Gabriel Agret (character) - photos, pictures, "Lady Bag and Super-Cat", Father Adrian Agrest


Character History

Gabriel Agret - a character of the French-Korean animated series about superhero "Lady Bag and Super Cat." The father of Adrian Agret, a tin businessman and a talented fashion designer, in fact, is a cunning and powerful villain, trying to destroy the defenders of Paris.

History of character creation

The location in the cartoon is determined by one location - Paris. The plot is spinning around two classmates - Marinett Dupen-Chen and Adrian Agret. Teenagers took over a big responsibility and became superheroes designed to defend the city from the Bringer.

The guys in each series have to face sharks - creatures that are put into people, turning them into antiheroev. Thanks to the stones, Miracles Marinett and Adrian are becoming a super-cat and Lady Bag. Every time they manage to free a person from an angry entity, but it does not solve the main problem, as they do not know who is actually a brandler.

The original concept of the animated series came up with a director, producer and screenwriter Thomas Astryuk back in 2005. Lady Bag became the first manner, and after Thomas began to develop the plot, adding new characters. The result was a whole universe, filled with fantastic beings (kvami), incredible intersections of the plot lines and instructive motifs.

Initially, the project was intended for adolescents, because political motives were traced in it. Later it was decided to simplify the show to attract a younger audience. The ideas of creating a kind of superhero team, which would be competing marvel, but the developers decided to stick to the original concept.

Despite the fact that the Astryuk, during the preparation of filming, relied on the pictures characteristic of Japanese animation and American comics, he managed to release a truly unique product to television, which gathered near the screens of millions of children from around the world.

The success of the animated series is indisputable: brand products, video games, numerous spin-offs are only one side of the popularity of mysterious superheroes. To Lady Bag and Super Cote to do in the Universe, it was necessary to introduce a decent opponent.

They became a tricky brahnik, skillfully playing the negative emotions of people. When the first season came out, the show fans tried to guess who hidden behind the mask of dangerous villain. Soon everyone learned that the man who holds the city in suspension, - a businessman and designer Gabriel Agret - is the father of Adrian.

Close people found themselves to the different side of the barricades, which also more intrigued the audience. For all seasons, the main persons can only guess about the true personality of each other, which also adds intrigues to the plot. Love Marinett to the agriculture and super-cat to Lady Bag gave the audience many additional sharp moments.

The name of the main antagonist of the series speaks for itself. The brahniks are called a whole family of butterflies belonging to the detachment of scales. The surname of Gabriel is also chosen according to his way. In French, the word agreste fixed as the title of butterflies of the view of Satir Borovaya.

The life of these insects is fleeting. Like an evil that extends Gabriel, reincarnated in the brash with a stone of moths. A comparison with these air and light creatures gives a hint that the motifs of the hero are not so unequivocal, as it seems at first glance.

Image and biography of Gabriel Agret

Artists presented a character of medium height, about 40 years old, dressed in a classic suit with a white jacket and red pants. Men have a combed white hair and big blue eyes. In the tone to the costume Gabriel wears a white-red tie, and especially attentive viewers could see that he was hiding the stone of miracles.

When the aggrete senior is reincarnated in the brash, his eyes acquire a purple shade. The outfit of the villain is a black vest, black pants and the same color gloves. Suit shakes a light bow, made in the shape of a butterfly.

The supercharge of the character is to acuine. He infects the butterfly to Akuma, so that this flew to the sacrifice and moved into it, penetrating into the favorite item - for example, an umbrella or a telephone. At this point, telepathic communications arises between man and villain, and the owner of Muli's stone tells the rules of the game.

According to the contract, the victim should take the miracles from Lady Bug and Super Cot with any ways and give the mystical artifacts to the brash. Instead, the antagonist gives man Supersoul, thanks to which he becomes invincible.

Where did Gabriel, the desire to take possession of stones, will become clear if you trace his early biography. In the animated series, Emily Agret is mentioned - the wife of the hero. It is not quite clear why a woman died and died at all. But the businessman is looking for ways to return or resurrect the spouse.

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Emily Spectators could see on the computer of the computer Adriana - the boy put her photo on the desktop in his youth, where that is 17 years old.

Gabriel finds out that if collecting stones together, it will be possible to fulfill any desire, including to return to Emily. For this, the aggress is capable of everything, including murder.

Because of the fear of losing a family - the only son - Gabriel became strict and even tough. Love for the boy manifests itself in the fact that he is trying to keep the child in the house, believing as if she would protect him.

As a brandist, a man appears to tricky, indifferent to someone else's pain and decisive. He is little worried that because of the goal, innocent will suffer god-like power. For the villain of the victim of Akuma - weapons with which he is trying to achieve the desired one. Therefore, anti-hero carefully chooses a person who will become an obedient puppet in his hands.

On the bait come across those who are in a state of stress, anger, hatred or sadness. Pretending to the Savior, the brahnik skillfully presses the right levers, forcing a person to take a dangerous gift.

Of course, Gabriel tightened when Emily disappeared from life. But it did not break the man completely. He still madly loves his son, but protection methods borders with tyranny in relation to the boy. Even on the birthday of Adrian, he asks to take care of the surprise of Natalie's assistant.

When Lady Bag began to guess the true personality of the brahnik, Gabriel decided to take suspicion of herself and acuisalized. In the "Collector" series, when Marinett gives the book of wonders, poked from the Safe of Senior, Master Fu, everything becomes in its place. The fan hypothesis that the father of Adrian is the main antagonist of the animated series, is confirmed.

There are many mysteries and theories regarding the Quantic Universe. All of them will certainly be solved in the scheduled few seasons. The main question that worries fans is whether Gabriel will be a grandfather and whether they will finally create a couple of Marinett and Adrian. There is also hypotheses that another person will become a brahnik.


"Cooking, call me a brahnik. From this point on, you can manage any person. "" New existence environment is new rules, Lady Bag. This time you do not win you: because the ladybirds do not live under water! "" This is the most pious, the most angry and most picky human being, what I have ever seen. It will be a masterpiece - the perfect superstooth! "

Interesting Facts

  • Actor Konstantin Karasik, who voiced the brahnik, became a voice and for other characters animated series - Kim, Tom Dupene, Damocla and Andre Bourgeois.
  • The antagonist quotes is not enough, but almost all of them enter into themselves the threats towards Lady Bag and Super Cot. At the end of each series, the villain recognizes the next defeat and in handling superhero promises an ambulance rolling.
  • Quay villain is called Nuuru.


  • 2015-2019 - "Lady Bag and Super Cat"

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