Interesting Facts about Garica Kharlamye - Daughter, Divorce, Asmus, Humor, Phobia


The charming comedian Garik Harlamov does not divide the joke on those below the belt and above. He appreciates comfort, considers himself a lazy man and dreams of fundamental projects. Other interesting facts about Garica Kharlamye - in the material 24cm.

star fever

In an interview, the humorist often admits that the constructive criticism helps "not to lose the coast".

"Humor is a subjective thing: one is ridiculous, there is no other, therefore the filter is needed," the Harlamov shares the intricacies of the profession.

A healthy reaction to the criticism of the showman is obliged to lack star illness. In revelations, the artist admits that all media persons pass this stage. The peak of Career Harlamov fell for 20-25 years, when he "star in black". He even needed a course of treatment in Switzerland to sort out himself and express priorities.

Now Garik is engaged in creativity, which he is interested, and does not try to justify the expectations of fans. "Humor is individually," the Comedy Club resident declares and adds that it does not concentrate on the opinion of Follovers. Such a position helped him release the film "Eduard stern. Brighton's tears, filmed in the genre of pseudocumentalisals. The draft of this area was created by the TNT team for Russian television screens for the first time.

Hot Dog "Bulldog"

Today, Kharlamov is interesting as a millionaire, who "told" a state to himself. A celebrity work career began from 14 years. Then he went to live to his father in the United States, where the teenagers had to work. The humorist often repeats in an interview that he started at McDonald's restaurant and received $ 5 per hour for it. Then, returning to Moscow, at 16 years old Garik spoke on Arbat with miniatures of Zhvanetsky.

Meanwhile, Garik Harlamov suggests that with "business on" you "." In his biography there are no commercial stories, because it is easy to lay, and the numbers and calculations cause difficulties. The actor once was offered to open the network of dots "Hot Dog" Bulldog "." But how to develop this direction in the future, the comedian did not imagine. It was frightened by the details, ranging from the placement of the tents in Moscow and ending with business strategies.

Harlamov admits that it works well in humor, sketches and cinema. But here it has not yet managed to create such a product that will be 100% pleased with his audience. "I'm on the way to this," adds the artist.


Interesting facts about Garica Kharlamov are singing about aerophobia information. Although in 2016, an actor with Christina Asmus and a daughter celebrated New Year's holiday overseas, in the United States. The symptoms of the sickness of the ex-wife Harlamov Christina Asmus calls nervousness during the flight, irritation from the sounds of the aircraft and the intolerance to information about the plane crash.

Meanwhile, in the deep reasons, the phobia is not fear, but a sense of discomfort during the flight, which arises from the presence of a large number of people in a closed space. It aggravates the problem of the speed of 800 km / h and the height of 10 thousand m above the ground. And in the head thoughts about the health of the pilot and fellow travelers and their intentions towards other passengers.

Therefore, when he is convinced to fly by the plane, then on Harlamov this acts repulsively and finally convinces that it is better to get a terrestrial road view. But please do not touch a certain item acts on the actor on the contrary and causes a desire to touch the forbidden fetus.

It is not surprising that the time of self-insulation Garik perceived favorably, although adds that quarantine himself is bad.


With mad employment, Garica Kharlamov requires time to restore forces. The lion's share of recreation eats passion to computer games. This fact from the life of the showman does not hide and admits that he became a fan of playing cyberspace in the 90s.

Today, the artist compares games with cinema masterpieces. The celebrity explains its addiction in that the actors are working in modern games to create characters, and the players are offered a professional voice acting, which allows you to collect harvesting projects more than that of Hollywood films.

And if a top game appears, then the comic time is required to pass it. The watch for games he cuts at the weekend or at night. This explains the daily drowsiness of the humorist, as well as the bikes in which they tell the findings of Harlamov.

But the actor does not plan for professional development in Streaming and cybersport and does not consider this occupation tedious and long. Although does not exclude this opportunity.


Interesting facts about Garica Kharlamov are sometimes shocked by revelations. So, once a humorist admitted that in 14 years he made circumcision. The fact of life surfaced randomly in one of the esters of Azamat Musagaliyev's show "I know myself."

Kharlamov admitted that the procedure was insisted by the Father, who said that it would be better. And the child made an operation on aesthetic reasons. And later, the showman opened delicate details and told that he survived the hemorrhoid, the problem with which he decided to be promptly.


In his "instagram" Christina Asmus somehow listed the predilection of her husband and called among them the need to wash their heads in the sink. Also it became known that Garik Harlamov does not drink alcohol. Meanwhile, the harmful habit of celebrity was smoking, to which he was addicted from 16 years. Affected the transformation of the dependence of the appearance of the heir. The child did not like that from the dad smelled tobacco, and the daughter was crying.

Then Harlamov began to use IQOS, which excludes the appearance of unpleasant odor. Now few people guess that the comedian smokes, and the showman admits that he now lives without an ashtray, but began to eat tobacco 2 times more than before. The humorist believes that the habit of adversely affects health, but not yet, as you can quit smoking.

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Public divorce

In the show at Danille, Garik Harlamov frankly spoke about the divorce with Christina Asmus, who was complicated by the public. He explained his attitude towards what was happening the events that there were no precedents for parting. Just during the collaboration of the wife, the spouses mutually understood that they were different people.

First, the lack of joint interests in the family was hiding for passionate love, which helped overcome the differences. Then the spouses began to live in their own world and with time even the general topics were not for the conversation. Now the couple supports friendship due to the daughter of Anastasia, which, according to Harlamov, does not yet know that parents are bred.

To such a complex decision of the Harlamov did not come immediately and for a long time he stopped his personal child experience. The showman refused the radical step so as not to become like a father who once also left the family. And then in "Instagram", in the profiles of Christina Asmus and Garik Harlamov, a publication about the upcoming divorce appeared in one day.

"There is no crime in this ... the main thing is to stay friends as much as possible. Especially with the presence of a child, "Kharlamov explains his position.

Life without humor

Garik Harlamov considers his profession to be the most difficult, since it is connected with the ability to deliver the maximum pleasure for a person with a sense of humor.

Interesting facts about Garica Kharlamov can be supplemented by a superstition of the actor. The humorist prefers to be silent about preparing projects. Somehow it was lucky to participate in Casting for a role in the series "Who is the owner in the house?", And he shared his joy with her mother. As a result, the role was getting Andrei Soskov. And now Kharlamov does not show miniatures to native people before reaching the scene, so as not to be confused creative excitement before the performance.

Comic like that his profession leaves time for personal life and parenting of daughter. Showman would oppressed the trend to live in the rhythm "woke up, came, left." And if it were not for success on television, a witty actor admits, he would still associate his life with an intersection.

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