Moon Calendar for March 2021 - Haircuts, Favorable Days, Gardener, Gardening, Hair, Wedding


The first month of spring will be filled with inspiration days. Strengthen immunity and do not worry on trifles. March 20, forget about the complexes and proceed to the endeavors that have long been dreamed of, and on March 30, when the moon approaches the ground as much as possible, wait for the tide of strength and fresh arguments for motivation.

Other details of the first month of Spring will tell the lunar calendar for March 2021 from the editorial board 24cmi.

Moon phases

1-12 and 29-31 March - phase of decreasing moon . Time for responsible solutions and undertakings. Review the life priorities and arrange the accents in a different way. Changes will be for the better.

March 13 - new moon . Try to keep a distance in communicating with strangers and unparalleled people. Dedote the time to rest, gain positive impressions.

March 14-27 - Phase growing moon . The time of accumulation of soul forces. Take care of energy, watch successful projects, produce a strategy. In the future, this will be a resource for the incarnation of ideas into life.

March 28 - full moon . The day will be filled with contradictory events that will attract trouble. Do not chase success, and better focus on the completion of old cases.

Lunar calendar of health and beauty

Favorable days for haircuts in March will be: 5-6, 17-19, 21, 23, 26, 29. These days it turns out to emphasize individuality, and at the same time strengthen the roots of the hair.

Staining is better planned by 6-7, 17, 19, 21, 24-25, 27. Changes to appearance will bring positive emotions, and the change of image these days will add bright impressions.

1, 3, 12-16, 22, 29-31 Discard visit to the salon. The haircut will negatively affect the state of the hair rod, and the staining disappoints the result. These days, focus on domestic masks, which will strengthen the bulbs of the chasis.

5, 9-10, 19 - favorable lunar days for a cardinal change of nail shape. You can also try on spring trends in design.

1-12, 29-31 - time for experiments. However, these days should not cut the nails and make edged manicure.

14-27 - adverse days for nail extension. Otherwise, after 2 weeks, a correction or search of a new design will be required.

5 Useless Cosmetics

5 Useless Cosmetics

The lunar health calendar for March 2021 calls 1-12, 28-31 to pay attention to well-being and help the body with tonic drinks, massage, energy exercises. On the same dates it is better to plan planned and plastic operations. The organs will be restored faster, and the wounds will delay, without leaving the scars.

From March 14 to March 27, conservative methods will be an advantage in the treatment strategy. Meanwhile, if there is a testimony for an emergency operation, it is not necessary to refuse.

For the treatment of teeth and implantation, favorable days will be: 1-4, 30-31. Prosthetics and cleaning will be safely, if you turn to the dentist 1-6, 9-11, 19-26.

In the days of New Moon and the full moon, it is better to postpone a visit to the doctor if the situation does not require immediate intervention.

Lunar gardery and garden calendar

In March, flowers and gardeners open the sowing season on the windowsill. In order for the seeds to show a good germination, Sieve cucumbers, tomatoes, greens, eggplants and peppers on seedlings 3-4, 17-18, 22-23, 30-31.

For garlic and rootepodes, moon days 1-8, 17-18, 30-31 will be useful.

For planting one-year crops, flower plates are recommended to choose 3-4, 17-18, 22-23, 26-27, 30-31. For twilight and perennials, 1-8, 29-31 will be successful.

Gudders are time to take care of fruit trees and bushes, which are better to come down if you put them 29-31. And favorable days for vaccination will fall on 3-4, 7-8, 17-18, 22-23, 30-31.

Do not bother land on 12-14 and 29 March 2021. These days it is better to focus on cleaning the plot and purchase of materials for sowing work.

Cash calendar

In the financial calendar for March, more favorable days for the hike in the shopping mall will be March 7 and 15.

Positive for deposits and investments will be March 1 and 21. This is the best period for managing financial streams when the result does not disappoint.

Days of monetary magic in March will come to 9-10, 13 and 25. At this time, it is recommended to recalculate funds in accounts, as well as try good luck in the lottery.

For large purchases, a favorable lunar day will be March 15. If you invest in a large project, do not forget to replenish the bill to the charitable foundation. This will attract financial well-being, and investments will be profitable.

It is not necessary to take a debt or open a loan on March 18, this will scare money success, and percentage losses will seem robbing.

But 6, 12, 19 March time is favorable for real estate operations and currency exchange.

Do not risk assets 2, 4, 6 and 24. These days, it is highly likely to allow oscillate or make an error.

Lunar calendar weddings

Favorable days for the wedding lunar calendar for March 2021 calls 6, 8 and 29th. Celebration these days will be remembered by bright emotions, and the Union of two people will be creative and will give newlywed mutual understanding and happiness. It is important that during the celebration on the table there were sweets, which will bring financial prosperity to spouses.

In general, quite good for the ceremony will be 1, 19, 22, March 27-28. The wedding in these lunar days will be accompanied by tenderness and devotion. So that the Union turned out to be harmonious, the moon advise the spouses to learn how to keep the tongue behind the teeth and do not chat unnecessary.

10, 12, 14, 17-18, 24, 31 - unfavorable days for the wedding. The union of lovers will interfere with the advice of friends and relatives. The pair will need privacy and rest periods to restore relationships and remember the oath of loyalty.

Newlyweds can double effort 7, 10-13, 15-16 to speed up the appearance of heirs. Conception these days will give healthy and cleaned children.

Favorable and unfavorable days

3-5, 10-11, 18-19, 30 - favorable days of March. The lunar days will be filled with positive and bring good luck in the financial sphere.

Discard endeavors and keep calm 1-2, 6-8, 12-16, 21, 25, 28-29. In unfavorable days, the satellite of the earth will provoke a surge of irritation, quarrels and health problems. The lunar calendar for March reminds that communication with close people and a deep analysis of occurring events will help to avoid negative consequences.

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