Igor Bogomazov (Garik Bad Mazovazh) - Photo, biography, personal life, news, "Outwashing scammers" 2021



Igor Bogomazov (Garik Bogomazov) - Russian pop and rap-performer, ex-participant "Outwashing fraudsters." After prolonged cooperation with the group, the singer left the team to realize solo.

Childhood and youth

Igor was born in Leningrad on August 31, 1975. Father led the plant, and the mother was among the first private entrepreneurs who appeared after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Garik has two sisters, Eugene and Elena.

Like most boys, in childhood, the Varoza was interested in football. The game fascinated him so that the parents staged a son in the Sports School of the Zenit Club. Here, for the eight years, Igor studied, dreaming to become a professional player, but the career did not work out. After completing training in school, the guy entered the pop faculty to the Academy of Culture. Here for the age of two he studied vocals.

The 1990s turned out to be time when the most ambitious plans and projects could have been implemented. Virginas successfully used the emerging opportunities. The first business of Igor became an invitation of foreigners on the airprot on a helicopter in the sky of St. Petersburg.

Personal life

While the colleagues in the group enjoyed freedom, the Varodasov married. Wedding with the elected Julia took place in 2000. Soon the daughter of Varvara appeared. The wife and mother-in-law were constantly trying to control the soloist, the business sent on tour. Concerts followed one after another, and the spouse trusted Igor less and less. In 2005, a divorce took place. After parting with his wife for a while, the man found a consolation in a relationship with a girl named Lydia. But the joint personal life was not charged.

The divorce was not easy to divorce. By the court decision, he had to pay alimony. In 2013 it turned out that the artist had accumulated great debt and for it was declared the federal wanted list as a malicious defaulter. Garik gradually repaid debt, but the story ruined his reputation for a long time.

Subsequently, Igor and Julia were repeatedly met on various talk shows, finding out the relationship. The ban to see the daughter, the wrong perception of the girl's father, conflicts adults complicated the situation. The artist confessed that the former spouse is trying to live at his expense, extorting money. Varvara, in turn, poorly studied and was not located to mental communications with his father.

The second wife of Bogomazova became Victoria. After the singer left the group, he began serious problems with alcohol. The wife helped the performer to get rid of bad habits. She managed to find a doctor who encoded Garika. Former colleagues did not care for the vital difficulties of a recent partner, so the Morning Nazo suggests communication with them.

In 2019, Victoria gave birth to Igor Son. The boy was named George. Now a man is fully concentrated on the family, as evidenced by his loving posts and photos in the Instagram network.


The point of reference of the creative biography of the team "Otweyy Fraudsters" was 1996. Sergey Amoralov, Vyacheslav Zinurov and Garik Bogomazov united in a trio with a sonorous name. The first official speech of the team took place at the festival "Dancing City", held in Cherepovets. Glory to artists brought the show "Music Ring". Within the framework of the program, the media contest was a radio station "Europe Plus" and the MUZ-TV TV channel.

Mom Garika helped the popularity of guys. By doing business, she sponsored the beginnings of the Son and his comrades. The woman provided vocalists stage costumes, the ability to record songs and go on stage. In 1997, the light saw the debut plate of the "Color Plasticine" team. Zinurov, he was Tom Chaos, made the author of the music, and the Amorals and the Voroza came up with the texts of the tracks.

The composition of the group instantly became hits. Unfigured lines in combination with a new-fashioned phenomenon in the form of rap, the bright appearance of young people and their bold behavior on the stage attracted the attention of thousands of fans. The promotion of the collective was engaged in Evgeny Orlov. The artists did not sign the contract with the producer, since their relationship was built on friendship and trust.

In the 1998th, "Otweyy Fraudsters" presented a plate of "any-different", and a year later, the Disk "Bullshit". For many songs shot clips. The team of 10 years was on the wave of success, but against the background of the appearance of younger groups in 2010 began to lose the former ratings. In 2011, Igor left the team. Andrei Repnikova was invited to his place. In 2016, the artist fell into an accident and, like Garik, complained about the lack of participants in the team of interest in his health.

Igor Bogomazov Now

After years, the performers do not like to remember that it was the cause of the care of the Bogomaza from the team. He played the role of his passion for alcohol, the proposal of the spouse to relax from the intense touring schedule and disagreements, increasingly appearing between buddies.

In 2020, the artist is implemented as a solo performer, but before that demanding, which was in youth, is already far away. He often performs on the club sites and in bars, by performing the compositions of "commander communoes", as well as the author's tracks. During the period of a pandemic of coronavirus infection, the vocalist launched direct esters in social networks with the participation of viewers, and was also a guest of the VKontakte festival.

This year was marked for a singer with unpleasant family squabbles. Sister Igor Evgeniy tried to claim an apartment belonging to the parents of the Bad Masters. Woman secretly privatized the property, excluding from among the heirs of his brother and his little son.

The case was transferred to the court, and the proceedings attracted the attention of the media. The real estate that should be divided between the three children of the Mazovaya Elder, could move to one sister. Igor told about this situation and personal life in the program "Male / Women's".


  • 1997 - "From color plasticine"
  • 1998 - "Anyway"
  • 1999 - "Bullshit"
  • 2000 - "Sticky Hands - 2"
  • 2002 - "Provocation"
  • 2005 - "Any songs about different"
  • 2008 - "called records"

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