Stars who will play wedding in 2021: Russian, foreign, ceremony, relationship, date


Pandemic and quarantine measures in 2020 touched each person and raised important life aspects. Many events and events had to be canceled or transferred indefinitely. Weddings of celebrities and ordinary people did not exception: Some preferred to transfer the scheduled celebration for 2021.

In the material 24cm - Russian and foreign stars who will play a wedding in 2021.

Alvin Gray

The musician from Bashkiria Elvin Gray in January 2021 was pleased with the news of the news about the wedding with his chosen or the Fathutdinova. The marriage ceremony took place in the Kazan mosque and does not have official legal status. The newlyweds were found in national costumes for the Muslim rite.

Sergey Gylile

Russian actor Sergey Gilev at the beginning of 2021 announced marriage with a journalist Catherine Dmitrieva, with which they met since 2015. Chosen by Gilev for 16 years. In "Instagram", the actor published a photo at the exit from the registry office, saying that the wedding was fast, "friends congratulated friends in the comments of the newlyweds.

Lana Del Rey.

Singer Lana Del Rey entered the list of stars, which will play a wedding in 2021. The chief of the artist was Clayton Johnson, with whom Lana got acquainted in the popular app for dating Tinder. The exact date of the ceremony and the list of invited guests is not yet disclosed.

Ariana Grande

The singer Ariana Grande in the spring of 2020 announced the engagement with the new boyfriend Dalton Gomez. The chosen one of the celebrity is far from the world of show business and works as a real estate agent in Los Angeles. According to rumors, the story of the love of future newlyweds began after the purchase of the house of the singer.

Lilly Collins

Actress Lilly Collins entered the selection of stars who will play a wedding in 2021. In the 2020 Lilly, Lilly received an offer of his hands and hearts from the beloved, the scenario and director Charlie McDauell, with which she met throughout the year. The couple announced that she was preparing for the wedding in 2021.

Gwen Stephanie

Beloved American singer and actress Gwen Stephanie Musician Blake Shelton made chief proposal to become his legitimate wife after 5 years of informal romantic relationships. Celebrities posted the same photo with a kiss and rings. For Shelton, this marriage will be the third, and for his bride - the second. Gwen Stephanie has three children from the first marriage.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Famous football player Cristiano Ronaldo and his beloved Georgina Rodriguez more than once provoked the appearance of rumors about engagement and secret marriage ceremonies. Their love story began in 2016, the couple brings up a common daughter who was born in 2017. Also, Georgina took three children of football player from surrogate mothers. But officially Ronaldo and his bride in marriage do not consist. It seems that soon lovers will replenish the selection of stars who will play a wedding in 2021: the couple published joint images on their pages in social networks hinting at a joyful event.
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Nikita Efremov

Wedding with Maria Ivakova Son Mikhail Efremova Nikita planned for 2020. However, the solemn event had to postpone for a number of reasons. First, the pandemic and the regime of self-insulation, secondly, the decision was influenced by the scandal with the father of Nikita, Mikhail Efremov, who became a member of a fatal accident. Wedding stars decided to move for 2021. It remains to hope that now circumstances will not be an obstacle to the goal.

Conor McGregor

Konor McGregor also got to the number of wedding. In the summer of 2020, the famous athlete made an offer to his beloved Dellin, with which he lives together for many years. About this joyful news Conor told on his page in "Instagram" on the birthday of the beloved. Future newlyweds congratulated relatives and friends in the comments under publication. Over the years of living in the pair, two children were born, but the official marriage ceremony had not yet taken place.

Nikita Dzhigurda

In marriage with the Olympic champion Marina Anisina Nikita Jigurda consisted of 2008 to 2016, they have two common children, son and daughter. The divorce occurred on the initiative of the spouse, and the reason, according to her, was the "inadequate behavior" of Nikita Dzhigurda. In 2020, the ex-spouses stood on the path of reconciliation, and on February 21, 2021 it became known that they again officially became her husband and wife.

