Interesting facts about Elena Malysheva - husband, sons, parents, "Health", "Live Great!"


Over its gears, young people are spent regularly on the Internet, turning fragments from them into popular network memes. And people are more expensive every new issue of "Health" and "Live Great!" Waiting with impatience, hoping to hear in an affordable and understandable form about all sorts of sores, and at the same time learn ways to deal with them. Interesting facts about Elena Malysheva, of which on March 13, 2021, it turned 60 years old - in the material 24cm.

Torture Mayakovsky

A conversation about entertaining facts from the life of Elena Malysheva to start better with the history of how many romantic, so funny.

Remembering yourself in youth, the famous Russian TV presenter admits that she never believed herself. Since she kept firm confidence that the girl in glasses is hardly able to qualify for more than referring to a nice. Although the father of Lenin's opinion did not share, knowing exactly that his daughter is charming and will certainly find her husband deserved in all respects.

And while Elena wore such surname then, he studied at the institute, the applicants for the vacant place of the groom were repeatedly. True, none of them stayed along with a smart girl in glasses for a long time - did not stand the invariably satisfied check.

Under the latter, a compulsory audition from the mouth of the student students of Vladimir Mayakovsky's poems was found. And not at all lyrical content. For a long time, none of the contenders inspired, filled the tragic doomes of the declaration of poems did not carry a hot-beloved Elena poet, leaving attempts to achieve the attention of the future TV presenter and quickly hiding behind the horizon.

The test mastered Igor Malyshev who studied with Elena in graduate school, not only who was able to listen to the patriotic works of Vladimir Vladimirovich, but not afraid of the "poems about the Soviet passport", who was not afraid of the "poems about the Soviet passport". And after some time, I want to see the mother of his two sons to see the girl's mother.

It is worth noting: Elena, which a young man was sympathetic, first incorrectly appreciated his proposal, considering Igor Lonely Father.

When, after not tightened for a long time, she still agreed to become a wife of Malysheva, then in a categorical form he demanded that he had to tell what happened to his former family and why he had to raise children on his own. And in response he heard that it was about only those planned sons, which Elena and to give birth to in the future.

In the fact that the young man built such distant plans in his own consciousness, there is nothing surprising. After all, according to Igor Malyshev, whom his wife and three decades of living together, are not inclined to believe, he decided to ask the hands of Elena at that very moment when the future bride was for the first time.

By the way, the words about two sons were prophetic: Yuri and Vasily have long grown and lead an independent life, without forgetting to support warm relationships with their parents.


It is difficult to believe in the next interesting fact about Elena Malysheva: on television The popular leading gear of health has accidentally. In 1992, the leadership of the city of Kemerovo, where the celebrity lived and worked at that moment, they decided to create a program dedicated to medicine at the local TV channel "Kuzbass". Since the press secretary of the city administration knew Elena, she proposed this transmission, called the "recipe", to lead.

As they lived in the 90s in the country, who made this difficult, people remember to this day. And the doctors did not differ in anything from such miners, teachers or factory workers - money was constantly lacking. And therefore the offer to work on the local TV channel Malyshev perceived with enthusiasm.

Elena Vasilyevna herself subsequently recalled that the first experience on TV was covered. After all, her face regularly flashed on TV screens, and worthy in comparison with the then payout of the medical worker of earnings and allowed themselves to feel almost a millionaire.

Actually, Malyshev claims, so she herself first and felt. Especially when she could finally buy the son of the Baltic Dublin - the unprecedented luxury at the time.

Since then, a lot of water has flowed. Career Elena went to the mountain - from the local TV channels Malyshev moved first to RTR, and then in 1997 - became a permanent leading regenerated health program, which continues and now go out on the first channel. Revenues increased significantly. But then the feeling of involvement in the number if not ceased, then to the circle of the elected, capable of buying something necessary, for which there is enough money, not every thing, no longer returned.


Malysheva began to work yet as a teenager - the mother arranged a girl on the summer holidays to the hospital, where he worked, a buffet of a branch for newborns. 14-year-old Lena was necessary not only to prepare nutritional mixtures on dairy kitchen and feed babies. It was necessary after receiving food kids also wash and then lay sleep. Only after that it was possible to do a dirty dishes.

Brother Elena Alexey worked in this hospital. True, the young man did not entrust the young man - the duties of the janitor lay down on his shoulders, following the purity of the territory adjacent to medical institution. They received the guys for their works for 40 rubles a month, giving earned parents without a residue.

However, it is not necessary to think that sending your own children to earnings parents forced the sharp need. According to Elena Vasilyevna, such a "practice" was organized in order to instill a love for labor with his sister, to raise in them the character and will, make not stop there, but strive to improve their own results. This is the original way of mom and dad brought up personal qualities of younger shabby.


Another interesting fact about Elena Malysheva: After school, which TV presenter graduated from a gold medal, the girl was seriously going to study on a journalist. However, such a desire did not approve the mother, demanding from the daughter to get a medical education first. By adding that already, after finding a "normal" profession, Elena can and make the implementation of its own "Wishlists", if the desire to continue.

Subsequently, the demand of the mother who has changed its fate, Malysheva often recalled with gratitude. Including because the medical knowledge gained has repeatedly saved her life to her. Elena - Allergic. And often getting into the body of stimuli substances led to a serious reaction and angioedema swelling with concomitant difficulty of breathing due to squeezing the trachea.

Only a professional idea of ​​how to act in cases of acute allergic reaction, Malysheva helped to cope with the situation.

World masterpieces

Translations "Live Great!" And "Health" was repeatedly subjected to attacks for excessive directness in discussions of medical issues. Whether it is about prostatitis, venereal diseases, the benefits of circumcision or sexual education - about all this, the host with the assistants will not only tell you understandable words, but also will show for clarity on the layout, and even at all - in the form of a funny (and when not particularly) Scenes.

Malyshev herself, who was taught to inform information so that it becomes clear even far from the topic of people, believes that just in this approach and lies the advantage. Own programs after comparison with other projects, leading without false modesty calls by world masterpieces, since they exceed Russian and foreign counterparts. First of all, due to the original style of the supply of material oriented on the mass viewer.

Optimal rest

It is worth adding to the interesting facts about Elena Malysheva and a star presentation. According to the celebrity, the weekend of her appear infrequently. But when the opportunity to relax still seems to be, it prefers to stay at home: lying on the sofa, watch everything in a row on TV and chew something, not too straining your head and being in a state of blissful recess.

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