Soviet celebrities decorated on plastic - operations, suspenders, consequences, appearance


In the press and the Internet, no day does without discussion of how one celebrity in the struggle for beauty or in an attempt to escape from the old age "finished" its appearance through all sorts of suspenders and injections or through serious operations to correct the diverse natural flaws. But not only the current stars are not against lying under the Knife Surgeon in pursuit of a beautiful face and body.

Soviet celebrities, resolved on plastic, in the material 24cm.

Love Orlova

Start a conversation on the topic "Soviet celebrities, which decided on plastic will be reasonably with persons who decided to make plastic surgery in those years when such a correction of appearance has not yet become a widespread trend among stars. One of these is the glorified Soviet actress Lyubov Orlova, throughout the life, the age-making follow the impeccability of his own appearance.

When expensive foreign creams and masks that the artist enjoyed to maintain health and beauty, as well as physical education and dyeing diets ceased to cope with the wrinkles that appear with age, Orlova decided to go under the surgeon's knife. And subsequently used similar services on a permanent basis, passing through blepharoplasty and repeated skin suspender and neck.

It is not surprising that in its 72 years the actress played in the picture of his second spouse Grigory Aleksandrov "Skzorets and Lira" the role of a 40-year-old woman. Although to ensure that the star looked better on the screen, not only surgeons put a hand, but also a director's husband, who managed to choose the right angles for filming.

Soviet celebrities decorated on plastic - operations, suspenders, consequences, appearance 5648_1

Lyudmila Gurchenko

Speaking about the Soviet celebrities, resolved on the adjustment of appearance, you can not get around the attention and Lyudmila Gurchenko, the passion for which there was the most unpleasant consequences - doctors argue that if not frequent operations, the actress would have lived for a dozen years more.

As of the Soviet power, Lyudmila Markovna managed to correct the shape of the nose, the age and, struggling with aging, repeatedly appealed to the Institute of Beauty on the new Arbat for a circular suspender. And it did it so often that the surgeons began to refuse a star in operations, since Gurchenko's skin had no time to recover in short interventions between surgical interventions.

Tatyana Dogilev

Another participant in the selection of "Soviet celebrities, resolved on plastic" - Tatiana Dogilev. True, unlike previous stars, the artist decided to make blepharoplasty and the circular suspender after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Moreover, the first impression of yourself after the operation of the actress was not the most irreproof - only over time she managed to get used to the changed appearance.

After the plastic star of the movie and the theater decided for themselves that she won't go to such actions to preserve beauty, preferring in the future to grow naturally.

Lyudmila Maxakova

To order oval faces, adjust the form of the eyelids and eyebrows, tighten the skin of the neck - all this had to be done and Lyudmila Maksakova, who also decided not to limit ways to control the preservation of beauty exclusively with cosmetics and a healthy lifestyle.

True, fans consider, with age, the passion for plastic from the celebrity has already been over reasonable limits. And the consequences were not allowed to wait - by 2021, the actress from the former appearance was left and the trace left, and the face began to resemble an unfortunate mask.

Nonna Mordyukova

I resorted to the adjustments of our own appearance and the famous Nonna Mordyukov, limited, however, to more suspenders and not claiming serious intervention. For the first time, he turned to the Institute of Beauty Star of Soviet Cinema already in the 90s, after a difficult period in the life ended with the death of her sole son Vladimir Tikhonov.

According to the recognition of fans, a similar step was true and allowed the artist to "fasten" and with new forces to return to the film screens after the tragedy experienced. It is said that the experience of plastic Nonnom Mordyukova liked so much that the actress not only recommended that close girlfriends try something similar to himself, but also repeatedly called the Institute of Beauty with the words sincere gratitude.

Nadezhda Babkin

The famous performer of folk songs Nadezhda Babkin aside from the general "star" desire to preserve beauty also did not remain. The actress has repeatedly engaged in "improvement" of his own appearance, resorting for this purpose both to a circular suspension, complete blepharoplasty, neck plastic, as well as the correction of the shape of the nose and lip and to the injections of Botox and hyaluronic acid.

With injections, however, the celebrity moved, as they counted the hurried to put the star to fame about his opinion fans. As a result, the artist was a set of hardware procedures for rejuvenation, parallel from the injection by refusing. The latter gave a noticeable effect in the form of a fairly "eventable" exterior of celebrities.

Larisa Dolina

It was not difficult for cosmetic procedures and another domestic singer whose fame goes back at the time of the USSR, - Larisa Valley. The performer adjusted the contour of the lips, making them more magnificently, spent a suspender, practically completely getting rid of annoying wrinkles capable of remind of age. Not without and without "enclosures of beauty".

However, it is worth noting that the valley of the performer played a considerable even kilograms, which indicates a comprehensive approach to the issue of preserving health and beauty.

Valery Leontyev

In the "Star Tusovka", not only ladies are trying to follow their appearance, but also representatives of strong sex. And it is not only about the selection of the appropriate wardrobe, but also on comprehensive care. So the celebrity men are not shy to turn to plastic surgeons.

As, for example, the singer Valery Leontyev, who believes that his duty before fans - looks worthy. The artist recognized: despite the fact that the main rate is made primarily on natural care, however, and he had to resort to plastic. So, the artist, in addition to the injections of Botox and Philler, did bluperoplasty, correcting the form of the eyelids, and at the same time it did not cost and without a suspended procedure.

Alexander Peskov

Completing the selection of "Soviet celebrities, resolved on plastic" another man - the famous Russian parodist and singer Alexander Peskov. Wanting to keep himself for the audience, the artist has repeatedly applied to surgeons, making blepharoplasty, nite lifting, as well as contour plastic. According to the star, these steps became necessary due to an excessive concert burden, in which to preserve the appearance naturally is simply impossible.

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