Interesting Facts about Evelina Khromchenko - Childhood, Fashion, Quotes, Son


The name of Evelina Khromchenko is widely known not only in the world of Russian journalism and fashion, but also in a foreign feshent industry. For 13 years she was the editor-in-chief and creative director of the Russian publishing house of the French fashion magazine, Chromchenko came to this post in 25 years. She also owned his own PR agency, worked as a fashion browser on radio and television, helped to achieve popularity and recognition by many novice designers and fashion designers.

On February 27, 2021, the celebrity celebrates its anniversary 50th birthday. Interesting facts about Evelina Khromchenko - in the material 24cm.

"Drama that has changed life"

In one of the interviews, Chromchenko said that parents gave it to the music school and "Trying her music from the children's years" that the girl did not like very much. But she obediently performed the will of Moms and Pope, diligently and stubbornly engaged in an unloved business.

Also, the fashion expert noted that he would be glad if the parents in his youth gave it to the karate section. The ability to fight, according to her, would come in handy when she had to change the school because of moving to the capital to parents and join the new team. Unfortunately, Chromchenko says that parents were against the visit of the child of the pool, believing that the daughter had "some infection" there.

Evelyn managed to change the unloved music school on an art: to draw her from an early age liked much more than playing the tools. However, Chromchenko soon began to decline, and the ophthalmologist, to which her mother turned, insisted that the girl was taken from a circle, and forbade drawing. She continued to still engage in a favorite thing at home on their own and with private teachers. Did not forget the drawing of Chromchenko and in adulthood. Evelina Leonidovna believes that if it were not for the "malicious doctor," she would become famous in Russia and abroad art director.

Bad habit

With its main harmful habit, an authoritative fashion expert considers the desire to continuously work. Evelina Chromchenko emphasizes that, even being on vacation, is ready to answer the questions of journalists, to solve urgent working problems, sacrificing personal time. And to useful habits, the celebrity refers to what does not smoke, leads a healthy lifestyle and monitors nutrition.

"My job I am always in joy, I don't need to relax from her," Evelina Khromchenko emphasizes.


The list of memorable statements and winged phrases from Evelina Khromchenko is worthy of a separate publication and will take several tens of pages. However, the celebrity itself notes that it does not record anything independently, the quotes are sent to her fans.

In an interview with the transfer of "sincere conversation with Jasmine", Khromchenko told the leading curious fact about how the audience of the "fashion sentence" record her quotes and send it to assistants on the Internet. These statements of Evelina Leonidovna carefully checks and edits that it looks correctly and briefly, but it does not distort the meaning of the phrases told after they "go to the people." Only after checking Chromchenko signs them with its name.

The most vivid and capacious statements of the expert concern fashion and women:

"A woman can be any, the main thing is to remember that it is not fat, and the appetizing, not long, and the stateless, not skinny, but a slim, not a short, and miniature. It is necessary to appreciate what God gave you! "" As soon as the girl becomes heel, she immediately happens happiness in life. This is the law. "Beautiful things are the happiness that can be bought in the store."


As a child, the future celebrity was not solved asked the parents to buy her a fashionable thing, for example, a jacket or jeans, since he knew the price and understood that it would be expensive, and Mom and Dad would have made every effort to fulfill the desire of her daughter.

It is also worth noting an interesting fact about Evelina Khromchenko: an expert claims that she is not a shopaholic: it does not chase for new products in the fashion world and confident that there are enough things in her wardrobe for all occasions. Therefore, to be "in trend", Evelina Leonidovna is enough to look into his closet and find the desired detail in the basic wardrobe collection. "I do not depend on things, I will command," says the expert.

Power principle

Another interesting fact about Evelina Khromchenko: the celebrity holds proper nutrition. In everyday life, her daily rate is 1500 kcal. Once in 3-4 weeks, the celebrity suits unloading and reduces the norm to 800-1000 kcal. Fashion expert admits that he does not sit on diets, but limits the consumption of sweets and baking. It also does not mix proteins and carbohydrates, does not like fat and gas production, but gives preference to vegetables. It is categorically not a fast food. As a child, Evelina was used to eat small portions: Mom prepared specially for her mini-cutlets and "pancakes-daughters" size with a 5-penny coin.

Education of the Son.

Evelina Khromchenko shared the principles of raising children who were accustomed to adhere to. The celebrity believes that "Personal Example is the best upbringing." In the child, it is necessary to settle confidence that he is the smartest, kind, successful for his parents, and be able to convince this. So her mother and dad were brought up in childhood, and the expert holds these rules, becoming a mother.

Chromchenko notes that in the parenting of the boy, the main thing is a good example: the behavior of older men. If a woman wants to raise his son, he will attend his father at first. Senior family members (grandfather, dad, brother) should praise for business, boasting gifts received from the spouse that the Son since childhood think about how to make money on moms and wife in the future. His Son Artemia Celebrity since childhood taught to care for himself, stylishly dress. At the same time, he knows how to make a choice in clothes independently, since childhood he was not imposed on someone else's opinion.

In conclusion, I will add another interesting fact about Evelyna Khromchenko: the main achievement in the upbringing of the heir was a fashionable expert called what the Son had learned an important lesson since childhood: a woman's question about how she looks like, in no case cannot be answered: "OK". Also, Evelina Leonidovna believes that with the child it is not worth "surprising" and relate to condescension due to age, you need to position the Son as an adult. Even if the boy barely turned 5 years old, he will be able to use a fork and a knife at the table, wash his plate, clean the shoes, incur your suitcase.

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