The series "Idealist" (2021) - the release date, home, actors and roles, facts, trailer


March 12, 2021 - the release date of the melodramatic mini-series "idealist". The premiere took place on the TV channel "Home". The main heroine of the tape is to deal with the mass of the problems that have unexpectedly collapsed at one moment. In material 24cm - more about the plot of paintings, actors and roles, as well as several interesting facts about the shooting.

Plot and shooting

The main character of the "idealist" series is Sophia Kovaleva, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. In the life of a woman suddenly the black band comes: she was fired from work, the husband turned out to be a traitor and went to his mistress, in addition, also a favorite car she took in installments, broke. But Sophia is not going to give up and is emergency looking for ways to earn. Suddenly she meets the former classmate, who once helped solve problems in mathematics, which caused irritation and annoyance from the guy.

Now at Maxim's own successful business. Wanting to take revenge on the "meager" and prove his own superiority, it offers the work of the dishwasher at its restaurant. Kovaleva agrees, but attempts of Max to humiliate her tolerate. The intellect of the ex-classmate is prevented by the winner, and maybe the reason lies in a suddenly appearing love feeling. In addition, it turns out that business Maxim on the verge of bankruptcy, and Sofya still loves her husband.

Shots of the 4-serial film started in June 2020 and lasted until November. The director became Miroslav Malich, the scenario was written by Olga Stepanova and Dmitry Stepanov. The producers of the series "Idealist" were Marina Khripunova, Irina Bosova, Anton Prokopovich. The manufacture of the tape was engaged in the film company "An-Film".

Actors and roles

The main roles of 4-serial melodrama were filmed:

  • Maria Pirogova - Sonya Kovaleva;
  • Dmitry Ratatsky - Maxim, Odnoklassnik Sony, who agreed to help her in a difficult situation.

Also in the series appeared: Sergey Ershov (Potapov), Yaroslav Kopystirinsky (Dmitry), Maxim Belborkodov, Natalya Brake, Yana Chigir, Nikita Lobanov, Olga Pleshkov, Yana Anosov and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Director Miroslav Malich is known to the audience for other films and serials over which she worked earlier: "Unforgettable", "Return", "Three Roads", "Yesterday. Today. Forever and ever". In 2021, Malik was involved in creating 2 more film projects: "Goryunov. Ship slots "and" master ".

2. The shooting of the "idealist" series started during a pandemic and were strictly compliance with the recommendations during the self-insulation regime. Most of the work was carried out remotely, the meetings were held in the online format, the actors recorded video programs and sent to the director.

Also, urgently had to change the strategy of the shooting process. At the site, the requirements for the social distance were observed, all participants wore masks and gloves. According to the general producer of An-Film, Anton Prokopovich, the actors and the film crew reacted with understanding to the situation and realized that they were responsible for the health of other people. Therefore, there was no special discomfort, despite the restrictions and the requirement to measure the temperature.

3. The performer of the actress of actress Maria Pirogova told in an interview that she was very similar in nature to his heroine: they have common features, straightness and love of justice. "Her world is built around the principles, but with the advent of Max, they begin to crack on the seams. And then she understands that the world is not divided only to black and white, "says Maria about Sona Kovaleva. According to the actress, the name of the series exactly describes the heroine: "idealist! What else can you add to my Sony's portrait? "

4. Spectators and fans of actors involved in the "idealist" series, look forward to the release of new melodramas from Miroslav Malich.

The series "Idealist" - Trailer:

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