Daria Volga - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Let's get married", Actress 2021



Daria Volga - actress theater and cinema, which was not afraid to live and work for two continents. Lovers of Russian TV series appreciate her talent: In each role, the artist is able to emphasize the characteristics of the character, to make a heroine bright and unforgettable. Together with a successful acting career, she managed to build a happy personal life.

Childhood and youth

The artist was born on June 19, 1974 in Kiev. Father Vladimir Volga worked as an engineer designer. Valentine Plotnikova served in the Kiev Dramatic Theater. In addition to Darya, parents brought up the eldest son of Yaroslav. When a terrible accident occurred at the Chernobyl NPP in 1986, the family decided to move to Moscow.

The daughter went in the footsteps of the mother to continue the acting dynasty. In 1991, the girl submitted documents to the admission committee of VGIK, but failed the exams in the second round. By the lucky chance, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan offered her to attend classes as a free listener.

After the first session was completed and the places of exposed students were freed, Ukrainian became a full-fledged student of the university. Together with her, the actors of Evgeny Stychkin and Ekaterina Dvigubskaya are still in the same way. The Volga was in the workshop, where Armen Borisovich and Albert Philosov who invited it was taught. In 1995, Daria graduated from Vgik with a red diploma.

Personal life

The actress lives in a happy marriage with Andrey Francuk. The couple met in the mid-90s on the train, when the girl was driving from Kiev to Moscow. The guy was also born in the capital of Ukraine, worked in the sphere IT. Initially, the relationship was a friendly character: the Volga was incomprehensible. However, over time, young people understood that they were created for each other, and began to meet.

From the first early marriage, the man remained the son of Andrei, with whom the Ukrainian quickly found a common language. By the beginning of the new millennium in the biography of the artist there were big changes. The couple decided to radically change the life and move to another country. The choice fell on New Zealand, where the sister of the beloved actress lived. The child from the first marriage also wanted to move with his father.

In order to arrange the on-site documents on the boy, the lovers got married. Arriving for a new place of residence in Auckland, in 2002, the spouses married. In 2003, Daria gave birth to the son of Anthony Joseph, whom the houses are briefly - hey Jay. And in 2010, Ilya (Ilya) appeared per light. In 2017, the family returned to Kiev.


The debut in the film for the artist took place in 1993, when she was still in the theater university. The first for Darya became the role of the servant of the Dunyshi in the free film by the play of Anton Chekhov "Cherry Garden". The young performer managed to create an image of frivolous servants on the screen, which from orphanage was brought up in the Lordsk House and does not know hard work.

And in 1994, Ukrainian played Masha Chechevinsky in the TV series "Petersburg Secrets". This work made a beginner actress popular. According to the plot of the film Heroine Volga - the daughter of Prinjean Anna Yakovlevna Chechevinsky and Prince Dmitry Platonovich Shadursky. Darya Character fell in love with the audience, and before the directions revealed the great potential of the artist.

Daria Volga - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News,

In 1995, the audience saw the Volga in the picture of Peter Todorovsky "What a wonderful game." The tape removed based on real events reveals the spirit of the era in the Union of the early 50s. Four young friends, students of the Institute of Arts, then and then come up with some harmless draws over other students.

Once these entertainment goes the permitted edge: one of the buddies by the voice of Yuri Levitan passes through the student radio that prices in the country decreased, departure abroad became free and the like. After a joke of buddies, they expect a bench of the defendants and the sentence. Daria played in the film Girl of one of the main characters of Elizbar Rajchaninov.

After the release of the "Petersburg secrets", the performer was filmed in its continuation, and her filmography was replenished with the series "Mosseck, 12", "urgent-2", "Tatiana Day" and others. The shooting of many of these projects were held when the Volga had already lived in New Zealand.

For the work of the actress specifically flew to Russia. In an interview, the Ukrainian admitted that such an opportunity for her was due to the earnings of the spouse. Andrei was headed by an international company engaged in software development.

In parallel with the Russian Daria played in Western multi-metering and full-length films. The Volga learned English, and also graduated from the directorial Faculty of the University of Auckland and received the degree of master of arts. In 2008, the actress appeared in front of the audience in the new role - as the leading new show of the first channel "Let's get married."

The leading TV show "Let's get married" Daria Volga

In this project, Daria was lingering for a while. Later, she admitted that the concept of the program was alien to its moral and ethical settings. The lady was unable to ask the heroes of provocative issues, thus raising the transmission ratings.

Since 2014, the actress for a while stopped being filmed. The creative break lasted until the 2018th. Then the fans saw the favorite performer in the melodrama "My girls". The heroine of Ukrainian Tatiana Yanina does not find happiness in his personal life. Woman alone raises daughters from different fathers. Men themselves, according to a mother's mother, do not take root in the house. However, fate decides to give a heroine a new chance.

Further followed the roles in the Multiserful films "Favorite Children", "Former", "Hotel" Cupid ". Together with Daria, the acting craft was engaged and the spouse Andrei. At the age of 40, a man entered Auckland to theatrical school, and later received invitations to be held in foreign and Russian TV shows.

Daria Volga now

In 2020, Daria continues to engage in creativity. The actress is working on projects in the cinema, in particular above the series "After winter," where the duet is removed in a duet with a cooler Dubravin.

In "Instagram", the performer lay out video with literary improvisations, in which accompanies on the keys. Also, the Volga is divided with fans of photos of children, husband, beloved cat and news from life.


  • 1993 - "Cherry Garden"
  • 1994 - "Petersburg Secrets"
  • 1995 - "What a wonderful game"
  • 2000 - "Mosseeka, 12"
  • 2005 - "Emergency-2"
  • 2007 - "Tatiana Day"
  • 2009 - "Mistress Taiga"
  • 2010 - "Efrosinya"
  • 2011 - "Narchar - 2: Hunting without rules"
  • 2014 - Sklifosovsky
  • 2018 - "My girls"
  • 2019 - "Former"
  • 2019 - "Captainha-2"
  • 2019 - "Favorite Children"
  • 2019 - "Hotel" Cupid "»

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