The series "What cannot be bought" (2021) - the release date, home, actors and roles, facts, trailer


Although Valentines day is celebrated in February, the most romantic time of the year is considered to be Spring, when, along with the laddies wakingly after cold weather, the brightest feelings are taped. Support the atmosphere of anticipation of love decided on the "home", presenting the audience the series "What cannot be bought", whose release date on the screens is March 19, 2021.

Interesting facts about the picture, the cast and the summary of the new melodrama - in the material 24cmi.

Plot and shooting

It seems that in the current realities, money is capable of solving any problem. Moreover, not only in those cases when it comes exclusively on material assets and the availability of elite benefits that are not part of the "Club of the Favorites" elementary to the pocket.

When it comes to interpersonal relationships, Tugaya Mosna also allows you to bribe, get temporary dedication until someone does not offer anymore. Or, for example, used may be used as a pressure lever per person in order to achieve from the last obedience.

So in the story that the viewers showed the series "What you can't buy", the heroine is in a difficult position: Marina, already one and a half dozen years of stretching children along with his beloved husband, albeit civilians, makes an offer to a secured entrepreneur. Naturally, a woman refuses money to not measure or honor nor conscience, with their help not to receive sincere feelings. But the people followed soon forced to marina his decision to revise.

The manufacture of 4-serial melodramas specially for the TV channel "Home" was engaged in the Phoenix Film Film Company. The duties of the principal producer of the project to their fragile shoulders laid Olga Maneyev ("Rock mistake", "deceived hopes", "Agency NLS"), as well as Irina Bosov and Marina Khripunova, who had already issued a single project ("in the still waters", " Surrogate mother, "Heart Rita", "Rehabilitation").

Anna Pisynenko was established at the directorial console, since 2018, on an ongoing basis, cooperating with the Phoenix film.

Actors and roles

In a draft of love, money and moral choice, the main roles were distributed among the following actors.:

  • Ksenia Romenkova - Marina, school teacher and part-time mother of two children, and a half dozen years of cohabitation and not waiting for his beloved wedding rings. In her life, after a meeting with the richest man of the city, a new stage begins, associated with the rethinking of its own spiritual values, and possibly moral principles.
  • Alexey Vakulov - Konstantin, a civilian spouse of the main character, who did not make care of even the visit to the registry office for many years, being in confidence that his faithful everything suits and so. At the same time, he does not forget to reproach Marina in unnecessary idealism and the naive absence of mercantile interests.
  • Peter Baranchev - Victor Bolotov, an urban scale oligarch, which has a rational thinking to the fore, and therefore not tolerant of idealists and doubting the intelligence of altruists. Suddenly, he walked to the teacher, in whose character would be surprisingly combined by the very features to which the businessman is used to relate to the fairing fraction of Skepticism.

Also in the series were filmed : Catherine St Balina, Olga Degtyarev, Anastasia Taptigina, Alesa Korsak and Fedor Misheev as Andrei Zarubina.

Interesting Facts

1. Director Anna Pisynenko, who removed the series "What can not be bought," acquired fame in Russia after working on a number of melodramatic TV series - "Dar", "Painted", "Payback" - and psychological thriller "Labyrinth Illusions", script for which cinema wrote on his own. Also Anna in 2006 starred from Viktor Poltoratsky in the short film "Angels of Sin. Vol. 2.

2. Filming the film, which started in the first half of 2020, were held mainly in the Moscow region. The production process was intervened by a coronavirus infection and self-insulation, disintegrating cinematographers for several months at home and forced to stop working on the picture. Only in June, the film crew came to life again. Forced delay in the end, it was also affected by the timing of the project on the ether, which were shifted for 2021.

3. The performer of the leading role of Ksenia Romenkova responds about its heroine as a man of high moral principles, brought up on the books of good and evil, and therefore accustomed to divide the world exclusively on black and white. However, the troubles suddenly filtered on the shoulders destroy her idealized ideas, forcing her own life guidelines and learn to distinguish numerous shades of gray.

4. The director spoke out about his creation as a history of heroine growing, which is forced to part with the previous illusions and transform its thinking and perception of surrounding reality. Anna Pisynenko also does not hide that the basis of the plot spied at the Americans - in the painting "obscene offer" with Demi Moore and Woody Harrelson.

5. Even before the series "What cannot be bought" has entered the screens, the permanent audience of the "home" channel mostly reacted positively to the project, showing an indispensable desire with the premiere. Separately noted the successful choice of actor Peter Barancheyev to the role of Viktor Bolotov.

The series "What cannot be bought" is a trailer:

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