Ginn (character) - pictures, mythology, miracles, films, executes wishes


Character History

Ginn is a character of Arab mythology, which found fame in European countries as a literary hero of the collection of fairy tales "Thousand and One Night". His image in interpretations and filmstorms has undergone changes from a good magic assistant to the spirit of the spirit.

History of character creation

In the pre-Islamic culture, Ginny was equated to the gods. Allah, creating reasonable creatures, used light, clay and flame. Angels turned out of the first, from the second - people, and from the fire came Ginones.

The meaning of the word "Gianna", where the name of these characters came from, "hidden." By themselves, the creation is not visible to a person, unless they wanted to take possession of someone's body.

In the Quran it is written that they behaved immorally, because of them began war and dishonor. However, Allah gave his creation to the choice - to remain on the side of darkness or prefer the path of the righteous. As a result, the mystical "caste" was divided into apostates and true Muslims.

In this regard, it is worth mentioning ibis, which is equated to Satan, although initially was chosen for life in heaven. Running his own power, he dismissed God's order. As a result, Ibris expelled from heaven. Since then, Cursed by Allah, he is trying more and more people to lure on the dark side.

Such bright mythological characters were popularized in the folklore of Muslim countries. The modern concept of jinn actually developed in the XIII century. There was a female form - Jiniri.

In Islam they paid little attention. Artistic literature traced plots about the lives of these creatures, reasonable treasures, protected, and their miracles. In Arab folklore, this is hardly the most popular character who was depicted by the villain.

In the collection of "Thousand and One Night" perfume performs vazgs of disasters, the perpetrators of deaths and diseases. Women Ginnes often seduce men by knocking them on the righteous path.

With the history of heroes, Muslim mysticism is associated, according to which it is supposed to subjugate these creatures. Even today, the literature is common in which the guides to conquer spirits are found. Such magic and witchcraft are sharply condemned by Islam.

In different countries, fabulous heroes have acquired unique features. Palestine believe that they are able to take any form - both inanimate objects and living beings. In Azerbaijan myths, love for horse riding. In India, Peri - faded and unwell fallen angels of the female genus became analogues.

In Roman mythology, the daimons are more famous. In Russia and other Christian countries, there are similar characters - demons and demons. The main difference between them is that the latter are counted for evil. Ginno has the choice to move to any side, including light.

Image and biography of Ginna

In the original source, Arab mythology, 4 types of spirits are distinguished: Gul, Marid, Strength and Iphret. Gul is a genie woman who feeds on the desoge, so more often spends time on the cemetery.

Power - weak creatures, do not know how to change the appearance. Also vividly believing that the punch with a wooden stick immediately destroys this creation.

Marid is the most reasonable in the group, therefore are considered to be monarchs - fair and rational. Iphritis is the most powerful, and therefore dangerous. If in fairy tales we are talking about evil spirits that eager to harm the person are most likely implied by Iphritis.

In Muslim, these creatures are similar to people: feel food needs, make marriages, give rise to offspring and are not immortal at all. Of course, the life expectancy of the character is much more, but it may fall suddenly. Surprisingly, but if the mystical hero chooses the righteous way, he has the right to claim paradise after death.

Creating can appear in the appearance of anything: a person, dogs, wood. The desire for physical incarnation is caused by the desire to harm and the attack of strong emotions. For example, Ginn can fall in love with a woman and penetrate the man's body to achieve her.

Evil spirits who are trying to take possession of the body and the soul of the righteous are called Shaitans. They give a promise to fulfill the desires of a person, inclined to witchcraft and other sins, as a result, taking the most valuable.

Each Muslim should more often read the Quran so that the evil entity does not approach him. Exile already penetrated into the body of the pest is carried out by a special ritual using the name of Allah. But the treatment becomes dangerous, as the Spirit reluctantly leaves the conquered soul.

Social organization of mythological characters resembles a human life device. They are breeding families, choose kings, adhere to the established rules.

Ginn in films

Legends about the beings of the fertile soil for the shields. The debut of the character took place in 1924 in the painting of Raul Walsh "Baghdad Thief". Black and white film was placed in the National Register. Subsequently, several remakes were filmed, among them the British film 1940-state Rex ingram in this role.

"Baghdad Thief" revealed the world classic appearance of the hero. According to Canon, it is enclosed in a magic lamp or a bottle. A person who rescued the captive receives the right to fulfill desires.

But there is a danger: tricky creatures are able to turn everything from heads. Those who "lucky" to cause the spirit of the lamp or from the bottle, it only gets worse from the magic.

