Gretchen Mol - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



American actress Gretchen Mol has an extensive filmography. For his prolonged career, a woman starred in dozens of films and TV shows, but she brought particularly fame to Betty Page in the drama dedicated to the biography of the famous PIN-AP model of the 1950s.

Childhood and youth

Gretchen was born on November 7, 1972 in the family of artist and school teacher. Her native town of Dip River is located in the east of the United States, in Connecticut. The family reigned a creative atmosphere, and it is not surprising that both children are mall, and Gretchen, and her brother Jim, in the future tied life with a film industry. As a child, the future actress showed artistic talent in school productions and musicals.

After graduating from school, the girl went to the American Music and Drama Academy. In order to increase the level of acting, graduated from the theater studio William Espire. Despite the fact that Mole had beauty and charisma, she began to receive offering about the filming. In his youth, Gretchen managed to work in a restaurant in Manhattan, where in her duties a meeting was included.

Despite the fact that in growth, the girl did not reach the model standards (it is not higher than 168 cm at a weight of 58 kg), and since 1994 he worked as a model, and her photo was regularly appeared in magazines. In 1998, Gretchen's face decorated the Cover of the September Number of the Vanity Fair. Then followed the shooting in commercials, including video for Coca-Cola. This work has become a bridge to building a career on television and a wide screen.

Personal life

Personal life influenced an actress career. Coming out married the director Toda Williams in 2004, 3 years later, a woman gave her husband to the son of Ptolemy John. In 2011, the daughter of Winter Morgan was born in the family.

With the advent of children, Gretchen began to take only those working proposals that allowed not to leave far from New York. Mol, flatly refused to be filmed in Hollywood, whatever tempting projects from there were offered.


For the first time on the screen, Gretchen appeared in 1996 in the film "Girl No. 6", dedicated to the fate of telephone sex service workers. Following this, the films "Shulera", Donnie Bracco and "Sweet and Ugly" followed. And although they still did not go out in the frame on the fore, she acquired experience with the stars of the first magnitude of Al Pacino, Johnny Depp, Woody Allen, the mind of the turman and others. Often she had come to the amplus of girlfriends of the main character.

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In parallel with the career in the cinema actress performed on the theater stage, and by the mid-2000 turned into a Broadway star, where she demonstrated a combination of acting, vocal and choreographic dating. On the account Gretchen productions "The image of things" and "Chicago", where she played Roxy Hart.

In 2005, Mol got the main role in the Biographic drama "Unfortunate Betty Page". In the tape, the artist embodied the image of a seductive frivolous model, the playful pictures of which heated male fantasies in the 1950s. This work demonstrated a multifaceted actress talent, which organically fit into the style of arthow cinema.

Gretchen had to make efforts to be born into the image of a heroine, combining traditional religious values ​​and liberty, allowing to pose nude. They looked in Betty Page Pros. Feminism, which family and raising children chose the conquest of New York and the construction of a career.

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After that, in the work of the actress, there was a turn towards serious dramatic projects, and in her filmography Pictures "Train to Yuma", "American intriguing", "Manchester by the Sea" appeared. She is removed in the series, including the "underground empire", "Mozart in the jungle", "Yellowstone" and "flying through the night".

Gretchen Mass now

Gretchen lives and works in New York. In 2020, it is involved in the False Positive and Tribe projects. Fresh photos and news The celebrity is laying out in the official "Instagram" account, for which thousands of subscribers are being followed. Here are the footage of the beloved family, Selfie, working moments and pictures in a swimsuit.


  • 1996 - "Girl number 6"
  • 1997 - Donney Bracco
  • 1998 - "Shuler"
  • 1999 - "Sweet and ugly"
  • 2000 - "Remove Carter"
  • 2005 - "Unfortunate Betty Page"
  • 2007 - "Train to Yumu"
  • 2008 - "American intriguing"
  • 2010-2014 - "Underground Empire"
  • 2015 - "Mozart in the jungle"
  • 2018 - "Yellowstone"

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