Yuri Katin Yartsev - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, movies



Actor Yuri Katina Yartseva knew tens of thousands of spectators, in Soviet and Russian films he played a number of bright roles. The artist worked all his life in the Taroupe of the Metropolitan Theater on the Small Bronnaya, which was popular in the society of cultural people.

Childhood and youth

Yuri Vasilyevich Katin-Yartsev was born in the summer of 1921, the ancestors of the actor were nobles from the ancient Russian cities. In the genealogical family tree there were people of working professions: peasants, cabins and regulars of roadside restaurants and kabaks.

Parents Vasily Nilovich and Juniy Mikhailovna Katina Yartsev, after solemn marriage, got an apartment in Moscow. Father, economist by education, served as an accountant in the State Bank, so the boy has grown and brought up in a financially secured family.

Family with intelligent inhabitants of houses located on the old Arbat, the boy became interested in literature and became a collector of books. Teachers of primary schools of general educational secondary school noted that the child was well "suspended the language."

A happy childhood was overshadowed when the Father died from Typha. Burving her husband, mother avoided the society of strangers. Yura was given to the care of her grandfather, a lover of artistic works, black and white adventure films and classic picturesque paintings.

As a child, Katin-Yartsev earned money on official correspondence, he liked to compose letters for relatives and friends. The teenager was a frequent client of buckinistic stores, because on reading a tolstoy book he was required only a couple of days.

Being a teenager, Yuri Vasilyevich attended dramatic studios, where he met a number of talented movie actors. Sergey Lvovich Stein, at the time, who was considered an outstanding director, often spoke to the ward that his future was predicted.

In mid-1939, Katin Yartsev graduated from high school and entered the theater school with the best theater of Moscow. In the institution that worn the name of Evgenia Bagrationovich Vakhtangov, the young man remained before the beginning of World War II.

When the Soviet people struggled with the German-fascist invaders, Yuri served in the Far East in the current railway troops. He fought with enemies under Eagle and Kursk in 1943, and then fought with enemies at the I and IV of Ukrainian fronts.

For the braverad, the future star of the cinema received the medal "for military merit" and a number of other honorary awards. A young low growth soldier with outstanding abilities were proud of Soviet commanders and a few detachment.

In peacetime, Katin Yartsev returned to the theater school, where the people who passed through the war were his colleagues. He adopted the experience of teachers - representatives of different nationalities, ready for creative experiments and welcomed novelty.

Personal life

About the personal life of Yuri Vasilyevich Society is known a little, the lady named Elena was his only wife. The son of Mikhail, born in marriage, is a graduate historian, he was very proud of his friendly and loving family.

Pupils of Katina Yartseva often talked about the teacher, Olga Yakovleva and Leonid Yarmolnik he sometimes replaced his father. Students, over time, we transformed into famous film actors, came to him with problems that could not be seen.

Many remembered a man as a kind and bright man who had respect for natural talent and skill. When he walked along the corridors of the famous Schukinsky school, people applauded "the deity conceded from the sky."

Theater and films

The creative biography of Yuri Vasilyevich began in the 1950s, he entered the theater on a small armor, which sincerely loved. On the movie screen, the actor appeared in the School of Cummy School, "organically inspired by the company recognized creative shining.

In the next couple of decades of Catin Yartsev, thousands of people pleased with living speeches. In the performances set on the stage with talented Moscow directors, a gifted graduate "Piski" played dozens of major roles.

In the mature age, coming in the mid-1970s, Yuri returned to the cinema and appeared in the picture about Starne. In the drama element of Klimov "Agonia" by partners of theatrical professional, Alexey Petrenko, Alice Freindlich and Lena Lina became partners.

In the same period, the work on the Soviet series of intelligence, which Writer Julian Semenov called "Seventeen Moments of Spring" was followed. Recreecting the image of a running scientist, in the Gestapo dungeons, an instantaneous reincarnation wizard has achieved a striking depth.

Glory knocked on the actor's door after the film "The Adventures of Pino", a friend Pope Carlo Giuseppe fell in love with adults and kids. It was noticeable that in the character of a light, charming character, an outstanding citizen of the country of the Councils invested a particle of a broad soul.

In the future, in the filmography of Katina-Yartseva, brilliant episodes appeared, which made the classic paintings by the recognized masterpieces of cinema. In the "diamonds for the dictatorship of the proletariat" played the role of the librarian, and in Petrovka, 38, is an inconspicuous friend of Arno.

The undoubted success of Yuri Vasilyevich became the comedy "that Münhghausen", for this work the film crew was awarded a number of international prizes. No less popular was the film "Three in the boat, not counting the dogs", shown on TV in the late 1970s.

In rare conversations with journalists published in newspapers, artist with love and inspiration spoke of young roles. He recalled the outstanding projects of the "twenty-six days from the life of Dostoevsky", "uninvited friend", "Krosh Vacation" and "on the pomegranates".

Yuri Katin Yartsev in the role of Giuseppe

In the 80s, taking off between theater and cinema, Katin Yartsev played Alexander Suvorov in the historic drama "Bagration". After that, in the acting portfolio, such films appeared as "Our Father", "Visit to Minotaur", "Primorsky Boulevard" and "Kaznaya House".

In the most fruitful period, Yuri Vasilyevich became a teacher, he raised and presented to the audience a dozen talented students. Konstantin Rikin, Natalia Gundareva, Leonid Yarmolnik and Yana Poplavskaya thanks to the mentor joined the elite from creative circles.

Being an unsurpassed master of literary art words, a man put monospectacles with the participation of famous colleagues. Readers Yuri Myshkin, Yakov Smolensky, Pavel Favimans and Vadim Maratov believed that the executor of the role of Giuseppe is a talented unique person.

Katin Yartsev went to work while heavier allowed. He did not refuse the directors offering roles in the cinema. The last film "The Return" of the Barnight "", finished in the mid-1990s, the actor who gave life to art, was not destined to see.


A month before death, by subsequent reasons, Yuri Vasilyevich with students discussed the scenario of one of the plays. At the lectures of the teacher "Pischi", reminding small performances, according to the preserved memories, there were no vacant seats.

In March 1994, the newspapers told the sad news: he left the life of the public to the public, the master of episodic roles. At the grave at the Armenian cemetery, where Katin Yartsev was buried, hundreds of people attended the farewell ceremony.


  • 1954 - "School of courage"
  • 1972 - "Buddenbokov"
  • 1973 - "Seventeen Moments of Spring"
  • 1974 - "Agony"
  • 1975 - "Adventures of Buratino"
  • 1976 - "Diamonds for the dictatorship of the proletariat"
  • 1977 - "Funny People"
  • 1978 - "Wind wanders"
  • 1979 - "That Munchhausen"
  • 1980 - Krosh Vacation
  • 1982 - Nikolo Paganini
  • 1984 - "Invisible Man"
  • 1985 - "Bagration"
  • 1985 - "Rus Primary"
  • 1987 - "Visit to Minotaur"
  • 1988 - "Primorsky Boulevard"
  • 1989 - "Criminal Quartet"
  • 1990 - "Spiral"
  • 1994 - "Return" Bremen Allian ""

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