions of the higher authorities, I realized that before the reverse train in Warsaw remains more time. Which, by the way, there is nothing at all. And hot weather as if suggested, which is expected to go, - of course, to the pool.

The suitcase does not want to take his hand in the wardrobe, deciding to leave a small luggage on the care of someone from the already resting visitors near the water. It remained only to find a suitable person and agree. Then the engineer and noticed the person worthy of, at first glance, confidence in the conservation of belongings, - a charming blonde girl, located near the side of the pool and the book absorbed by reading.

The stranger agreed to look at the things turned to her arrived. With this random meeting, a predetermined fate for both, and the story of the love of Anna Herman and Zbignev Tukholsky, the famous singer and her future husband began, who had always supported her beloved in the most difficult moments of life.

Tukholsky himself recalled: he did not spend and half an hour in the water. Yes, and choosing, I did not dare to abuse the girl's time, although I wanted to get acquainted with the last closer. Everything in the end was brightened to a short conversation for free topics, from which Zbigniew delivered only that the girl is called Anna. And that communication turned out to be enjoyable both for him and for a charming interlocutor.

In the words that a new acquaintance, then, who herself did not suspect that the fate of real celebrity was prepared, and sometimes sings, and sometimes even rides a tour, the man did not give much importance. Saw only in the head that she soon ends the university in which he was studying on geologist.

Anna and Zbignev exchanged postal addresses, and at each other, people who were separated by hundreds of kilometers, had a lively correspondence. Random acquaintances exchanged postcards, photographs, letters, gradually recognizing each other all better and approaching.

Managed and see. In one such meeting, Zbigniew Tukholsky for the first time and heard the girl who faded his girl named Anna sings. And I realized that the glory of the star was prepared. After all, even his, far from art, Herman's voice struck to the very depths of the soul.

Without stamp

Anna and Zbignev soon realized that their attitude to each other could be called simply friendship. According to the memories of the Herman, "her grades" constantly cut the time to take at least once a week, on weekends, to visit the girlfriend concert. Give flowers, admire with a magic voice, support and calm down. Regardless of which city, the next tour was entered.

Tukholsky already and other members of the troupe considered hardly a happy talisman - worried until he appeared in the hall Sunday morning. And then hurried to please Herman: "Your came!"

But the story of the love of Anna Herman and Zbignev Tukholsky, like any other, did not cost any incident: the couple could not arrange the relationship officially, although no first year lived together.

The singer at that moment the quarry went uphill. But it affected the first not on income, but on the need to spend even more time in the road. For Anna in the first place there was singing.

And the "her grades", which supported and soothered, was invariably. And to talk about how to build life further, Hermann was recognized in Memoirs, she was simply afraid, considering it possible to scare away a loved one. Hoping that everything will be resolved by itself.

Similar motives were also in Tukholsky. Understanding how much his beloved is to sing, he preferred to always stay next to her in difficult moments, helping and allowing to pay off after the stress of the difficult nomadic life of the artist. And again repeating that Anna is given over the wonderful gift, which is obliged to share with others. But not a calling about marriage.

And it is unknown, as far as the uncertainty in the relationships of two loving hearts would have been delayed, if during the tour in Italy in 1967, an accident did not happen, almost put the cross on the life and career of Anna Herman.

Accident and recovery

Asleep driver. With a terrible grinding, crumpled hood flew into the car fence. Broken glass.

The broken body of the singer pumped out of the salon and took two tens of meters away from the road. Even the arrived doctors did not find them immediately, taking first only the flew of Renato fractures, which was behind the wheel of the producer Anna in Italy.

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Then there were two weeks of coma, when doctors only vaguely diluted with their hands without deciding to make forecasts. And the months of recovery, when - after removing the plaster - the singer had to re-learn not only to walk, but also sit, and also breathe full of breasts.

And the zbigniews were invariably. As before, calm, confident. And ready to support and stroke through the hair, soothing again weeping Anna. With his help, she did the first after the accident, still unsure, the steps on the embankment of the Vistula, where at night, when the city ran away and the streets were empty, she drank the singer "her grades".

And Herman's herself continued to torment himself, trying to convince Tukholsky that she was such a "broken" - not needed, chasing away and offering to start an independent life without her. And with horror, he was squeezed out waiting that he would answer such a proposal agreement. But invariably stumbled into calm promises that everything will be fine that Anna will recover, and Zbignene himself will help her.

And then go away, if she decides so.

A son

And one day this day after all. In the apartment, turned into a "Recovery Sportgorod" and therefore hung with ropes and handrails, holding for Anna could walk, entered the joyfully smiling zbignev with a bouquet of flowers. And stated that he marries.

For Anna, then the world, who just began to regain bright colors, crashed into the Miriad of Black and White Shards. It remained to accept. After all, Herman himself aggressively repelled Tukholsky all the time of treatment, convincing starting a new life, find new love.

Trying to withstand the next blow of fate and save the face, barely started to move on his own singer could only squeeze a smile and ask who still became happy, who stole her beloved. To hear that after all the experience, it simply does not have a moral right to abandon the proposal of the hand and the heart of his old friend.

The wedding was played in 1972, hoping without loud ceremonies. Painted in the registry office of Polish resort Zakopane, inviting themselves as witnesses randomly encountered in the town of acquaintances. And in three years, despite the concerns of the doctors, Anna Hermann gave birth to the second "his Zubyek" - Son.

The boy of a happy mother called a little hengear - he was born large, by the third month we were already weighed eight kilos - and, trying to give her son as much time as possible, terribly worried that he could not sing. Do not go on tour, but spending time with a child who has done it truly happy.

But from each trip invariably brought something small Zubyek something. Railway, typewriter, airplane - the child went to his father and became interested in technician and mechanisms. Even my mother asked to sing about the train before bed - did not like lullaby. As, however, and did not love at all when mom sang. As Hermann herself wrote, he had heard, while she was going to appear.

Family happiness, who gave Anna Hermann confidence in the future, turned out to be short. In 1980, right at the concert, the singer suddenly became bad. And then the doctors diagnosed - "cancer".

And again - operations and smell of the hospital. And concerts - because, even feeling an approaching death, not to sing Anna could not. Let through force. Let hiding the tears of pain behind dark glasses of glasses. But continued to delight fans with their magic voice.

The last tour to Australia had to be interrupted due to the exacerbation of the disease. And the treatment to continue at home.

In August 1982, Anna Herman was not - the singer left his life, having time to take baptism a couple of months to death and marry her beloved husband.

Life after

The widowed spouse preferred not to look for happiness on the other and concentrated on the upbringing of the son, who closed after the death of the mother.

Zbignev Jr. went in the footsteps of the Father and received a doctoral degree, defending his thesis on the story so much loved by him since childhood. And even received the Award of the Polish Academy of Sciences in 2016. But she did not marry, to the chagrin of the parent.

The story of the love of Anna Herman and Zbignev Tukholsky did not end after the death of the singer - continued in memory, which she kept and not married more husband celebrities. And in their son, preferring not to discuss with the press of their own mother, but still gloomy when he hears songs in its performance.

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