Series "Surrogate Mother" (2021) - Release date, home, actors and roles, facts


At the beginning of the spring, the spectators of the Canal "Home" saw the series "Surrogate Mother", whose release date came on March 11, 2021. In the center of the plot is a delicate theme dedicated to the problems of childless marital couples. A tight history will help families faced with infertility, overcome the inner fear and understand the nuances of reproductive technologies.

Actors and roles, as well as interesting facts of the project - in material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

In the center of the plot of the series "Surrogate Mother" - the history of the married couple Lisa and Maxim, who repeatedly tried to become parents, but to no avail. Doctors could not help Lisa to know the happiness of motherhood, and in despair, a woman grabs any opportunity to hold his baby on the hands.

Relationships in the family are increasing to the limit until Alain appears in the life of the couple, ready to give birth in exchange for Maxim Legal Services. Surma attracts the future Father more than the spouse. And later it turns out that young beauties have skeletons in the closet.

Over the series worked, the company "AMEDIA PRODUCTION" is especially for the "home" channel. The creators promise to surprise the unusual locations of Moscow impregnated with a romantic atmosphere.

Writer Olga Larionov Before filming, film guides consulted with gynecologists and reproductologists. Reliability helped the history of women who resorted to surrogate motherhood and having shared impressions of the waiting for the desired infant.

Separate episodes were filmed in medical institutions, to work in which they admitted for all the rules of anti-epidemiological regime. The film crew was measured, and also took tests on antibodies and the presence of COVID-19 causative agent.

The work in the frame was not always comfortable. In the plot, the characters have to dance on the camera and mocking under the rain installation. And one of the most beautiful scenes will be a symbolic heroine walk on a night tram and reflections on unfulfilled dreams.

Actors and roles

The main roles of the project were:

  • Anastasia Panina - Lisa, a woman held in life, but devoid of maternity happiness;
  • Vladimir Zherebtsov - Male Maxim, who supports Lisa in attempts to become a mother and suddenly showing interest in Surma;
  • Ekaterina Chuikova - Alena who escaped from her husband and dreaming to return the child, and to pay for the legal services of Maxim, the woman agrees to become a surrogate mother for spouses;
  • Evgenia Ahremenko - Nadia, Girlfriend Lisa, suspecting that Alena hides something.

The series also starred: Oleg Moschevikov, Alexandra Korenei, Maria Bukton, Natalia Tishchenko, Irina Efremova and others.

Interesting Facts

1. The project directed by Yuri Harnas, familiar to the series "OSA" and "Witnesses".

2. The series "Surrogate Mother" was filmed in Khimki. The medical center of medical episodes was the medical center of the new building, part of the offices of which were free. By the way, moms with children got into separate episodes, which became random witnesses of the double.

3. Producer Natalia Klibanova told about the fact that a strong cast was called. Spouses behind the scene Anastasia Panin and Vladimir Stupils and before the camera agreed to play a married couple.

"The topic affected in the series is very relevant," the producer of the project emphasizes the producer of the project and adds that psychological pressure in the situation with which the heroes of the film faced, not only women, but also men.

4. The most difficult role, according to Producer, Vladimir Zherebtsov, whose hero has to rush between his wife and a woman to which tender feelings arose. The performer itself is convinced that the plot of the film is not dedicated to each hero, but a married couple as a whole. The family has to overcome the crisis, where the characters will try to achieve happiness for themselves personally, but at a certain moment will understand what they want to be together.

5. Anastasia Panina admitted that the female forums were helped to immerse them in the experience of the heroine, within which the motives that pushed to surrogate motherhood were discussed. Celebrity is sure that melodrama will allow women to find answers to questions relating to a delicate theme.

6. Joint work with Vladimir Zherebtsov Anastasia Panin in a joke calls "Weaving Lace". Spouses know each other so well that they can work in the episodes on the halftons, where the audience will be able to see the true features of the performers. According to Anastasia, the shooting is also provided with the opportunity to "fully express all emotions", which helps to cleanse from their own internal experiences.

7. Actress Evgenia Ahremenko learned about what was admitted to the project when he returned from the hospital in the gypsum. Director Yuri Harnas decided to wait for the recovery of the artist. Evgenia quickly recovered after injury and even with dignity worked out episodes on high heels. And that the leg does not smoke, after a double she put on a special boot. By the way, the celebrity goes into the frame only after meditation, which is configured to shoot.

The star admitted that after work in the TV series began to admire women, ready to help helpless couples. "This is very hard work and cosmic generosity," the artist confessed in an interview.

8. The series "Surrogate Mother" caused an interest in the audience to the swirling plot, where the love intrigue of Surmama and the Father is intertwined, which is waiting for the firstborn, as well as the move in which a woman agrees to legal services in exchange for help in the toaling of someone else's child.

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