Interesting facts about Ie Savvina - Son, Husband, Piglet, "Lady with a Dog"


Actress Iia Savvina believed that the profession was constantly studying. This fragile star, which played bright roles in the TV series "Open Book" and films "Lady with a dog" and "Garage", could sharply refuse directors, possessed encyclopedic knowledge and phenomenal memory. Other interesting facts about IE Savvina - in material 24cm.

Ranevskaya letter

About the acting career Iia Savvina did not dreamed. A starting star without any problems was an interview to the Faculty of Journalism MSU as a medalist. Being a student, Savvina debuted in the play "Such love" and conquered the capital public. And after studying in Moscow State University, Alexey Batalov proposed a young actress for filming in the film "Lady with a dog".

The story of A. P. Chekhov, built on subtexts and halftons, managed to film the director Joseph Heifitz. The appearance of Savvina in the frame was a sensation in the world of cinema. Caused surprise sensitivity of the artist, discontinued at 23 years old Anna Sergeyevna.

Then the film was awarded international award, and a letter from Faina Ranevskaya was awarded for AI Sergeyevna, with which the performer was unfamiliar. As it turned out later, the Ranevskaya had a desire to write a talented actress, and she found the address Savvina.

This fact has influenced the relationship of the artist. Communicating stars was touching. The ladies turned out to be the scratches into the tongue and loved poetry. Faina Georgievna called Savvin "A mixture of a rattling snake with a steppe bell." Ranevskaya presented to Sergeyevna the print ring, which Ta Talisman, and the author's watercolor landscape.

Miracle Son.

With his future husband, Vsevolod Shestakov Iia Savvin met while studying at Moscow State University. At the time of filming in the film "Lady with a dog", the actress has already become a mom. Son Sergey was born in 1957. However, the joyful event was overshadowed by an incurable heir's disease. Doctors set a disappointing diagnosis - Down Syndrome. According to predictions of doctors, the baby was doomed. Mothers offered to abandon the child and do not spoil their lives that insulted the actress.

Savvina did not surrender and delivered the Son to a consultation to the medical luminary of Professor Speransky, who said that the heir would live. Later to help with the upbringing of a sunny child volunteered.

After 7 years, Iia Sergeyevna drew attention to boarding school for special children. During the conversation, the employee of the boarding school casually noted that if she puts her son, he refuses the heir. It sabbed Savvin, and the actress decided to continue raising the child alone. Interesting facts about Ie Savvina can be supplemented by the fact that Sergey "treated" classical literature, music and English.

Meanwhile, Savvina did not condemn the parents who refused a disabled child, but she did not regret her decision. Contrary to forecasts, Sergei Shestakov draws great, reads the poems by heart, plays a synthesizer and received a higher education.


The name of the celebrity - Iya - means "violet". Meanwhile, the actress with Angelic appearance was characterized by militant and even sharpness.

I would no longer be the Museum of Valentine Gafta, who often challenged his colleague on the workshop in epigram. "The eyes are gray-blue, everyone is kind, together - evil," the actor ironed over the Savvina. However, the knuckles did not upset the artist with aristocratic appearance, although with a gaft, many ceased to communicate after its satirical poems.

Interesting facts about Ie Savvina should be supplemented by the fact that the story of his unusual name did not interest the actress in his youth. Only after the name helped to enter the Moscow State University, the future celebrity asked her mother, why she called her exactly that way. To which the parent briefly replied that he wanted Svetlana, but it was afraid that the hair would be darken over time. Other arguments I did not hear SERGEEVNA.

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The house of AI Savvina has always been open for friends. Celebrities had a chance to be friends with Andrei Voznesensky, Vladimir Vysotsky, Bella Ahmadulina. When the star was offered to voice the patch in the Winnie Pooh multiplication film, then she thought for a long time, with what intonation should a cartoon character should say.

And then the phrase "It seems, the rain is going" it came across the idea to say a replica as Ahmadulin, only faster. By the way, and the voice of Yevgeny Leonova, the star compared with the Hamlet, watching the tragedy of colleagues before the microphone.

This story served as a reason for jokes over Ahmadulina, who, however, was not offended and Ironia said Savvina: "Thank you for laying me such a cute piglet, and not a pig."


Ia Savvina lived a profession. Until the 2000s, the actress per year was filmed in two projects. And although the main roles were a bit, Savvina remembered a fair look in the frame, believing that she had a role, and not playing.

In the last interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, Iia Sergeyevna was joking, although he already went on the scene of the patient. She said that he was ready to give way to the young man, but had not yet seen among the performers such as Jurassic or armor.

Celebrity has not been able to reveal in the cinema of the current century, and only occasionally took invitations to participate in the projects of the new time.

Love till death

Recent years, the health actresses shaken. AI Sergeyevna was diagnosed with melanoma, then the star suffered a stroke and got into a car accident. Nearly was always spouse Anatoly Vasilyev, who also accepted the son of Ai Sergeyevna.

In interesting facts about AI Savvina, love without a stamp in the passport for 30 years can be attributed. 10 days before the care of the actress agreed to legalize relations with her husband. Being a seriously ill, the celebrity did not lose the sense of humor and ironized the situation. On the traditional question in the registry office, I answered: "I have to think." Savvina also asked her husband to make a custody of the child.

According to Vasiliev, the last days of the actress felt the approaching death and asked to let her go. After the death of AI Sergeyevna, the husband kept his promise and cares for Son Sergey.

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