In 1948, a leadal hero faced Bagz Bunny in the Looney Tunes animated series. A powerful wizard, as it turned out, performs only those desires that considers it necessary, so it reverses with a rabbit.

The Soviet viewer met the colorful character in the film "Old Man Hottabych" in 1957. The only thing that tied Hottabach (Nikolai Volkov) with the mythological prototype is the ability to magic.

The rest of the hero is definitely positive: this is good-natured, but the old man who retarded from the life, befriended with a 12-year-old pioneer. At the same time, he is trying to delve into the realities of the New World. Some revelations do not lose relevance at all times. For example, the quotation of the main character is "who works, that Sultan".

The next masterpiece of the Soviet cinema is the "Magic Lamp of Aladdin" 1966. The film is based on a fairy tale from the collection "Thousand and One Night". The image of an acting desire, tried by the People's Artist of the Turkmen SSR Sarry Karryev. True, due to problems with the Russian language, Konstantin Nikolaev voiced his role.

In this picture of the mystical hero, a creature consisted of fire was depicted. So the film team responded to the views of Sufis, which believed that the spirits were created by mixing the ether, fire and air.

In 1992, Walt Disney releases the cartoon "Aladdin". In the picture, Ginn is friendly and praises with space power. He is freed from the lamp the thief from the fictional city of the arabs. The colorful character of blue Ron Clements and John Maskener were invented, not only taking as the basis of the literary prototype, but also borrowing the features of Robin Williams.

In 2019, the world saw the film adaptation of the Disney cartoon on large screens. The image of a magic assistant in mass culture by that time turned him out of the powerful spirit in the comic hero. In the execution of the actor Will Smith, Jeann directed by Guy Richie became literally a lively picture of his predecessor and a worthy heir of a powerful wizard from the Agra.

Ginn in culture

This popular character is found not only in animation and cinema, but also in fiction literature, computer games.

Jonathan Study in Amulte Samarkanda described alternative England. There wizards get power over jinnings, using only knowledge of their names. Mighty creatures as slaves are forced to perform brutal orders. Prisoners will rise against the owners, and the great war begins.

Russian writer Mikhail Bakovets in the novel "Dar Ginn" fell on the topic of how a person suddenly receives magical abilities. As a result, he is transferred to the past lands and falls into the hands of space workers.

A young artist from Azerbaijan Zohrab Salamzade in the paintings illuminates the mystical side of the Islamic religion. On the canvas of the genie are depicted as they appear in Muslim teachings. The European Characters are associated with evil. For Zohrab, it is the creation of God, among which there are bad, and good.


"If a person is not accepted for his work for a long time, the case itself is accepted for him." "It's you, women, oaths. And we, Jeans, every word - really. "" Hell is your world, not mine. "

Interesting Facts

  • Mystical creatures, according to believing, live everywhere - in rivers, trees, markets, etc. The only place where cannot penetrate, is a house where they turn to God.
  • In Delhi, local residents come to the ruins of the Firuse-Shah Mosque Boiler to feed the magical creatures, ask them to get rid of diseases and solve other problems.
  • Old Man Hottabych from the story of Lazar Lagin, who served as the basis for the screening of 1957, according to differentiation in Islam, - Marid.


  • IX century - "Thousand and one night"
  • 1898 - "Why did the camel hump"
  • 1964 - "Monday begins on Saturday"
  • 1987 - "Sleeping Genn"
  • 2000 - "Ginn Cemetery"
  • 2002 - "War with Jeans"
  • 2003 - "Amulet Samarkanda"
  • 2005 - "Return of Ginn"
  • 2008 - "Last Jeans"
  • 2011 - "Ginn from the past"
  • 2017 - "Saga about Jeans: Sleeping Ginn. Ginn cemetery. War with Jeans "


  • 1924 - "Baghdad Thief"
  • 1957 - "Old Man Hottabych"
  • 1966 - "Aladdin's Magic Lamp"
  • 1976 - "Seventh Gin"
  • 1977 - "Gariban in the country of jinn"
  • 1991 - "Bernard and Genn"
  • 1996 - "Ginn called?"
  • 1997 - "Executive desires"
  • 2006 - "Hottabych"
  • 2010 - "Battle of Titans"
  • 2012 - "Aladdin and a deadly lamp"
  • 2016 - "New Aladdin's Adventures"
  • 2019 - "Aladdin's Adventures"
  • 2019 - "Aladdin"

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