Series "First Love" (2020) - Released, Home, Actors and Roles, Facts


March 9, 2021 - the release date on the "home" Ukrainian series "First Love". The channel once again launches the line of melodam, this time from the story about the former lovers who met through the years and newly plunged into romantic feelings.

Plot and shooting

Such an interesting fact has long been noted: for the absolute majority of people, first love remains unforgettable throughout life. As a rule, subsequent relationships and even marriage are not able to finally erase benevolent memories of the ever-broken sense of the union feelings. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that the former lovers met the years later will want to revive the thrust of the dustless passion.

In such a situation, the heroine of the story, which he suggested to learn the series "First Love", Irina Petrov. A woman after the years to see Oleg - a man, who had long been able to conquer her tender heart long ago, waking up in him the first in the life of a 15-year-old girl in a deep feeling. Despite the long separation, both happily hurried to step into his arms to each other without thinking about the consequences.

The design of the project has put the Star Media film company. Vladislav Ryashin ("hot ice", "bombing", "Anna-Detective"), Marina Khripunova ("Surrogate Mother", "Heart Rita") and Irina Bosov (Zolushka, Chiki).

Actors and roles

The series "First Love" proposed to the court to the audience a variety of characters. The main roles in the painting performed the following actors:

  • Valeria Shkyrando - Irina Petrova, the main character, the owner of the boutique and a single mother, raising his son Misha, which for many years no longer wants to let men in her lives because of unpleasant personal experience.
  • Vitaly Kudryavtsev - Oleg Dansky, offspring of a rich family name and director of the shopping and entertainment center, who was in the past beloved of the main character, but parted with Irina because of the intervention of parents who did not want the Son to spoil her life by contacting the girl from a disadvantaged family.
  • Dmitry Saranskov - the coach of the son of Irina Mikhail on rock climbing, manifested with the filing of a pupil a romantic interest in heroine, but eternally left by the woman like "overboard", despite the attached efforts to conquer the heart of Petrova.
  • Irina Mac - Tatiana, mother of heroin, in the past suffering from alcohol dependence, but managed to cope with his weaknesses to support her daughter raisingly.

Oleg and Irina at the age of 15 played young artists Daniel Kamensky and Daria Bootsmanov.

Sergey Kissel, Yana Smolentseva, Sergey Diakalik, Irina Melnik, was filmed in the series, Irina Melnik and Danil Shevchenko in the role of Mikhail Petrov, son of Irina.

Interesting Facts

1. Director Vladimir Janoschuk, who shot the series "First Love", the domestic viewer is acquainted mainly by joint Russian-Ukrainian projects, such as "Relief", "I will not give you to anyone" or "Three in Maze". Also, cinematographer in his youth appeared on the screen as an actor - in the heroic and adventure picture about the times of the civil war in Russia "Tale of the Loud Drum", filmed through the product of Sophia Mogilev.

2. The shooting of the project was carried out mainly in the Kiev region and directly in the Ukrainian capital. The main works were completed in September 2020, and on November 18, the TV viewers of the STB channel were already able to see the premiere.

3. The role of the main character in the 4-serial tape Valery Skyrando responds about his character as a woman only at first glance is frivolous, but in reality I have important anchors in life - Mother, Son and its enterprise. But, like every representative of the weak gender, despite the negative experience in the past, continues to dream of a man, in whose arms will be able to turn into a fragile and protected princess from a strong business woman.

4. According to the artist, the role of Oleg Vitaly Kudryavtseva, the project proposes an audience with a nontrivial story, in which it is impossible to single out black and white - enough halftone, allowing to understand that it is definitely bad or good people in the film, as in reality, no. And the more interesting it seems the plot.

5. Russian viewers are sometimes confused by the series with the Chinese dorama of the same name, also published on the screens in 2020. The reason was the desire of domestic televisers to launch a 4-serial picture in the rental called "First Love", while on the Ukrainian television project went under a different name - "The second chance of first love."

6. Although among those who watched the series "First Love" are also the people who the plot intrigued, most critics consider the film a boring, distinguished primitive narration with the ammotian playing of actors. And - that, taking into account the name, it seemed particularly offensive viewers - remained an underestimated theme of the first love, because the relationship of Ira and Oleg in the youth is shown extremely scoop and dry.

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