Samira Mustafaeva - biography, news, personal life, workout, stretching, photo, husband 2021



Samira Mustafaeva - a gymnast that represented the interests of Azerbaijan at international competitions, and then Russia. The athlete has repeatedly became the winner of the world championships in the team. It has a discharge master of sports in Russia, and also gained a world-class gymnast qualifications according to Fig.

Childhood and youth

Samira was born in St. Petersburg on January 15, 1993. By nationality, she is Azerbaijan. Father worked as an engineer, and the mother is a manager. Her way in rhythmic gymnastics began in 5 years. This happened by chance: the mother's girlfriend recorded his daughter to the section, and the parents of Samiri followed her annex.

As a child, Mustafaeva did not dream of becoming a professional athlete, but to associate a further biography with gymnastics, and did not think at all. Only tears brought the first one and a half years of training. But parents and mentors saw the potential of the girl, so in various ways they left it in classes. Of all the time, the most Samiru frightened stretching, because she delivered physical discomfort.

In 11 years, Samira fell under the custody of the famous coach Irina Wiener. Gymnast moved from St. Petersburg to Novogorsk. Then every day she began with morning charge, continued with exercises and training, occasionally alternating with rehearsal procedures, general educational training and food intake. Such youth made Samura quickly grow up. The absence of parents in the immediate vicinity and the need to independently be responsible.

Higher education girl received in NSU. P. F. Lesgafta. In 2006, the coach of Amin Zaripova drew attention to the gymnast. Mustafayev was invited to participate in the fees held in the Olympic Village in Moscow.

Personal life

Meet the Samir Mustafayeva with her husband happened trivially - in the social network "Instagram". Businessman Nikolai Kondratyuk wrote a simple message to which the athlete answered. So the dialogue faced, which entailed a meeting and subsequent romantic relationships.

Lovers signed in the Moscow registry office. Knowing that there is a festival in Nice and an elegant solemn ceremony with a designer outfit, for the marriage of Samira's marriage. This "hooliganism" is remembered to fans of gymnasts.

Samira Mustafaeva is an active user of social networks and blogger. She willingly shared with the subscribers of the photo, demonstrating the perfect figure in a swimsuit. Like its colleagues, the champion remains in the form due to the fact that he devoted training and proper nutrition all his life. The growth of the girl is 171 cm, and the weight is 51 kg.

Rhythmic gymnastics

In 2007, Samira Mustafayeva began to speak for the national team of Azerbaijan. Gymnast participated in the World Cup stages, and also represented the country at the European Championships and the World.

A year later, she became a world champion in the team and personal championship at competitions in Japan. After 12 months at the same tournament, the athlete received bronze in the team all-around. A similar award got Samir in Moscow in 2010. In addition, in its sports piggy bank, many awards of international competitions.

In 2012, Mustafaeva became a member of the St. Petersburg national team, presenting a team in group exercises. The girl's mentor was Inna Bystrov. Under the control of the coach, the team replenished the composition of the Russian national team. By 2013, Samira received several serious injuries. She decided not to torment the body to constant training and admission to anesthetia to achieve results that are not so significant for her. The gymnast failed at the qualifying round to the World Cup and completed a professional career.

Studio and Youtyub Channel

By 20 years, Samira turned out to be granted to himself. Behind the shoulders were a rich sports past, in perspective - the ability to be realized in any direction. The next 4 years she rested from what limited in his youth. The athlete even recovered by 10 kg. In an interview with Mustafaeva, it is recognized that it is now considering it time to be spent in vain.

Widow walking, Samir thought about what he wanted to devote himself in the future. The gymnast settled the coach in a children's sports school, but quickly understood that he had no predisposition to this work. At the same time, she possessed the desire to share existing experience and skills. Nikolay Kondratyuk came to the rescue.

Personal life is not the only thing that connects spouses. They found a variant of the joint implementation of ambitions and created Stretching Studio. In 2017, the family opened the first representation of the SMStching network.

At first it was just a hall in Moscow, on Kuznetsky Bridge, rented with hourly payment. Then the business began to grow. In the summer of Samira and coaches held workouts in Gorky Park with free classrooms. They enjoyed interest, and gradually the former gymnast was delayed.

Mustafaeva organized his own Youtyub-Channel, where he launches the Challenge and marathons for girls who dream of bringing a figure into tone and achieve beautiful forms. Supporting the image, Samira regularly post in the "Instagram" photo with twine, motivating new subscribers to join her movement # excellent.

Samira Mustafaeva now

The network of studios Samira Mustafayeva rapidly increased to four halls, and in the future the opening of foreign missions. Clients are offered to develop in the direction of Stretching, TRX and BARRE. These profiles athlete studied in the United States, and subsequently handed knowledge to the studio coaches.

Market analysts are called a direct competitor Mustafaeva Anna Kanyuk, a sportsman for gymnastics, which opened the TopstRetching school. But unlike Samira, she develops a business in Russia, exploring the audience of large cities.

Also, the former gymnast is Ambassador Sports Mark "Adidas".


  • 2008 - Bronze Aeon Cup Award in Personal and Command Multiple
  • 2009 - Bronze World Championship Reward in the team all-around
  • 2010 - Bronze World Championship Award in the team all-around
  • 2012 - Bronze Award of the Championship of Russia in group all-around, gold for exercises with the ball, bronze for exercises with hoop and ribbon
  • 2012 - Gold award of an international rhythmic gymnastics tournament in Brazil in all-around, exercises with a ball, hoop and ribbon
  • 2013 - Silver reward in exercises with a mace in the Russian Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship

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