Series "Reserved Special Forces" (2021) - Release date, NTV, Actors and Roles, Facts, Trailer


The NTV channel in the first month of Spring of 2021 prepared a gift to fans of the vigorous action, having launched the next battle premiere - the narrative of the difficult weekdays of steep guys the series "Reserved special forces", whose release date on television fell on March 22. On the plot of a new 20-serial show dedicated to the activities of Yarytsky defenders of nature, about actors involved in the work and their roles, as well as interesting facts related to the project, in the material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

Poaching is indestructible. People who see the surrounding nature of an exclusively resource base for the embodiment of their own mercantile designs was enough at all times. Such characters and after all sorts of prohibitions continue to destroy rare species of animals for the sovereign souvenirs for visiting tourists and to catch fish on an industrial scale during a spawning period, bringing to the edge of extinction. And often cope with such without use does not go out.

So in the Baikal National Reserve, about the situation in which the series "Reserved Special Forces" tells, for several years they did not know salvation from poachers, "luxury" local criminality. And only the appearance at the Inspector Inspectorate of the Nature Protection of Yuri Tarkhanov, which has been in the past experience in special purpose divisions, and its unusual methods for the rest of the work methods allow you to change the situation.

Alexey Bystritsky, a familiar TV series "Order", "Battalion" and "Bullet", spoke by the film by the film by the Russian auditorium for the NTV television channel. For the production of the company's leaders in the Russian Federation to create a film and telecontent company AMEDIA GROWTHN, among which the projects released are such popular as "T-34", "Closed School", "Ekaterina", "Magomayev", and Dozens of others.

The duties of producers took Vadim Ostrovsky, who made the hand to create a "Master" show earlier in 2021, "one hour before dawn" and "Marlene", and Anna Olshevskaya ("Family Circumstances", "Alex Lyuti"). The extensive staff of the scenario was attracted to work, among which Maxim Romantic stands out, who worked on the plot of the lyrical comedy "Dear Dad".

The soundtrack writing to the TV series Anton Angru is also known as the composer of the already mentioned "Order", "bullets" and "battalion".

Actors and roles

In the series, telling about the adventures of the Brava Inspector on the Protection of Nature and its Desperate Team, the main roles were played by the actors:

  • Maxim Drozd - Yuri Tarkhanov, a retired special forces, who is appointed by an inspector to the Baikal National Park, suffering from criminal activities. Having understood in a situation and finding out that local fishermen engaged in illegal division of the Omul, covers the criminality with the support of power structures, the hero is gaining a command and begins to correct the current state of affairs.
  • Victoria Korlyakova - Elena Shaposhnikova, a new director of the reserve, resolved after appointment to the position to bring order in his farm. Since the most important problem for more than a decade of years remains illegal fishing of fish, to protect the inhabitants of Baikal Elena decides to attract a non-standard inspector - Yuri Tarkhanov.

Images of the operatives of the Lynx group, created by the main character after he understood: with the current contingent, put on the ears in crimes against nature, to protect Baikal and its surroundings will not work, - the artists embodied on the screen:

  • Peter Korolev - in the past served in the landing troops Nikolai Shmelev (Bee);
  • Daniel Colzenov - a former fighter of the Mobile Action Department of the FSB FSB Svyatoslav Kormaltsev (holy);
  • Daniel Shperling - Boris Vashkevich (Malaya) recently served the urgent "demob".

Civilian specialists of the "Lynx" group, blogger Maxim and Volunteer Vasilis, played Ivan Kolyvnikov and Christina Babchenko.

Also, Ruslan Yagudin, Eva Aveyeva, Roman Polyansky, Mikhail Gorsky and Nikolai Kozak, were shot in the series, Mikhail Gorski and Nikolai Kozak, in the role of the criminal authority, standing around the crime network reserve.

Interesting Facts

1. The produced series "Reserved Special Forces" Vadim Ostrovsky is also known as the director of the projects of "Juna", "Made in the USSR", "Killerny force" (6th season). Cinematographer worked and as a scriptwriter - wrote the plot for the show of the TNT "Island" channel and for the 4th season of Ivanov-Ivanov's Sitkom.

2. The filming of the film started back in May 2019. The work was carried out both in Moscow and in nature - on the territory located on the shore of Lake Baikal of the Barguzinsky Reserve, who served as a prototype for the serial national park. In September, it became known about the start of installation. Although the filmmakers did not have to face a pandemic in the shooting period, as a result, the exit to the screens of a 20-serial militant was still delayed, moving to March 2021.

3. The basis for the story told in the series served as a reality. Thus, the prototype of the film inspection group "Lynx" became educated in 2015 on the basis of one of the Baikal reserves division "Barguzin", for its effectiveness ninnable "protected specials". And Tarkhanova's prototype served by Arthur Murzakhanov, the former fighter of special forces, who left the army in the 90s, did not want to participate in the Vakhanlia collapse.

4. Overlooking the role of the main character, Maxim Drozd, first of all, emphasizes that the "protected special forces" is dedicated to the real difficulties faced in the environmental office. According to the actor, personally worried about the preservation of Baikal and its unique inhabitants, it is worth saying thanks to those who are engaged in fighting poachers. And therefore the artist was pleased to try on the role of Yuri Tarkhanov.

5. Alexey Bystritsky reported that the project is replete with a large number of action scenes on the water: removing on Baikal, it was impossible to get around the surprising lake side. The director also noted the professionalism of the members of the film crew and artists. And shared impressions from "cooperation" with animals, which in the series about the protection of nature could not be possible. According to Alexei, working with them is always conjugate with a mass of difficulties, but extremely fascinating and pleasant.

6. He spoke of partnership with beasts on the site and Maxim Drozd - various episodes were enough. So, the artist admitted that in the scene of confrontation with the Wolf, looking into the eyes of the predator, was experiencing serious discomfort. And on the last day of the shooting of a rest under the actor's tree, Suddenly "stroked" on the head of Lynx: Skinned behind and, without releasing claws, gently shouted on the head - I wanted to play.

7. The Creators of the Picture of the Central Task seen in front of them to the viewers of a simple fact - from nature to be able to not only take, it is required and to give: appreciate, relate to carefully, protect against looting and destruction. After all, even the most dexterous and strong predator is not able to withstand human greed.

8. Spectators in the comments reported that he would love to watch the series "Reserved Special Forces". Although in 2018, when only the first information about the upcoming shootings also appeared, there were enough displeased shuts on the Internet, who accused the prototype of the main character of the Murzhanov inspector and his employees in sales and bribery. As it turned out, "performed" "Barguzin" permanent "clients".

Series "Reserved Special Forces" - Trailer:

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