Jon Gonzalez - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Jon Gonzalez is a dazzlingly beautiful Spanish artist, which regularly appears on the pages of glossy magazines as a model. Despite the genre diversity of projects in which he is often found on sites with partners in the former films.

Childhood and youth

Jon was born in May 1986 in the verge of verge founded in the XIII century, whose population now has 15 thousand people. Parents of the actor - industrial workers.

Yona has an elder brother of Aitor, also the star of television of Spain. The firstborn of Gonzalezov took another part of the family name of the moon as a pseudonym. Aitor above Jona: the growth of the older brother - 190 cm, and the younger - 179 cm.

As a child, Gonzalez was not about artistic biography, but about the career of a mechanic or physical education teacher. For the second path, the guy had all the prerequisites - a brown belt on karate (sisotan). Among the fans of this kind of Japanese struggle - Jean-Claude Van Damme and Howard Stern. Also at 15 years old, the future actor worked as a waiter, and then received a bachelor qualification in the Basque city of Mondragon.

As Jon is recognized in an interview, he changed childhood dreams to break out of the province and see the world. With the support of mother, the young man went to Bilbao, where the older brother was already mastered acting. Aitor's guest, Jon began to work in a modeling agency and after 4 months he received an invitation to Casting the Globomedia television company.

Personal life

About the privacy of Gonzalez, who took the sixth 6th line in the ranking of the most sexually attractive Spanish actors, a little known. The photo of the beloved motorcycle appears in his "instagram" more often than pictures with girls.

It is known about two novels of the sex symbol. While working on the series "Black Laguna" Jon and his partner on the site of Blanca Suarez Relationships between their loved characters were transferred to reality. However, after the filming of filming, the paths of the actors diverged. Also, Gonzalez had a long relationship with the girl Natasha, however, they remained in the past.

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After the series "Under suspicion", they talked about a possible novel between Jon and the namesake of Suarez - actress forms Romero, having Gypsy and Peruvian roots. However, Gonzalez, and a woman who is older than a guy for a decade, publicly repeatedly denied the rumors.

With a partner for the TV series "Big Reserve" and "Telephone", Angel Kremonte Artist was engaged in Kaitsurfing in Cadis. Moreover, the paparazzi captured it in Adam's outfit rows with Anhel in a swimsuit: the guy was going to be in the surfist costume.

All familiar characterize the Gonzalez junior as a kind and fun, but a hot-tempered person, surfed on cleanliness and order. Addiction to tobacco does not prevent the actor to cook well. Unlike Igor Northergyan, he prefers not pineapple in champagne, and watermelon and strawberries.


The acting debut took place in the SMS series ("Dream without fear"), in which, except for Gonzalez, who played Andres, shone Amaya Salamanca, Maria Castro and Mario Casas. With the last native Vergara again met in the full-length Dramati "Sex, Dinner Parties and False". It is curious that the film producers, in the title of which appeared by Antony, the words "True" did not pay the promised remuneration for shooting in bed scenes.

One of the most famous projects in the filmography of Yona is the series "Black Laguna", the Russian adaptation of which has become a "closed school". A partner of Gonzalez on SMS Martin Rivas, who in Russia knows the participation in the comedy "three more weddings", was also starred about the secrets of the luxury boarding school.

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In a multi-meter melodramatic thriller "Big Reserve", which tells about the confrontation of the clans of winemakers, was able to play both Gonzalez brothers. However, relatives did not cross in the frame.

5 years after the premiere of the 1st season, the SMS Jon again met on the set with Amaya Salamanca. In the series "Grand Hotel", which shown in Russia, the "home" channel, he appeared in the image of Julio Olmedo, hired to the hotel waiter to understand the loss of the sister. Salamanca performed by Alarcon Alarcon Hotel in Alarcon.

In the comedy "Lost North", released on the screens in 2015, the ways of Jona crossed with a long-standing girlfriend with Suarez's letterhead. The film talked about the difficult share of Spanish migrant workers in Germany.

Jon Gonzalez now

In 2020, Gonzalez continues to be filmed in the multi-version retrame of the "Telephone" as Francisco.Embed from getty images

The company in the series, which inveraged the 5th season, the artist constitutes its long-standing familiar Blanca Suarez and Martin Rivas. Also for October 2020, the premiere of the film of Imanola Rayo Hil-Kanpaiak is scheduled, in which Jon performs one of the main roles.


  • 2006-2007 - SMS.
  • 2007-2010 - "Black Laguna"
  • 2009 - "Sex, parties and lies"
  • 2010 - "Big Reserve"
  • 2011-2013 - "Grand Hotel"
  • 2015 - "Lost North"
  • 2015-2016 - "Under suspicion"
  • 2017 -... - "Telephone"
  • 2020 - Hil-Kanpaiak

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