Svetlana Kondrashkina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Kislovodsk, Selected Child 2021



Svetlana Kondrashkina gained fame among the general public after her young daughter was taken by representatives of guardianship bodies under the pretext of poor circulation. A single mother was under the sight of journalists and in a difficult financial situation, when it was nowhere to wait for help. In social networks, there was a stormy discussion, whether the woman was legitimately deprived of the rights to raise the child and for what reasons.

Personal life

About the biography of Svetlana and life to a dramatic case knows little. At the time of the incident, a woman was 46 years old, her personal life did not work out. A resident of Kislovodsk did not in a romantic relationship or married. Kondrashka's husband was not, and she brought up his children alone. Elina in the family is not the only child, the eldest daughter lives in St. Petersburg. She is 20.

The apartment in which Kondrashkina was with the baby was removable. Svetlana's mother living in Essentuki does not support relations with her, as women are in a quarrel. Because of the conflict Svetlana and moved to Kislovodsk.

Teacher Svetlana Kondrashkina

Svetlana Kondrashkina - a man with a difficult fate. Last years, she worked as a teacher in English in educational institutions. Her revenue was barely enough for housing in the Stavropol Territory and the minimum grocery basket. The benefit on the child and the maternity capital did not work out due to the lack of a full package of documents.

After covering the side of Kondrashka in the network, some media indicated that the woman is Vegan. But such a choice was due to the circumstances rather than personal preferences. Few reporters paid attention to that Svetlana barely reduced ends with the ends in the financial plan.

Case Svetlana Kondrashkina

Svetlana Adamenko, authorized in the Rights of the Child in the Stavropol Territory, assures that Elina, the daughter of Svetlana Kondrashkina, was delivered to the Kislovodsk hospital in almost the state of dystrophy. According to medical workers, the child regularly underwent due to the fact that the mother kept the girl on breastfeeding. The additional diet was included porridge and sour cream in the minimum quantities. Meat, vegetables and fruit babies did not feed.

To one year and seven months, the weight of the child was about 6 kg, which is 2 times lower than the norm for this age. Doctors assured: Due to starvation, the girl was so weak that he could not move independently, and her mother did not want to deal with this problem. Suddobu daughter He herself explained by genetics and the fact that in his youth had a similar set.

In an interview, Svetlana said that the problems began at the moment when the precious doctor turned close attention to their family. They had a tense relationship, as the specialist regularly tried to catch Kondrashkina in improper behavior with the child and incorrect methods of upbringing. Doctors assure: after the first admission, when the pediatrician realized that the child of unhealthy, her mother offered help and reported the need for treatment. The family was taking into account the guardianship authorities.

In one of the visits, the district doctor organized the transport of mother and daughter to the hospital, where they were during the week. The results of the tests showed low hemoglobin in the child's blood. In the medical institution Svetlana was explained that the girl needs blood transfusion. Kondrashkina did not allow permission to carry out such a procedure. Then the physicians transferred information to representatives of the guardianship bodies, and the mother stopped letting the daughter.

After a couple of weeks, the baby's health rates led to normal, and a trial of parental rights began. Elina was sent in the orphanage. Mother could visit her, but did not have the opportunity to take home.

In the hospital about what happened was given by one comment: the woman walked his hunger and as a representative of his interests forbade the necessary medical procedures, feed the girl. Svetlana also assured that the baby was taken away, without explaining the reasons, and the decision of the court is incomprehensible to it.

Svetlana Kondrashkina and Ealina's daughter

Experts note that after transfer to Children's House, Ealina began to show a living interest in what is happening around it and develop faster. She normalized appetite, emotions became pronounced. Preparation of balanced nutrition, doctors consider the main indicator of the kids recovery.

Svetlana Kondrashkina gave an interview that was published on the Internet, and the proceedings gained publicity. In addition to the issue of deprivation of parental rights, she threatened a criminal case under an article related to the deliberate causing harm to the health of the young child. It implies punishment in the form of imprisonment to three years.

Court decree, the mother was limited in parental rights for six months. During this time, she was offered to rethink the child's care. This decision was made, based on the conclusions that Svetlana simply did not understand what could harm her daughter.

To prove that it is able to raise a child, Kondrashkina voluntarily agreed to psychiatric examination, and the results did not show the presence of deviations.

Svetlana Kondrashkina now

In 2020, the story of a resident of Kislovodsk stirred by a wave of dissatisfaction with juvenile justice in Russia. We are not indifferent to the "Instagram" flashmob under the # Mamasvetamy tag.

To judge who was right in this situation, not easy. The girl barely did not earn anemia, so parents supporting the usual education methods oppose Svetlana actions. Those who are a supporter of movement against vaccinations and adheres to alternative food types, remain on the side of Kondrashkina.

The photo Svetlana and daughters published the media, and the situation in which she got was, became another infoovod for the transfer "Let them say." The lawyer of Women Wage Nagapetty to the last defended the position of the client, trying to get the transfer of a child to the parent. The head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, took the case under personal control.

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