Pamela Anderson

In early January 2021, the star of "Malibu Rescuers" Pamela Anderson married at the 6th time. Her chosen was the bodyguard Dan Heiherst, who under her for 13 years. They met during quarantine and very closely thanks to Lokdanun. The modest wedding ceremony has passed in Vancouver in the Celebrity Country House. The bride has chosen a vintage dress and a long pea veil. Instead, the shoes of Parelo had to shore rubber boots, as the celebration passed on the backyard at home. She also refused jewelry and diamond rings.

Daria Deliannova

Russian actress Daria Deliannova shared on his page in "Instagram" with joyful news: February 14, she became the wife of Millionaire Andrei Sharonov, with whom they went to this decision of 8 years. The chief of the Delivanova is headed by the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, and its condition exceeds 160 million rubles.

Maria Sharapova

In December 2020, Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova announced the engagement with the businessman Alexander Dzhilks, the novel with which she began in 2018. Selected Mary is a graduate of the University of Bristol, the founder of the online auction "Paddle8" and the buddy of Prince William. In the publication on his page in "Instagram", the celebrity noted that he answered the consent of the Beloved at the beginning of the relationship, but it was their "little secret."

Nicolas Cage

On February 16, 2021, the actor Nicholas Cage took a 26-year-old Japanese woman Rico Shibatu. Future spouses were met during the visit of Nicolas to Japan, after which they were waiting for a semi-annual separation in connection with the coronavirus pandemic. The actor made a beloved offer by video call. The celebration took place at the Las Vegas Hotel, but it was quiet and without Hollywood scope. It is known that the bride took the surname of the spouse.

Elena Sparrow

In May 2021, the actress Elena Sparrow secretly married a man who works by civil servants. Their novels stood, according to the artist, a lot of complex tests, including a coronavirus pandemic, which only strengthened them. Elena noted that the decision to legitimize the relationship came not spontaneously, but was suspended and smooth.

Alena Kafelnikova

The heiress of the tennis player Evgenia Kafelnikova told on his page in "Instagram" about the wedding with the beloved George Petrishin. Subscribers saw touching the bride's touchdowns in a white dress with a bouquet and in the comments showered Alesia Kafelnikov congratulations and sincere wishes. The model that is preparing for the first time to become a mother in 2021, left a signature in the publication that he felt the Cinderella who found her prince.

Anastasia Makeev

Russian actress Anastasia Makeev in May 2021 shared with subscribers with the joyful news about the wedding with Roman Malkov. The celebrity published a romantic video and footage from the wedding photo shoot, which went under water. It is known that Beloved Anastasia for the sake of her divorced with the former spouse.

Boris Johnson

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his bride Carrie Symonds became legal spouses on May 29 in London. The wedding ceremony was held in a closed atmosphere, in Westminster Cathedral and lasted 1.5 hours. In the list of invited there was only 30 people. It is reported that even the closest assistants politicians were not known about the celebration. Family members of the bride and groom received invitations to celebration on the eve. Johnson became the first premiere for 199 years who married, taking this post. Previously, the media reported that the wedding of the Prime Minister was planned for the summer of 2022.

Grace Gammer

The daughter of the famous American actress Meryl Strip Grace Gammer received an offer of hands and hearts from the musician and producer Mark Ronson in the spring of 2021. Attentive fans noticed in the photo of the celebrity the ring with a diamond, which appeared on the nameless finger of Grace. The brand began to bring questions about the engaged in the engagement, and he was forced to give an official response to the press. In June, celebrities told about the upcoming celebration. However, the exact date of the bride and groom decided not to specify.

Anfisa Okhlobystina

In May 2021, a 24-year-old heiress Ivan Okhlobystin was married, senior anfisa. Chosen girl became a guy from Ryazan named Dmitry. Actor told the subscribers on his page in "Instagram" by publishing a series of photographs. The newlyweds issued a relationship, scholating in the palace of marriage, and after they went to church, where the rite of wedding was held. Earlier, Ivan Okhlobystin spoke about the upcoming celebration in a conversation with journalists. After the wedding, Anfis and Dmitry plan to go home to the bridegroom, where they will live and work.

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