Doctor Doom (Character) - Photo, Pictures, Marvel, Comics, Film, Allay Witch


Character History

Dr. Dum - Character "Marvel", one of the most conflicting heroes of the Universe. The greatest villain, but at the same time a person who carries about the subjects, was remembered by fans of the franchise as a sworn enemy of the "fantastic four."

History of character creation

The character debuted in July 1962 in the 5th edition of Marvel Comics Series Fantastic Four. The authors of the hero - Jack Kirby and Stan Lee - called him Doom, that translated from English means "death", "Rock". Such a capacious name fully reflects its essence - carrier death, sudden and ruthless.

The creators were presented in the comic superer, who is not only fighting a fantastic four, but opposes other, no less strong characters - a person-spider, Dr. Strangeju, Silver Surfer, "People X".

DUM tried out the role of a supersensile man, a brilliant engineer, a scientist, masters of martial arts, usurper and dictator. After almost half a century after the debut - in 2009 - he received "bronze" in the list of the greatest villains according to IGN.

Stan Lee in 2016 gave an interview, thanks to which the universe of the doctor, the image of the doctor underwent a revision. Former President Marvel Comics stated that hero just "wants to rule the world," and this is not a crime.

In this regard, whether it was about to redeem the unfairly accused hero and reveal his identity on the other hand. Actually, the last comics do not go into incision with the conclusions of the creator. After all, after the civil war, the former ruler of Latvian stole the identity of the Iron man in the absence of Tony Stark.

Jack Kirby attribute the authorship of the design of the genius. The armor began to personify death as something ruthless and inhuman. Kirby also stated that the Dum was not always evil. " According to him, the mask hides the face of the hero not only from people, but also from him.

The mysterious and dangerous image allowed him to eclipse the predecessors and become the main franchise antagonist. Subsequently, the character was transformed from the frightening picture of comics in the hero of cartoons and video games.

Image and biography of Dr. Duma

Full name - Victor Back Doom. Born in the fictional state of Latvira. His parents - Gypsies by nationality. Father Werner is a doctor, and the mother of Cynthia, as the son learned later, is a witch. Molded, a man recalled her cold hands and a learned smile. And then, in childhood, I did not understand that my mother entered into collusion with the demons.

The motives of the Cynthia agreement are not quite clear, but the agreement with the dark forces led to the fact that Mephisto took the soul of innocent children living in the local baron. People learned about it and killed the witch. After the Werner could not cure Baroness from cancer, he took his son and ran from his native settlement.

The journey ended tragically - the father died in the mountains without food. Son saved Boris, one of the inhabitants.

Later, Victor found a chest of mother and began to develop magical skills. It was not strongly inspired, so he turned to science. The abilities in mechanics allowed to invent complex devices that were afraid of other settlers.

The legends about the adventures of the young genius reached one American general who suggested a guy to study at the best university of the country. At 16, the teenager moved to America, entered the school and met the future enemy - Reed Richards.

They competed with each other in scientific achievements. Duma worked hard to create a device with which could go to another dimension and release the mother's soul from the lap methist. When the car was ready, Richards snuck into the room and studied the drawings. Reed told Viktor that some calculations are not quite true, but a self-confident student rejected help.

The Dum launched the device, but as Richards warned, an error occurred. As a result, the explosion thundered, and the car's creator got burns. After the incident, the guy was kicked out of the university and he went to Europe, where he met with Valeria - a girl who became his only girlfriend in Latvarian.

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At the same time, the KGB hunt for Victor began, which was presented to them a dangerous scientist. The guy decided to escape in Tibet. In the temple located in the mountains, the Dum continued to study secret knowledge. As a result of his innovation, the signs of not only scientific achievements were gaining, but also magic.

Soon, a man learned that the hated Baron of Latvira became the king, and Richards misunderstands himself as a smarter person in the world. This led him to rabies, after which he threw all his strength to create armor. True, she was put on it until the metal was cooled, which resulted in disfiguring appearance.

Subsequently, the doctor has established the mass production of robots in his homeland, enlisted by the help of several people. The campaign for the seizure of power was successful, and soon the new ruler of Latvira began to identify with the Great Liberator.

It remains to deal with Reed Richards, who headed the fantastic four. It turned out to be much more complicated, despite the presence in the Arsenal Victor of Innovative Weapons, Dumps and Cunning Plans. The character managed to build fiction to Mr. fiction a military campaign, but after a time he suffered defeat.

The identity of the ingenious scientist today is the subject of fierce disputes between fans. It is possible to consider the villain of the one who freed 500 thousand inhabitants of Latvian and hear a person with a fair character, "the question is rhetorical. But at the same time, the hero was ready to destroy New York to enslave with one person - Mr. Fantastic.

The image of the antagonist franchise has become really awesome. It is high (growth of 185 cm) a man with mystical abilities, to urge his power to help otherworldly. Mighty sorcerer, genius in the field of robotics and genetics, travelers in other measurements and worlds.

In many ways, its superiority was caused by armor, thanks to which, the most types of weapons were ineffective against the Duma.

Dr. Dum in films

The character appeared in the film "Fantastic Four" in 1994. As a result of an unsuccessful experiment, it is considered dead, but appears later, turning anger to Reed Richards. In this picture, the role of the doctor played actor Joseph Kalp.

In the 2005th remake Victor (Julian McMahon) - industrial magnate sponsoring the research of cosmic rays. Being on a ship, it is subjected to hazardous radiation, after which it turns into a creature consisting of organic steel.

In the Sequel 2007, thanks to the silver surcharge, the mutation is exempt, leaving with him a gift to control electricity. In the plot captures the vehicle of the movement of Galactus, becoming even stronger. At the end of the tape fights the fantastic four and falls into the sea.

In the film "Fantastic Four" of the 2015th Tobbell Tobbell in the image of Dr. Duma showed a different story. Victor, together with Reed and Johnny Storm, decide to experience the device for moving to another dimension. As a result of the catastrophe, the Skafandr Duma grows with the body, and the hero itself gets superhuman abilities.


"I am a doom, crusher of the worlds ... What gods will dare to get up against me?" "I do what I consider it necessary ... And I do not report anyone!" Goodbye, comrades. The next time we meet, we will be enemies. "" More other enemies will come! New battles are accomplished! But it does not matter who will be an enemy ... How serious will the danger, the victory will still be for me ... now and forever. "

Interesting Facts

  • Viktor managed to kill Tanos, pulling the titanium to the spine in the 8th issue of the Comic "Secret Wars".
  • In the biography of the Duma there was no place for battles with a superman. Fans fans make bets and believe that the ingenious scholar-sorcerer has every chance to exit the winner in such a fight.
  • Villain took the strength of other magic heroes. So, for example, he managed to steal the ability of the powerful scarlet witch.
  • The hero's debut in the animation took place in 1966 in the MARVEL superhero cartors series. A year later, he appeared in the "fantastic four", voiced the role of Joseph Syrol.


  • 1994 - "Fantastic Four"
  • 2005 - "Fantastic Four"
  • 2007 - "Fantastic Four 2: Silver Surfer Invasion"
  • 2015 - "Fantastic Four"

Computer games

  • 1989 - Spider-Man and Captain America in Dooom's Revenge
  • 1996 - Marvel Super Heroes: War Of The Gems
  • 2005 - Fantastic Four
  • 2006 - Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
  • 2010 - Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet
  • 2011 - Marvel VS. Capcom 3: Fate Of Two Worlds
  • 2011 - Marvel Super Hero Squad: Comic Combat
  • 2012 - Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth
  • 2013 - MMORPG "Marvel Heroes
  • 2015 - Marvel: Future Fight

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