Stars, buried ahead of time - Russian, news, media, reason


To attract the attention of the Internet audience, the media often use "loud" headlines containing false, distorted or exaggerated information. Often these methods do not carry anything criminal and cause only discontent and disappointment from readers. But sometimes journalists are moving all the permissible borders, publishing unverified information and news in which we are talking about the death of famous people.

Such stories are not uncommon and in 2021. In material 24cmi - stars, "buried" ahead of time.

Anna Khilkevich

In February 2021, Anna Hilkevich saw the shocking news in the media about what she died. As it turned out, false information appeared in Wikipedia, where they indicated the date of death of the actress. Fans attacked the celebrity issues in "Instagram", to which she answered by a new publication, where he placed a fresh photograph of himself and noted that she still had many plans and unfinished affairs. The mistake was quickly eliminated, but, according to Anna, she had unpleasant feelings, "as if he returned from that light."

Gennady Khazanov

In July 2020, Gennady Khazanov also became a victim of unscrupulous media. On the eve, the Russian artist went to the clinic on a planned examination, which served as a reason for the absurd headlines and shocking news on the Internet. Khazanov replied that with him "everything is fine," and asked for fans not to worry about his health. And his colleague and assistant Tabriz Shahidi called the authors of these articles by madmen and explained that this situation was very upset by the artist.

Dmitry Pevtsov

In the fall of 2020, the actor Dmitry Pevtsov was in a similar situation, seeing publications about his death. The artist recorded a video, in which Ironia said that he was alive and well. Sad rumors he called a sign of a long and happy life. The reason for their appearance probably consisted that singers bought a place in a cemetery near the grave of the Son who died in 2012.

Boris Moiseev

Information about the death of Boris Moiseeva appeared in 2010, after he was in the hospital with a stroke. "Duck" denied the close people of celebrities, told that Moses is amended. After a couple of months, the artist was discharged from the medical institution.

Alexey Panin

Ukrainian media "buried" Alexey Panin in 2016. In publications, with reference to Russian sites, it was reported that the actor fell into a deadly accident, having left for the oncoming lane and faced with a truck car. The information turned out to be false.

Grigory Leps

Musician Gregory Leps has repeatedly recognized about his own death. In 2011, he was "buried" because of the stomach ulcers opened, and in 2012 in publications referred to cirrhosis of the liver. Roast disputes on this topic lit up on the Internet, many of such information truthfully believed. The artist himself thanked journalists for PR during one of the speeches. It turned out that that day a single-fachelor party of the artist left the life.


In 2016, the singer Valery and her spouse Joseph Prigogin, being in London, found out that the eve of the eve of the accident near Smolensky. According to the Ukrainian edition, as a result of an accident, the star star died, and her spouse was in intensive care. Valery has denied the fake note and thanked the caring people who were shocked by this news.

Valery Leontyev

In 2018, the singer Valery Leontyev canceled several concerts on the state of health. The network immediately increased the number of search queries with the words "Leontyev died". However, the information turned out to be false, the fans were worried.

Nikolay Rastorguev

Leader of the group "Lube" Nikolai Rastorgueva "buried" countless times since 2009. Therefore, the artist was also in the selection of "Stars," buried "ahead of time." The reasons for the tragedy were called different: from accidents and emergency to serious health problems. The artist himself reacts to such messages already calmly: "So I will live for a long time."

Leonid Yakubovich

In 2016, rumors spread in the media that Leonid Yakubovich Leonid Yakubovich's leading show was left of life due to heart problems. In the tragic news it was difficult not to believe, taking into account the age of Showman. However, Leonid Arkadyevich was referred to information with humor. In the future, Yakubovich more than once "buried", and once he himself almost provoked rumors about his death. The TV presenter decided to remove the original commercial, in which he was carried in the coffin on the cemetery. But something went not according to plan, and some present on the shooting believed that everything really happens. But the scene did not hit the ether.

Dima Bilan.

In 2017, Dima Bilan arranged a kind of break and decided to "disappear" from the world of show business: did not give concerts, did not communicate with journalists and fans, but simply rested in solitude. However, some information publications made erroneous conclusions and published false information about the artist's disease.

Next began to appear even more shocking publications with headlines about the death of Bilan. Fans even began to take tickets for his concerts, bought in advance. The singer managed to find out, on whose fault there was a false information. It turned out that one company selling cosmetics decided to thus attract the attention of Internet users and increase sales of their products. All advertising banners with shocking headlines contained links to their website.

Ivan Okhlobystin

In 2015, Ivan Okhlobystin also fell into a selection of "Stars," buried "ahead of time." Information about his death appeared due to the mistake of journalists, who, saw a message about the attack on the actor named after the same name, decided that it was about the Star "Interns". The actor's spouse refuted the false message and suggested that the error is related to the same name. Okhlobystin himself answered in the social network: "Do not wait! My champagne glass on the French boulevard will not drink yet.

Leonid Kuravlev

Vadim Danilin's radio host in 2013 in Twitter posted a publication in which the death of the actor Leonid Kuravlev was stated. The post caused a large resonance on the network, but Journalists of Komsomolskaya Pravda managed to contact Leonid Vyacheslavovich and make sure he was alive and well. False information was denied. In 2017, the story repeated: in social networks, there were reports of death of the actor, but this time everything turned out to be a lie, and the post quickly deleted.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

Since it became known about the illness of the "beautiful nanny" Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, the media regularly appear publications that the actress went away from life. Although it is known that the celebrity is in serious condition, but, according to the allegations of neighbors and familiar family, Anastasia is amended, so information about her death is not true. Relatives of the actress from the very beginning do not provide any comments and interviews about this and asked to take the situation with understanding.

Alex Malinovsky

A close friend of Sergei Lazareva Alex Malinovsky in January and February 2021 also ended up in a selection of "Stars," buried "ahead of time." The musician became the object of false publications, which refers to his death. The artist said that he was shocked and frightened by strange messages and comments under the photo in "Instagram", where users express their condolences. And the next day he saw news about his death on the Internet. "I am a living all living!", I did not restrain the emotions of Malinovsky. Later, the singer found out the reason and managed to treat it with humor, noting the work of the media, which "know how to write headlines."

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