Roman Golovchenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Belarus Prime Minister 2021



Roman Golovchenko - Belarusian diplomat and statesman. Now the name policy appears in world media: On June 4, 2020, the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko appointed a man to the post of Prime Minister of the country.

Childhood and youth

About children's and youthful years in biography Politics is known little. Roman Alexandrovich was born on August 10, 1973 in the city of Zhodino. Having received secondary education, the young man moved to Moscow and became a MGIMO Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation.

At the University, the young man chose the specialty "international relations". Later, in 2003, he graduated from the Academy under the President of the Republic of Belarus as a specialist in the field of economics and managing foreign economic activity.

Personal life

Details of personal life diplomat prefers to hide from the press. Journalists managed to find out that the man was married and the spouse gave the politics of three children - Son and two daughters.


A year after the end of the MGIMO, a young man was invited to work in the Secretariat of the Security Council of Belarus. Here Gedzchenko received the position of chief specialist. As politicians subsequently noted, such a appointment was uncharacteristic for the Belarusian apparatus of the highest power. These places were sought not to take people who studied or worked in Russia.

In the new position, Roman Alexandrovich stayed until 2002, professionally cope with the duties. Later, the talented employee was offered to become the Deputy Head of the Department of the General Prosecutor's Office. For several years of work, he showed impressive results, which helped to quickly advance through the career ladder.

Since 2005, Golzhevko has been the main adviser in the management of the foreign policy of the presidential administration. Since 2006, he sent activities to the sphere of world security. From July to December 2009, as an adviser, the Messenger of the Embassy of Belarus went to work to Poland.

In the same year, the diplomat performed the First Deputy Chairman of the State Military Industrial Committee of Belarus. In the spring of 2013, in the political career, Golovchenko occurred - the man received a appointment as an ambassador of the country in the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

Being the head of the Belarusian Committee on Military Industry, Roman Alexandrovich expanded partnerships with China. Through supplies to the PRC of military production samples, the state created a chassis for moving missile systems placed on the ground.

In addition, specialists of both countries have managed to create a "polonaise" lapse systems, in the design of which are Chinese rockets. In August 2018, politician was appointed as chairman of the State Military Industrial Committee of Belarus. In the same year he received a diplomatic rank of emergency and authorized ambassador.

Roman Golovchenko now

On June 4, 2020, according to the decree of Alexander Lukashenko, Golovchenko was appointed to the post of prime minister. On the eve, on June 3, the President of Belarus decided to dissolve the government. In positions, Roman Alexandrovich changed Sergey Rumas, who headed the Cabinet of Ministers from August 2018.

Lukashenko explained the personnel permutations of the seamless elements of the head of state appointed on August 9. The president also noted that when choosing a puzzle to the role of the Prime Minister was guided by the following factors: extensive experience in the work of the diplomat in different positions, the ability to negotiate state importance, organizational abilities.

In addition, it was emphasized that at the previous work, Roman Alexandrovich was engaged in the problems of industry at a high technological level. Now the application of the latest technologies should spread to policies, education, medicine and other spheres of Belarus.

In connection with the appointment of the former head of the State Committee for the State Committee on a new post, the approximate diplomat responded with congratulations. Thus, the Arab investor of the Brest "Dynamo" Tajin Confection in Instagram account posted a joint photo with a politician, accompanying a picture with the words:

"My dear friend and favorite brother Roman Puzzchenko took the post of Prime Minister of Belarus."

The diplomat itself in the report during the submission to the heads of state bodies and representatives of the office of the Council of Ministers in Minsk thanked the President of the Republic for the confidence rendered. At the same time, the man noted that to receive such a post in the difficult time of the coronavirus infection is a kind of challenge that you need to take advantage.

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