George Weasley (character) - Photo, actor, "Harry Potter", Oliver Phelps


Character History

George Weasley is one of the famous twins, Brothers Ron and Ginny. A colorful couple from a series of novels about Harry Potter became a sample of tireless optimists. Merchants Nevertheless, forgot about jokes and demonstrated readiness to sacrifice themselves in the battle against death eaters.

History of character creation

Twins, born in the family Molly and Arthur Weasley, are of good-natured and vital heroes. Lovers of playing around others, they are in works by the British writer Joan Rowling entertain readers with scolding comments and not quite successful magical experiments.

Often guys are responsible for unexpected actions in the fantastic universe. For example, the idea to rescue Harry with the help of a enchanted machine belongs to them. By the way, in their literary biography there was not only funny baubles, but also really useful things. Some samples even bought the ministry of magic for their own needs.

Characters were attended in all parts of the literary cycle, also happened in the screenings. And this is not surprising, because thanks to the participation of these red-haired merry, the narration acquired notes of hope even in the most difficult situations.

George and Fred Weasley were loved by millions of fans of sincerity, kindness and optimism. Even the author herself in an interview reported that the guys are among her favorite heroes. Rowling noted that prescribing their images brought her great pleasure.

Solidarity showed Russian media. Thus, the magazine "The World of Fiction" honored a colorful couple in the third place in the top ten of the most fantastic twins.

In the film, of course, it was not possible to fully disclose the characters of these characters. Moreover, the viewers could hardly catch at least some differences between them. But attentive readers found a minor difference in behavior.

Image and biography of George Weasley

The kids were born in the firstaaprelsky holiday, and then fully justified the pattern of such a coincidence. Molly, who by this time has already brought up three sons - Bill, Charlie and Percy, - only due to the twins learned to respond calmly to strange sounds, endless destruction and other disasters associated with children's cereals.

The birth of the brothers fell at the midst of the first magical war. George, since childhood heard about the mysterious Wolan de Make, later really afraid of the dark Lord and hoped not to meet him. Frighteous stories of adults influenced him much more than Fred.

Born a few minutes later Brother, the boy lagged behind him a little in the tricks and was greater than preferably. However, no one noticed - both ended the phrase after each other, thought and acted equally.

Fred Weasley in this union played the role of ideological inspiration. Most leprosy turned out to be at his conscience. However, without the main tactic, they would impossible: the younger "colleague on the shadows" with enthusiasm supported even the most incredible ideas.

The appearance of Ron, and then Ginny Weasley only expanded the list of persons who were underwent charming twins. And if the households were completed or simply got used to fools, they were not ready at the school of witchcraft.

In Hogwarts, George with Fred immediately received the glory of order violators. The first-year students studied, and the zeal to excellent estimates were not observed. Unlike the older sons of Arthur and Molly - Bill, Percy and Charlie Weasley, the guys did not want to make them chosen by olders. However, this did not happen that the mother was strongly upset.

But the guys were engaged in favorite affairs, one of which later turned into a profitable business. First love colleagues in draws became the game Quiddich. Teenagers have shown themselves with strong signboards and lived the thought of the victory of Gryffindor. These plans, though not immediately, was destined to come true not without the help of Harry Potter's catcher.

To the 7th course, students were able to make a career with might and main: invented funny things and sold them by mail. The commercial success of the enterprise almost made the heroes think about the departure of Hogwarts. In the same period, Molly was very worried about the behavior of Percy, so adolescents decided not to upset the mother even more.

However, everything changed with the coming to the post of school director of the arrogant Dolores Ambridge. She witnessed the conflict between the boys and Draco Malfoy. For this woman removed the twins from participating in Quiddice and took their brooms.

There were other reasons because of which George with Fred decided to leave school forever. Finally, they arranged an unforgettable presentation in the Hogwarts building. Former students got their reserves and launched an incredible firework right in the castle lobby. Moreover, stop the lighting fails - from the spells of the roar and outbreaks became only stronger.

In advance, teenagers took care of the future. Thanks to Harry's aid, a shop with its own inventions in the braid alley was opened. The project was successful - they constantly pushed buyers, and the jokers did not fall on the "horror strokes".

Despite the income-generating business, George kept his hand on the pulse regarding the situation with the revival of Volan de Morta. He participated in the special operation "Seven Potters" and was injured - because of the spell of Severus left without ear.

And even this event did not affect the young inventor to say goodbye to optimism. "As a slug without a sink", - here is a character quote from the book, which briefly describing his self-treatment after the injury gained. However, the hero also noted that the mother will finally see who in front of her.

George returned to Hogwarts to confront Death Eaters with Friends. His knowledge of the hidden moves in the castle gave an advantage that, however, did not save the older twin from death. The explosive wave caused by the opponent's spell, touched him, Ron, Harry and Hermione Granger.

Fred's death has become worse for a guy. He never coped with the pain of loss. From the further biography of the character, it is known that he married Angelina Johnson, who in school years was love of his brother. Two children appeared at the pair. Son George called in honor of the lost relative, and the daughter is Roxana. The hero continued to work in the store along with Ron.

George Weasley in movies

Gells played also twins. The role of the younger went to the British actor Oliver Phelps. For young talents, this project was debut, and both were happy to play in films based on the favorite books of Joan Rowling.

Of course, readers noticed the separation differences between the film heroes and the characters of the novels. The author described adolescents of medium height and strong physique. In the picture, the guys were above Ron.

Nevertheless, thanks to a talented game of actors, it turned out to embody on the screen: George and Fred, as two halves of the whole, constantly together - cheerful, smiling, positive and ready for adventure.

Tire inventors participated in all books and in all films of the franchise. Their history changed a little due to the efforts of the scenarios. For example, the guys gathered money on his store, making bets on the participants of the tournament of three wizards, while in the literary source the starting capital was presented by Harry.

Interesting Facts

  • Oliver Phelps, unlike Kinopersonic, a few minutes older than brother.
  • The color of the actors - Cary, but they did not use the lenses on the set to be in this aspect similar to the blue-eyed heroes of books. But the hair painted, changing the chestnut color on the redhead.
  • The wand of the junior twin weasley is shorter than 2 inches in comparison with the magic instrument of Fred.
  • On the acting casting was attended by Joan Rowling. The writer itself chose Oliver and James, despite the inconsistencies in appearance.
  • After the death of Brother George blinked only half of the candles on the cake on his birthday.


"No," B "," George corrected, "above the expected." And I always believed that we had to put "in" for each subject - we had surpassed all the expectations, at least because we were on the exam. "" When we studied in the first year, Harry, we were completely green, carefree And innocent ... "


  • 1997 - "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"
  • 1998 - "Harry Potter and a Secret Room"
  • 1999 - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban"
  • 2000 - "Harry Potter and Fire Cup"
  • 2003 - "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix"
  • 2005 - "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"
  • 2007 - "Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows"


  • 2001 - "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone"
  • 2002 - "Harry Potter and a Secret Room"
  • 2004 - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban"
  • 2007 - "Harry Potter and Order of Phoenix"
  • 2009 - Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince
  • 2010 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part I "
  • 2011 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part II "

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