Interesting Facts about Alla Larionova - Nikolay Rybnikov, Relations, Children, Shooting


The Fuel of the Soviet Cinema Alla Larione was called "blonde with the sun in his hair," and she dreamed of being born slim beauty. She was invited to Hollywood, autographs were left on the tablecloths in the house and tried to steal out on the street. Other interesting facts about Alle Larionova - in material 24cm.


The future spouse of Nikolai Rybnikov Alla Larionov met on the course Sergey Gerasimov. But then the students did not coincide in feelings. She loved him to tears, and he could not answer reciprocity.

And when Larionov became a star after Sadko's films and "Anna on the neck", Rybnikov finally saw a beauty in a classmate, but it turned out late. Surrounded by Alla, famous men appeared who went herds. 6 years was required by the legendary actor to divert a favorite registry office. And the reason turned up by chance. After a stormy novel with Ivan Pereverzev, Alla Larionov learned about pregnancy, but the beloved chose another. In despair, Larionov, to hide shame, adopts the proposal of Nikolai Rybnikov.

Not without curiosities. The registry office was in a hurry, and therefore the painting took place on January 2, 1957. Wife in a hurry was recorded on the surname of her husband, which was outraged Lariona. Then the registrar replaced the name of Larionov in the passport and attributed to "corrected to believe." So walked the star of the USSR with a pointed passport, until it was time to change the document by age.

There were rumors around the spouses that Rybnikov took his wife pregnant from the other. But the relationship in the pair did not affect. Two children appeared in the family.

He cared for her, preparing dinners, rushed tomatoes for the winter and called his wife Lapussey. And Larionova in the reproach was put a tendency to take a walk on the side. The beauties had novels. She could even disappear for a day. Rybnikov jealous, sometimes fell into anger, but could not live without his "Lapusi". Therefore, Alla Larionov and Nikolay Rybnikov were considered the most beautiful pair of Soviet cinema.

Letter prisoner

The actress was loved by the audience. I did not go around the star attention and celebrities from all over the world. So, Larionova had an envelope with the inscription "Great", where letters and photos of Vertinsky, a portrait, presented by Mary Picford, the poems of Gerard Philip and Letters of Sergei Lemeshev.

And in the hospitable house of Rybnikov and Larionova, it was customary to leave autographs on the tablecloth, which the actress embroidered Moulin's threads with their own hands. That tablecloth was considered a family relic.

Meanwhile, letters with the address "Moscow. Larionova "always reached the addressee and walked hundreds from all over the Soviet Union. The fact of life is considered curious about the fact that there were often messages from the places of imprisonment.

Especially remembered the letter of the prisoner. He wrote that he soon was going to go to freedom and promised to marry a star if the actress is the same as in the movies.

Bath with champagne

By the way, in the list of famous men who languished at the sight of Alla Larionova, Yuri Gagarin, Alexander Vertinsky, Gerard Philip, Charlie Chaplin, Mikhail Zharov.

Solva attributed to Lovers and Minister of Culture George Alexandrova. And the reason for the woven was the attention to Larionova on a banquet.

However, when it took to get rid of the official, interesting facts about Alle Larionova emerged, and the actress for persistence was attributed to "Harem" Alexandrov. There were rumors about a bath with champagne, in which the extra minister drew a star.

Surrounded by artists were confident that this is not true. Meanwhile, the ban on the shooting was enrolled. Having hit the blacklist, Alla Dmitrievna gained courage and wrote a letter to the ministry with a request to understand the situation. The ban was removed, nevertheless a fact had influenced his career.

Special diet

Despite her husband who quickly spread out due to love for dumplings and has lost awareness with age, Alla Larionov remained in shape until the end of days.

The USSR star prone to completeness was sitting on diets and followed himself, tearing away from the envy to Lyudmil Gurchenko, which could eat 100 cakes and 5 seconds.

According to the Larionovo diet, the first day was allowed wine, on the second day only cheese remained in the diet, then the menu consisted of boiled chicken. And in conclusion - day on the egg without salt.


In interesting facts about Alla Larionova, the ability of the actress to find outfits and look attractive, despite the era of the deficit.

After the triumph in the "Sadko" film, Alla Larione included in the delegation departing for the Venetian Film Festival. Then for Soviet actresses, sewed dresses from one material and gave out stockings "into a rubber".

What was the star amazement when she saw luxurious white stockings on the maid. The envy of the actress even made tears. The dress in Moscow had to return. And the Star stockings still bought, though, on another trip, but the renoval of joy was no longer delivered.

And then thanks to the popularity of Alla Larionov began accessing special stores with imported clothing during the tour and could choose the thing in his homeland.

Romantic profession

By the way, in the first beauty of the Soviet era of the wonderful swan, did not seem immediately. Sergey Gerasimov, gaining students to Vgika, noted that the laryno applicant, the nose and lips are large. "She is ugly and petroleum," the Mother verdict put the verdict.

If not the spouse of Tamara Makarov, who convinced her husband in the fact that the "Girl's Girl", Allah would remain overboard.

And in childhood the legend of Soviet cinema dreamed of becoming a janitor. Get up early, rustle a broom, raking the fallen leaves, while everyone is sleeping, it seemed romantic to a child.

However, fate had their own plans in this regard. The first "calling" was the invitation to be filmed in the cinema even in early childhood. But then, Mom Alla Dmitrievna did not succumb to persuasion. Only to the 8th class Alla becomes a star of extras, throwing schools at school.

The last day

Interesting facts about Alla Larionova include mysterious resurrection. They say, the star died twice. The first time she lost consciousness while flying on the plane. Valentina Titova offered to remove the celebrity wig that wore it constantly. What revived Alla Dmitrievna said: "Dying - so in the wig!"

The story was repeated in the past week on April 25, 2000. The daughters of the star were worried that Alla Dmitrievna does not come out of the house. The door broke and discovered an elderly woman with a hair messenger and on curlers. She died in a dream from an extensive myocardial infarction with a smile on her face. Alla Larionov survived the spouse of Nikolai Rybnikov for 10 years and was resting next to him on the Trocerovsky cemetery.

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