Dorin Verche - photos, biography, personal life, news, books 2021



In addition to world religions, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism, there are a great many esoteric, occult and syncretic currents. They are combined by the name of New Age (New Age from English. "New Era"). The most famous propaganda of the "alternative" religion in the United States was considered to be Dorin Verche - the author of more than 50 books on mystical themes, a psychologist. At Christmas, 2017, she, as stated by the progress of Jesus Christ, has since been confesses Christianity.

Childhood and youth

Dorin Verche was born on April 29, 1958 in California, the most populated state of America. The thrust for the "alternative" religion was transferred to her from parents - supporters of the pseudokhristian movement "Christian science". Probably, their permanent conversations about the Bible and the domain of the image of Jesus Christ in the house led to the fact that Dorin began to see Angels.

Peers accepted the ability of the girl to clairvoyance with aggression, subjected it to ridicule, rarely - physical violence. This led to immersion.

Despite religious education, Verkha studied in the most common general educational institutions of California. He graduated from Entelof Valley College in Lancaster, then Chempen's University in Ordzhe. The main direction she chose psychology. The subject was so interested Dorin that in 1996 a woman defended his doctoral dissertation.

The object of the dissertation Dorin Verche made people who in childhood became victims of sexual harassment. She examined how experienced and, most likely, the forgotten experience is reflected in the formation of bad habits and, in particular, on the development of eating disorders. How to deal with Bulimia, nervous anorexia, psychogenic overeating - the author dedicated to many chapters in his esoteric books.

Personal life

Over the shoulders of Dorin Veruch saturated personal life surrounded by men - five husbands and two sons.

For the first time, the mystery of the marriage "Ex-Queen New Age in the USA" learned in 1978. The chosen one Larry Shank was a heavy man. He not only did not support the interests of his beloved, but also exposed her moral and physical violence. Nevertheless, the Union lasted 10 years. He was born sons Grant and Charles. After the divorce, the children stayed with Dorin.

The story with the second husband Dwight Verte also turned out to be unhappy: the marriage lasted 5 years, from 1989 to 1993.

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In 1994, Dorin Verche agreed to become his wife Michael Tienharra, the art gallery owner in New Port Beach, California. Due to the collision of the characters, their family life quickly went under the slope, and in 1999, the writer received a third certificate of divorce.

The penultimate chosen was Stephen Farmer. He is also a writer. If the creativity of the Rope focuses on the phenomenon of angels and mental disorders, "brought up" in adolescence, then Farmer described Shamanic practices.

Now the woman is married for the fifth - since 2010 she lives in marriage with Michael David Robinson. Men's photos often appear in the "Instagram" celebrities.


Dorin Verchee's connection with New Age originated on July 15, 1995. That day the guardian angel appeared. He told his ward that right now her car is robbed and scream loud to prevent a crime. The wrapper of the woman really moved ill-wishers. This story, Dorin herself told on the official website.

Since then, the angels have become an intrusive idea. Verper released the Tarot's deck with their images, in dozens of books ("Earth Angels", "Angel therapy", "Goddess and Angels") described how to read signs sent by them. "Angel Numerology", for example, is devoted to how to find out what angels want to say, by the hour.

Dorin Verche has popularized his knowledge not only through books, but also in an interview, television shows, through seminars.

On January 7, 2017, a woman met Jesus Christ. Euphoria, experienced from dating, she handed over in the book "Joy in Jesus". Mystical experience pushed the writer to study the Bible.

"Reaching Deuteronomy, Dorin Troop realized that she was a sinner in need of the Savior. She gave her life to Jesus, leaving New Age, "indicated on her official website.

February 25, 2017 the writer adopted Christianity. She stopped engaged in Esoteric, because I understood: the Most High wants to treat him directly, and not through intermediaries, whether tarot, amulets or crystals.

Now Dorin Verche leads an active missionary work, telling people about the dangers of New Age. Her bibliography is sharpened for Christianity. In 2020, a novelty was published "no longer deceived: as Jesus led me from New Age to his word."

Dorin Verche now

After applying to Christianity, the biography of Dorin Verche changed cool. Most of the books about New Age, the author of which it is, seized print, as well as invented tarot deck with images of angels, fairies and children indigo. True, shopping still circulates the publications, the rights to which in their time were completely bought from a woman.

Strictly intending to start a new life, the writer got rid of not only from things, one way or another related to the "alternative" religion, but also from the money earned at the "demonsky" creativity. The funds went on charity, for example, at the shelter for homeless hay Foundation Charity, to pay off taxes and in support of volunteers. Dorin Verche and herself became a volunteer.

"I found that the most cute, generous and sincere people are found during volunteering. If you want to find friends, do something good for the world - become a volunteer, "the writer notes on his official website.


  • 1996 - "The Magic Kingdom of Fay"
  • 2001 - "Care of Children Indigo"
  • 2002 - "Earth Angels"
  • 2004 - "Archangels and Ascended Masters"
  • 2005 - "Angel Medicine"
  • 2007 - "Message from Angels"
  • 2007 - "How to hear your angels. Get messages from heaven "
  • 2008 - "Miracles of Arkhangel Mikhail. The path to the angel of courage, protection and peace "
  • 2011 - "Angel therapy"
  • 2013 - "The Angels of Solomon. The unique experience of true Divine Love "
  • 2017 - "Morning with the Lord. We start the morning from the right path "

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