Eva Smirnova - Photo, biography, news, "Best of all!", Children's KVN 2021



Eva Smirnova is a beginner actress, a fashion model and a TV presenter who gained popularity thanks to the participation in the program "Best of all!". Consciousness of the girl, her dramatic potential and the ability to work on the camera opened the prospects for implementing on television and in the cinema.


Eva was born in Moscow on August 24, 2012. Blond Star - Master's daughter on hairstyles. Her mother Valentina Nikishin independently engaged in the selection of images for the portfolio of the girl. Evgeny Ositin Father works teacher. Eva also has an older sister Valery.

Even before shooting the transfer, after which the girl woke up the famous, parents organized a child participation in castings for advertising and children's directories. Miloid appearance of the girl, learning and understanding of the tasks that need to be performed in the frame played on the hand.

In a very young age, Smirnova surprised close to acting data. She demonstrated natural talent and oratory abilities, so Eve arranged to the Creative Studio "Actor". Here the girl was helped to polish the acting equipment and set speech. It was first invited to television for 4 years.


Eva debuted on the set of television transmission in 2016. As a participant "Best of all!" The girl was visiting Maxim Galkina. On the air she said that she dreams of becoming a "police", sap the money and loves to watch the news. Together with the leading program, Eva played a scene on the news, easily communicating with the audience and managing the public.

Having become a finalist and a star of the show, Smirnova received an invitation to participate in other transmissions of the first channel. The nugget girl called on the ether of projects "Let them say", "Evening Urgant" and "Stars agreed". From this point on, the portfolio of beginner artist has become replenished by new television shows, children's projects and filming in the series. She was an invited channel of the channel for children and parents Mammy.tv. In a duet with a doctor, a unnamed girl talked about diseases and methods of their treatment.

The ratings of young actipers turned out to be so high that Eve was offered to become the United Magnifier Galkin on the "Teffi 2018" awards, with which she successfully coped. The next ether with the participation of Blokuroy the presenter appeared after the release of the transfer "Children's KVN", and then the girl tried the power in the channel of the channel "Russia-1" "Master of Lekh." As part of the jury was Mikhail Galustyan, Yuri Galtsev and other famous humorists.

In 2019, Eva became the leading Award "Teffi Kids" with Andrei Malakhov. In addition, the actress participated in the play "Kerosene fairy tales" for the family restaurant Kupol. In the same year, the girl was engaged in adult KVN as the guest of the team "Tatneft" team.

Gradually grew up and filmography of Smirnova. Eve has become older and managed to express himself as a responsible participant in the most complex shooting processes. The artist has become often invited to participate in the creation of the series. The creative biography of Smirnova was replenished with new experience. Other serials, such as "X" and "Marusya" were added to the paintings "Big Game", "Biheppi" and "Hot Point" with the participation of the girl.

In addition, a small actress began working with the Childakin children's literary club, where he met many media personnel.

Eva Smirnova now

Now Eve is still participating in photo shoots, advertising clothes and accessories of children's brands, removed in commercials and in large-format projects. On behalf of the girl, a personal page was registered in the Social Network "Instagram", which adults lead. Here are postponed photos that tell me about new acquaintances of a small actress and its creative achievements.

The Smirnova also has a group of fans in Vkontakte and the author's Yutiub-Channel. On the second, they often appear rollers in which Eva reads poems. Etude "Glagols", published in May 2020, conquered Follovover. The girl played a scene about a quarrel with a beloved by phone.

Starting with what was offended, she demonstrated a palette of emotions from disorder and indignation to anger, enthusiasm and delight. The young celebrity even managed to break down in the frame at the right moment and touch the hearts of the audience.

During the period of the coronavirus infection, Eva Smirnov became a member of the filming of the series "Plague!". The project united in the frame of the stars of show business, in order to tell in the comedy format, how they coped with the plague epidemic in the Middle Ages. Among the producers of the series were Sergey Shnurov and Tina Kandelaki.


  • "The best"
  • "Let them talk"
  • "Stars agreed"
  • "Evening Urgant"
  • "Master of laughter"
  • "Children's KVN"

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