Series "Tribes of Europe" (2021) - Release date, Actors and Roles, Trailer, NetFlix


The series "Tribes of Europe", the release date of which is scheduled for February 19, 2021, is anti-spectopia from the producers of the Multi-Hit "Darkness". This time the plot will tell about the events of 2074, when Europe began to live in the medieval rules. Two brothers and sisters were in the center of bloody wars and are forced by the will of the case to stop the conflict on Earth.

Actors, Roles and Interesting Facts of the Show - in Material 24cm.

Actors and roles

The main roles of the multiserial project were filmed:
  • Henrietta Confucurius - Liv, brought into the struggle for family freedom;
  • Emilio Sacraya - Kiano, who became the hostage of one of the tribes fighting for power;
  • David Ali Rassed - Elya, in the hands of which was hit by artifact, endowed with force and helping to prevent war;
  • Melika forustr - Varvara;
  • Oliver Mazucchi - Moses.

Spectators will also see in secondary roles and in the episodes of the following actors. : Ana Ularu, Robert Finster, Jegestheat Hein, Klaus Tang, Jim Hai, Igor Pechenev, Pavel Bai and others.


The series "Tribes of Europe" is prepared for the show by order of Netflix. The director's chair of the project was divided by Philipp Koh and Florian Baxmeyer, who became the director of the multi-siever film "Place of Crime." Koch also performed as the author of the show scenario.

Quirin Berg and Max Vidman became produced by the producers, which built the plot of the "darkness" hit around the time loop, which added intricateings in the frame in the frame. Then the original project was compared with TV series "Twin-Pix", "Chernobyl: an alienation zone" and "very strange things." Complemented the visual series of a hypnotizing soundtrack, a nordic fog and dope in the thoughts of heroes.

Judging by the trailer, forest landscapes and music that causing anxiety from the first sounds remains. A storyline will be added with power and complete drama episodes of fights. The show is also expected to rigidity, violence, scenes of battle and true kindness of characters.

Judging by the description, the Oliver Mazucchi actor will appear in the project, who fulfilled the role of the head of the Ulrich Nielsen family in the "darkness". Henrietta Confucurius is known to the audience on the television films "Crime Scene" and "Lost Daughter". Emilio Sakrayya "lit up" in the project "Nuns-Warrior". And for David Ali Rassed, the series "Tribes of Europe" is a debut work in cinema.


Clinton Schoter worked on musical accompaniment. In the Composer filmography, such projects such as the "abode of evil", "District No. 9", "Space". The project's entertainment was provided by the artist Julian Wagner, famous for the works in the Drama "Titan" and Fantasy "Cold Heart".

A mysterious artifact appears in the frame, which fell into the hands of heroes after the fall of the aircraft. According to the plot, it is assumed that the mysterious cube is able to show the future, on the course of events of which heroes can affect. Behind the cube is a hunting tribes wishing to win power in Europe.

According to the episodes of the trailer, it is difficult to imagine the interlacing of the plot. But it is obvious that the artifact will play a key role in the development of events and in the life of the main characters.


Spectators discuss the origin of the Cuba and put forward the theory that without Russians in the history of the creation of the artifact did not cost. Also causes an interest a love line, which, judging by the name, is not planned as a key.

Fantasy fans express the hope that the novelty will be at the level of the series "Darkness" and "hundred". An analogy with the film "Divergent" has been held. There are those who are disappointed with the gloomy of the postpocalyptic world shown in the trailer.

The series "Tribes of Europe" fell in expectations of the audience with a rating of 97%.

Series "Tribes of Europe" - Trailer:

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