Anthony Perkins - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Films



American actor Anthony Perkins never won Hollywood. He is a lanky, clumsy, shivering - could not stand out on the background of so popular in the 1950s and 1960s Marlon Brando and Rock Hudson. They got the roles of ladies, and Anthony Perkins glorified Norman Bates - killer, psychopath, the main character of Psycho "Alfred Hichkoka. At sunset, the actor will call him "the only real disappointment in the career," because the genius of Anthony Perkins is stuck in this image.

Childhood and youth

Anthony Perkins was born on April 4, 1932 in Manhattan, in the largest Boro of New York. At age 5, he lost his father - actor theater and cinema Osguda Perkins and stayed with Mother Janet Esselstin (in the Maiden Raine). It is said that it was a volitional cruel woman who did not have a physical and moral violence over a child.

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Biographers associate further events from the personal life of Anthony Perkins - the attraction to men, the need for psychoanalysis - with a lack of delicate attention and experienced mental injuries. So the actor himself believed.

Entony's education received at Buckingham Browne and Nichols School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. And in September 1950, not wanting for myself no future, except the acting, he entered Rollins College - College of Arts in the Winter Park, Florida. It was not possible to finish it: Broadway called on the stage. Only 20 years later, Perkins assigned an honorary degree.

Personal life

Split Image Biography, written by Charles Winecoff, already after the death of the actor, reveals the most intimate details of the personal life of Anthony Perkins. For example, it is indicated that since childhood he was embarrassed by girls and did not show interest to them, but in his youth, and at all began to look at men.

Winecoff wrote that up to 39 years old Anthony twisted exclusively same-sex novels. Among his elect - actor Tab Hunter, Dancer Rudolf Nureyev, choreographer Grew Dale. With the last man 6 years old shared her shelter.

The artist considered homosexuality a disease, so in the early 1950s began to go to a psychiatrist. The "cure" was to have the side problems - not leaving the feeling of loneliness and depression.

"Communication with people was given to me with difficulty, and I considered himself a cowardly weakkom," the actor explained.

Psychoanalysis courses were interrupted in the late 1970s.

With heterosexual virginity of Anthony Perkins broke up on the filming of the drama "Life and times of Judge Roy Bina" in 1971 with the actress Victoria principal. Some weather, he met the photographer, an artist and model Berry Benson.

"I saw her photos in a fashionable magazine and believed that she was an exceptional girl. I did not suspect that Berry [Benson] worshiped before my work for many years. We had a general friend who decided that we should meet "," said man.Embed from Getty Images

On August 9, 1973, despite the 16-year-old difference, Berry Benson became the wife of Anthony Perkins. On February 2, 1974, they had a son of Oz, who now removes and produces films, and on February 9, 1976 - Elvis, who became a musician.

The actor used drugs, because of which he repeatedly had problems with the law. In 1984, he was arrested at London Airport, the capital of Great Britain, with marijuana and LSD, and in 1989, the "herba" found in his room at the hotel. Both times managed to get rid with fines.

Perkins growth - 187 cm, weight - about 80 kg.


At the beginning of the creative path of Anthony Perkins managed to combine the film actor, a hyser and a musician.

The first film with his participation "Actress" (1953) became a commercial disappointment, despite the strong cast. Together with the project, its participants went to the bottom. However, Hollywood shortly byte the attention of the novice artist.

In the melodrama "Friendly exhortation" (1956) Anthony played the son of Gary Cooper. Yes, it is so touching and sophisticated that the "Golden Globe" was awarded as the best debutant and the nomination "The best male role of the second plan" on Oscare. The figurine took away Anthony Quinn for the film "Thirst of Life".

In the second half of the 1950s, Perkins focused on music. He released four albums under the creative pseudonym Tony Perkins: Orchestra Under The Direction Of Martin Paich (1957), on a Rainy Afternoon (1958), from My Heart ... (1958) and Anthony Perkins (1964). His songs, for example, Moon-Light Swim, even hit the Billboard Chart.

In the free music recording, the artist spoke on the Broadway scene. It was nominated twice on Tony.

To the "psycho" Anthony Perkins pursued the role of the lover. Not a rapid hearts like Marlon Brando or the same Gary Cooper, but an immentive and romantic young man. He starred from Sophie Loren in "Love under Knia" (1958), with Audrey Hepburn in Green Manor (1959), with Jane Stock in "Big History" (1960).

It was this innocent appearance and a timid look who bribed Alfred Hichkok when he chose an actor for the psyche thrlear. His main character Norman Bates - a maniac and a psychopath, but because of the pleasant outfit, no one notices how ugly he is inside.

The film "Psycho" has become a reward and punishment for Anthony Perkins. He became the hostage of the image, and the more US directors did not offer him to play lovers. Passionately wanting to continue his career and debunk the myth that he actor of one role, a man went to Europe.

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Success did not make himself wait. In France, he starred in the melodrama "Do you love Brahms?" (1961) With Yves Montan and took the award of the Cannes Festival for the best male role. Then Anthony Perkins played from Zhanna Moro in the "Process" detective (1962) on the novel by Franz Kafki, Berdo in the comedy "Charming idiot" (1964). And returned to the United States to sharpen himself in a cage for minor actors.

To the final of life, Perkins was accepting with the stigma of Norman Bates. He agreed to shoot "Psycho-2" (1983), Psycho-3 (1986) and "Psycho - 4: at the beginning" that were wild success.

Anthony Perkins filmography for 39 years is about 40 full-length and dozen television films.


Anthony Perkins died on September 12, 1992 in Los Angeles, California, in a family circle. The body is cremated, and the grave became the urn with the engraving "Do not lock me". The cause of death shocked fans: by that time the actor has suffered from AIDS for 6 years.

Perkins learned about a terrible diagnosis. He handed over tests, and the sample was stolen "yellow" journalists from National Enquirer. Jokes for the sake of them checked the blood for HIV. The test was positive. An article with a loud headline "Star" psycho "- the victim of AIDS" thundered in the United States. Then Anthony and found out about his illness.

Re-test revealed that the yellow press does not lie. By the way, the wife of Perkins HIV was found.

In the 1960s, AIDS meant not only death in flour, but also public censure. Homosexuals thoroughly hid their passions, and positive tests all the more. So entered Anthony Perkins. The fact that the actor is really sick, he knew only Berry Benson.

Until recent days, despite the weak state, the artist played a movie. Before death, he agreed to voice the character "Simsons", but did not have time to say and words.


  • 1956 - "Friendly exhortation"
  • 1957 - "Fear breaks out"
  • 1960 - "Psycho"
  • 1962 - "Five miles up to midnight"
  • 1965 - "The Killer of Fools"
  • 1967 - "Scandal"
  • 1971 - "Enemy of the door"
  • 1974 - "Murder in Eastern Express"
  • 1979 - "Two women"
  • 1983 - Psycho-2
  • 1986 - "Psycho-3"
  • 1989 - "On the face of madness"
  • 1990 - "Psycho - 4: at the beginning"
  • 1991 - "Demon before the eyes"

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