Dina Sabitova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Sometime, Dina Sabitova taught at the university, and in the evenings came up with fairy tales for sons. Now she is a famous writer who writes for children and adolescents on complex topics. In the works of the author, the motives of orphanhood, diseases, loneliness and family conflicts sound. However, they always give hope that life will turn to the heroes with their warm and hospitable side.

Childhood and youth

Dina was born in Kazan in 1969. On the early biography of Sabitova, there is little, considering it with nothing noticeable. Her childhood and youth passed in their hometown. There she studied at school, then in a mathematical lyceum, and then received a higher education at the University of Philca. After him was graduate school, ended early, and began the path of the teacher.

It was interesting to work with the students of Sabitov and easily, and already in 25 years she was sure that he would spend his whole life at the department, turning on the slope of the years in the "Tolstaya Sea Professors". However, life introduced their own adjustments to these plans. Dina continued to teach, but with the onset of motherhood opened new talents, which changed her gaze on the true vocation.

Personal life

Dina happy in a personal life. She with her husband Roman she brings up three children - sons of Senya and her and the daughter of Luda, and the girl reception. The theme of the orphanhood has always been painfully perceived by the writer. She was sharply experienced for the fate of children left and once, together with his spouse, decided to adopt the child. At first they wanted to take a girl 7 years, but fate had their own plans.

On the website of the Novosibirsk Public Organization, the husband and wife saw a teenage girl's profile that fell into love with her at first glance. And although Sabitov feared for the adaptation of an almost adult person in the already established family, they decided to listen to intuition. Dina flew over a person to Novosibirsk, and since then it has become native for them.

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By the age of 16, the adoptive daughter of Dina managed to survive a lot: childhood with alcoholics parents in a deaf village, wandering on the shelters and orphanages, a device in a family, which after two years of russia refused child and returned it to the orphan institution. The writer is only amazed how after that the girl did not lose faith in people and vitality, which glows and warms their house. Sabitova calls the daughter not otherwise as an angel.

The fate of Luda largely determined the story of the books "Three Your Name." At the same time, part of the facts of Dene had to embellish. This was told about this in an interview, admitting that he was focused on her daughter as on the strict reader.

Although the woman calls himself an introvert and even a sociophobe, she leads the blog "Ladder to the attic" in the "Live Journal", where it is divided by news, announces creative meetings and talks about everyday life of his family, which moved to live from the Moscow region to Costa Rica. There the writer is engaged in creativity, breeds cats and dogs, manages the hotel on the ocean. Photos of pets The woman willingly accommodate in the "Instagram".


Dina began a writer's path with stories, however, the work that gave her fame and reader love was a fabulous story "Circus in a casket". In 2007, she brought the author to the Children's Literary Prize "Cepete Dream", and later fragmentary entered the school textbook on literature. Already in the first book, Sabitova affects the theme of orphans and children's loneliness, to overcome which helps miracles.

Following this, the author is taken to write the work of "under the order": "Fairy Tales about March" was composed specifically for adoptive children to help them understand and accept themselves, realize a place in a new family, associating themselves with the character of books. In order for the work to have a pronounced therapeutic effect, psychologists were helped in the drafting of accurate wording of Dene - psychologists - specialists in adoption.

The fairy tales became the first product of the three, which Sabitova devoted to the issues of orphanhood and adoptive parenthood. The following was the story "where there is no winter", which in the genre of magical realism talks about the life of his brother and sisters left without mom. In the book "Three Your Name", it is told about the girl Rita, the fate of which is presented in the bends of three possible trajectories. Each of them is full of pain and tests, but as a result, the heroine comes to the happy final - the acquisition of a reliable and loving family.

Dina Sabitova now

The bibliography of Sabitov was not replenished since 2012, since the release of the book "Three Your Name." Talent admirers are waiting for the author of new works, but it does not hurry to announce them. A woman lives on the ocean in the province of Guanacast and focuses on the upbringing of children. Having moved to Costa Rica, the writer translated sons to home learning.

In the spring of 2020, like everything in the world, she worried a quarantine associated with the spread of COVID-19, as told in "Instagram" and "Live Journal".


  • 2007 - "Circus in the box"
  • 2010 - "Mouse Glycheria. Colored and striped days "
  • 2011 - "Fairy Tales about March"
  • 2011 - "Where there is no winter"
  • 2012 - "Three Your Name"

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