Fritz Lang - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films



German Fritz Lang cinematographer worked in the United States of America, for films in the genre of expressionism, he received a number of honorary prizes. The most popular projects were black and white noar films shot by the director in Hollywood in the mid-1940s.

Childhood and youth

Friedrich Christian Anton Lang was born at the end of the XIX century, he smashed and brought up in a wealthy European family. The ancestors, natives of Moravia, belonged to various nationalities, settling in Austria, they absorbed traditions rooted in the country.

Paola's mother Schlesinger belonged to the numerous Jewish community, Anton's father was a Catholic, a carrier of noble blood. In his youth, playing a wedding, a man who became an architect, passionately wished to turn lover and children into his faith.

The woman accepted Christianity when the little Fritz went to school, and the family began to attend the Vienna Church on holidays and weekends. The behavior of the parishioners in the service of the future director-expressionist in early childhood seemed to be unnatural and funny.

Despite this, the boy graduated from a classic Catholic school, entered the Higher Technical School for the Architectural Faculty. The head of the family helped the Son to develop the ability to draw drawing, so Lang threw a drawing at the age of 17.

Related into the artist, Fritz began to study painting in the oldest institution of Vienna - the Academy of Fine Arts. Then he was carried away by applied creativity under the influence of Julius Dita, whose work was created by a variete of mixed feelings.

In the early 1910s, the young man traveled Europe, in Paris, visited private courses Rodolfo Juliana and Maurice Denis. Parting with the parental house, where strict morals reigned, allowed to get acquainted with outstanding talented people.

The First World War forced Lang to return to their homeland, in January 1915 he signed up in a infantry detachment. By participating in fierce battles in Italy, Romania and Russia, the native of Vienna was awarded a number of honored awards.

After serious injury, Friedrich got into the Austrian hospital. On the hospital bed, dying from boredom, he wrote his first story. Before the fateful meeting with representatives of the European cinema, the works of the young author were hidden from prying eyes.

Personal life

In the personal life of Fritz Lang had three official marriage, in addition, he had a relationship with women from cultural circles. Malders of cinematographers were Kay Francis, Marlene Dietrich, Miriam Hopkins and other stars of the 40s and 50s.

There is almost nothing about the first spouse of a native of Vienna almost nothing, Elizobet Rosenthal was a representative of the Russian-Jewish intelligent family. It was assumed that the spouse was committed to suicide, but this information was refuted by awareness.

Fritz Lang and wife Lily

The second wife of the German director became the actress Tea von Harboow. The absence of children prevented in love become a full-fledged family. Nevertheless, they jointly wrote a number of scenarios for films, rapidly perceived by thirsty entertainment by the public.

Regular mutual treasures put an end to the relationship, after termination of Lang's marriage became enviable bachelor. He began to spend a lot of time in the company of his secretary, the Union with Lily Latte man loyal without any witnesses, secret.

Aged cinematographer happily lived the last years of a long life, a devotee helped him in official matters. A woman patiently waiting for hands and heart offers from the beginning of the 1930s was known in cultural circles.


The creative biography of Fritz Lang began in the mid-1910, his scenarios became the basics for the films of "Plague in Florence" and "Hilda Warren and Death". In order to break through into a real European cinema, a talented native of Vienna a couple of years had to work hard.

As a result, his debut work noted the leaders of the Decla studio, which served there, the TEA background Harboow helped leaving the cultural world. The work of the German writer, a novice author from Austria for a long time used as a main landmark.

In the middle of 1919, the Ribbon "Harakiri" came to the screens, then the expressionist drama "Tired death" and "spiders" appeared. Heavy multi-hour films oversaturated with images were full of love suffering and romantic longing.

An insignificant success was used by a full-length detective film about the modern superman called "Dr. Mabuz - Player". German Nizhtsa Jacques, the Lightened Project, Fritz used with a noble goal - to teach the lesson to society.

The career breakthrough of the Austrian master was considered the epic "Nibelung", which due to the fundamental intention consisted of two parts. The original screenization of the classic ancient German saga has become the subject of admiration and the theme of magazine articles.

In the late 20s, the creative creator of silent black and white movies released the "Metropolis" antiotopia and the cosmic fiction "Woman on the Moon". These paintings were made on the territory of Germany and gained popularity in the country.

In the 1930s, Fritz became a pioneer of the genre of sound noura, a new technique of filming, he applied in the thriller "M". The drama about a merciless maniac, renamed "the city is looking for a killer," became a kind of way out of the face of the formed systems.

Intense political situation in Europe made Lang to leave to America. In Hollywood, he met a number of interesting people. The owners of successful film studios located in Los Angeles have accepted the author of original ideas with open arms.

During this period, the director's filmography was replenished with paintings "Rage", "The Ministry of Fear", "Human Hunt" and "Life is given once." Thanks to the tape called "The executioners are also dying!" The history of Esvestor Rainhard Heydrich became the property of masses.

A psychological thriller was a favorite genre of cinematographer, he revealed him in the films "Mystery behind the door", "House at the River" and "Cloak and Dagger". A characteristic feature of these projects represented by the world public was considered an acute ending, which no one was waiting.

In the 50s, the successful career of cinematographer was planning to decline. Westerns, dramas and detectives created by the master at this time, received discreet reviews of critics and did not fall into the audience "hit parade".

True, in the territory of the former Germany, three adventure tapes filmed together with Arthur Brown, gained popularity in cultural circles. "Thousand Eye of Dr. Mabuez", "Despite" and "Indian Tomb" were shown in Europe in the 1960s.


In recent years, Lang's long life has visited mysterious India, and then returned to America - to the gloomy estate in Beverly Hills. Rarely appearing in public, he worked on memoirs, but the fans did not see this writing release.

Satisfied with a serious cinema, the director watched soap operas, after this occupation, he caught death from natural reasons. At the funeral organized by friends in August 1976, colleagues Catholics and members of the Jewish communities were present.


  • 1919 - "Harakiri"
  • 1924 - Nibelungi
  • 1927 - "Metropolis"
  • 1929 - "Woman on the Moon"
  • 1931 - "M" ("The city is looking for a killer")
  • 1933 - "Dr. Mabue" will "
  • 1936 - "Rage"
  • 1944 - "Ministry of Fear"
  • 1946 - "Cloak and Dagger"
  • 1948 - "Mystery behind the door"
  • 1950 - "House by the River"
  • 1955 - "Munflit"
  • 1956 - "While the city is sleeping"
  • 1959 - "Bengal Tiger"
  • 1959 - "Indian Tomb"
  • 1960 - "Thousand Eye of Dr. Mabuez"

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