Vladislav Poznyakov - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, "Male State", killed 2021



Vladislav Poznyakov - Mensenavynik, the leader of the community "Male State", whose philosophy is kept on three concepts: Patriarchate, nationalism and information war against the current government. His supporters are known to travelers to representatives of LGBT and women who do not meet their ideas about morality. Vladislav himself repeatedly called himself "the father of Slavic extremism."

Childhood and youth

The leader of the "male state" was born in Aktyubinsk Kazakh SSR (now - Aktobe, a city in Western Kazakhstan), and grew up in the Balakovo of the Saratov region. He has Russian citizenship. Vladislav Pozdnyakov's parents were engaged in selling grain.

Vladislav Poznyakov in his youth

According to testimonies, in childhood, the brownie was a quiet and peaceful boy, did not show aggression. What circumstances made it like this, how he learned all Russia, is not specified. But it consumes that his parents lived in a mixed marriage, and the creator of the "male state" was often delivered from a foreigner's father.

After school, the young man entered the Balakovo Medical College, He worked as Feldsher. Before the release, he had a conflict with the leadership of the university, due to which the "father" of the Male State quit learning.

Personal life

In an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, Vladislav Pozdnyakov described the perfect girl. She is from a strict patriarchal family and adheres to natural beauty. The smaller the cosmetics, the better, ideally without it. Also, the man put his taboo on heels, made of nails, decorations and cracked clothes."Such a type of girls is found only in Europe. This is predominantly German, Austrians and girls from Scandinavia. In Russia, such ladies on gold weight, so you have to be content with what is, "said Vladislav Pozdnyakov.

You can only take the girl in my wife, who kept himself in sexual terms, says "father" of the "male state".

Was the Pozdnyakov, which places such requirements, a stable personal life, is unknown. But in rare interviews and statements on social networks, he emphasized that it does not plan to start a family, because girls from Russia mercantile and too loose. And if it is destined to raise a child, then only from the surrogate mother.


For the first time about the "male state" spoke during the World Cup in 2018. Vlad Late wrote that Russian girls who are kindly with foreigners unworthy. He called on photographing such cases, announced the injury on the network.

After that, law enforcement defenders decided to check the activities of the "male state". Vlad turned out to be a person involved in the criminal case under Article 282 "The initiation of hatred or hostility, as well as the humiliation of human dignity." In December 2019, the activist was condemned for 2 years conditionally, but in March 2020, the punishment was canceled due to partial decriminalization of the Criminal Code. After that, the brownie allegedly moved to Poland.

The arrest was waiting for other figures of the Male State. They were detained on suspicion of extremism, but in June 2019 let go.

Vladislav Poznyakov and Andrei Petrov

Among the "victims" of the "male state" of Khachaturian sisters, actresses from the video Till The End! Till Lindemann, blogger and open gay Andrei Petrov, a single mother from Krasnodar, adopting a dark-skinned child, a teacher who was shot in pornolists for 12 years before the beginning of the pedagogical career. Each incident Vlad Late brought to the scandal.

Supporters of the Male State were looking for "spoiled" girls in "Instagram", "Twitter", "Tick-current" and in Vkontakte, threw angry messages, threatened. At the same time, the Pozdsisov allowed his statements like:

"If in Russia there is a single nationalist, who will kill them, I will not feel sorry for me."

In Twitter, in March 2020, the popularity of the petition was gaining popularity with the requirement to close all publics of the Male State. He was supported by Chechens. Thus, the head of the Union of Chechen youth Rustam Tapayev in an interview with the radio station "says Moscow" noted that if in words and actions of Vladislav, there is a "incitement of an interethnic retail or gender signs", the organization will appeal to law enforcement agencies.

Vladislav Poznyakov now

On the night of June 2, 2020, for a number of groups in Vkontakte, the information was spread that Vladislav Poznyakov was slaughtered in Istanbul. The first mention appeared in the Bottle publishing party, one of whose administrators is the blogger himself.

"Guys, Vlada killed, he was delivered to the hospital!" - indicated in the records of June 1, 2020.

Early in the morning of June 2, a message appeared in the tape "Bottles" that the Pozdnyakov died in intensive care at the age of 29 years. The cause of death is an abundant blood loss from knife injury in the stomach. During the day in publics, one way or another connected with the "Male State", photographs from the scene and the history of "eyewitnesses" appeared.

"Vlad was slaughtered at the entrance when he went to the store. After 5 minutes, when he came out, I heard the screams and moans, I went out, he was in the blood on our staircase, still alive ... Called an ambulance, Vlad is already unconscious, the ambulance drove 20 minutes. In resuscitation, after a few hours, he died, "a certain Vitalik Goydash wrote in the" bottle ".

There were reports that the murder was confirmed by the mother of Vladislav Pozdnyakov. But in the material of the Moscow Komsomolets, it is indicated that the woman learned about the tragedy from the Best friend of the Son signed on social networks as Vitaly.

"From the words of a woman, his brownie himself said that this is the only person who can trust and write in the case of something," the Speransky correspondent indicates.
Vladislav Poznyakov - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death,

The Company was divided into several camps. The first accepted a message about the death of the Pozdnyakov for a clean coin. They lay out in their accounts in social networks images of the creator of the "male state" with a black ribbon in the corner, record videos in memory. The second in habit is ridiculed the situation, allegedly "Dr. Vlad all deceived, he is alive!" Thirds did not even convince photos from the murder.

By the way, most media joined the last camp. In an interview with TV channel "360", the criminalist Mikhail Ignatov noted that the position of the body of the "killed" and the nature of bleeding is unnatural, and the blood has a brown tint, "which is not in nature." Does not convince the expression of the face of the deceased:

"Eyes differently [look at the corpses], even if closed."

Not to mention the fact that a man with photographs of growth and the physique is much less than the Pozdnyakov - almost bodybuilder.

Soon the snapshots from the crime scene were removed from all public belonging to the "male state". In this case, no refutations or confirmations followed. Does not comments and the Consulate Office of Russia in Istanbul.

While the admirers of the ideas of the leader of the Male State are monitoring its activity in social networks. In Vkontakte, he did not appear for several days from the evening on June 1, 2020, the updates on his telegram channel "Doctor Vlad" was also not, however, the post, written from the person of Vlad, was already posted on the personal page of Men.

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