Peter Til - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "From Zero to Unit" 2021



Peter Til - American Businessman, Venture Investor, Enlightenment and Patronage. The creator and former general director of PayPal payment system, which Ilon Mask bought. It is also the founder of the Palantir company and the first Facebook External Investor. The whole biography of an entrepreneur is a real success story.

Childhood and youth

Peter Andreas Til - German by nationality. He was born in Frankfurt am Main on October 11, 1967, but in childhood, together with his parents, moved to the United States. The family settled in the California city of Foster City.

Already at a young age, Peter demonstrated great potential. He won the status of a national chess masters and entered the country's best players in category until 21 years.

Higher education The young man received in Stanford University for the "Philosophy of the XX Century" and in 1989 he became a bacheloramic art. In 1992, Til received a scientific degree of Doctor of Law. Many familiar who appeared in his youth, the entrepreneur later invited to cooperate in business projects.

Personal life

Peter Til is an adherent of unconventional sexual orientation. According to the businessman, being gay means to feel in something outsider, as the society is not ready to perceive representatives of homosexual couples.

Peter Til and his husband Matt Danzaysen

Caming-Out Entrepreneur did at 35 years old, in 2003. It is curious that in an interview with The New Yorker, Journalist George Parker noted that in the list of "Forbes" by 2014, Til was the only billionaire, opened by the subsequent nuances of personal life. Peter's partner is Matt Dancesen. The couple signed marriage in Austria in 2017.


Professional development Peter Til began as an assistant judge. He worked in the Appeal Court of the Eleventh District of the United States. From 1993 to 1996 he was engaged in trendering, profiling in the market of derivative financial documents. By 1996, the first independent matter of the entrepreneur belongs. They became the Thiel Capital Management Foundation.

After a couple of years, together with Max Levchin, Peter took up a new project - online payments. After a while, the business united with Ilona Mask By 2002, the brainchild of Tila gained the status of a public company and was acquired by eBay. The value of the transaction was $ 1.5 billion in 2003 he founded Palantir.

The next undertaking was the macro-hedge foundation called Clarium Capital, which by 2005 became a global macroofund. Investment strategies for its founder celebrated experts and analysts. Understanding that the 2003 American currency will weaken, Til has increased the state, suggesting that the recovery of the dollar and energy resources will occur by the 2005th.

The entrepreneur was able to predict the crisis of 2007-2010, and 3 years before the start. Til compared the dotcomka with a soap bubble and reasoned about his migration to the financial sector, and also predicted problems in real estate. In the same period, Peter became the Business-Angel Facebook, investing $ 500 thousand in the company and acquiring 10.2% of the company's shares. This made a businessman member of the Board of Directors, and also turned out to be a precedent in the business sector.

A similar option of cooperation was offered by CEO Linkedin Rida Hoffman, but he refused and offered Peter's candidacy. At the time of the transaction, Mark Zuckerberg was a student at Harvard University. According to Til, if Facebook founders were waiting for a diploma, an international project could not happen. By 2012, the market capitalization of the resource was estimated at $ 100 billion. Place on the Board of Directors remains for the investor and now.

An independent investment project Til organized in 2005. They became Founders Fund. In addition, the businessman made financial investments in various startups through its fund or personally. For an impressive cash infusion at the initial stages of development of some projects, including the ideas of former colleagues and friends, he received the nickname Don Mafia Paypal. This is the name of an informal association for entrepreneurs starting a career in PayPal.

The projects that support are supported by Til, include start-ups of biotechnical and medical nature, as well as organizations that study the possibility of immortality and longevity. Their financing is conducted through the Breakout Labs non-commercial laboratory.

Thus, the Ambrosia project explores the issues of aging using parabiasis, the transfusion of the plasma of young people to the old. In 2010, the Thiel Fellows scholarship program started. It provides an annual payment of $ 100 thousand. Students, ready to leave the institute and move to work in a silicon valley. Til is confident that higher education is greatly overvalued, as well as the need to take a loan for it. These spending become severe and rarely pay off.

In 2012, in Tandem with Ajaya Royan Peter, the Mithril Foundation for Late Investments was created. Capital of $ 402 million the company financed to the development of private enterprises that are preparing to become public. In parallel, Til read the course of Stanford lectures in his native university, talking about the features of the startup development.

Peter Til leads social activities. Its support is obtained by the American Association for Equal Rights and Goprou. The university undertaking of Tila in the form of the student newspaper The Stanford Review today is the main Libertarian publication of Stanford.

In 2010, Peter financed the judicial claims Hulk Hogan and other media actors opposed to the Gawker blog advertising the nuances of their personal life. After paying $ 140 million, the publication went bankrupt. So the billionaire replied to journalists, which in 2007 revealed the fact of its non-traditional orientation.

In his experience, the investor shared with ambitious entrepreneurs in the book "From zero to one. How to create a startup that will change the future. " The work was released in collaboration with Blake Masters, a student of Til, who thoroughly outlined his lectures. One of the few publications in the official entrepreneur's official account in Twitter is devoted to the book.

Peter Til now

In 2020, the investor continues to engage in financial transactions and conduct business. In addition, he is an adviser to the US President on technical issues.

During a coronavirus infection pandemic, which began in the spring of 2020, Til paid the course of the proliferation of the virus and studying it.

According to some reports, Peter is part of the Bilderberg Club. This is an unofficial organization whose members are the strengths of this: entrepreneurs, politicians, cultural and art figures. There is no confirmation of this fact, since community meetings are under thorough protection, and there is no evidence in the form of a photo or video.

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