Vanillop background cupcake (character) - pictures, cartoon, ralph, princess, car


Character History

Vanillop Cupcake - Heroine 2 full-length animation films: "Ralph" and "Ralph against the Internet". A talented rider is a faithful friend who helps huddling her work. Having coped with the task, she acquires his own dream.

History of character creation

The adventures of Vanofuy forced the audience to plunge into nostalgic memories. The characters of animation, and about 180, were taken from the archive of Walt Disney studios and Nintendo.

Directed by Rich Moore was a gamer and did not hide this fact of his biography. He came to mind the idea to merge in one project of those characters Arcad. And also show the situation on the other hand - what they feel, as they live, what they dream when their boxes are turned off.

So, in the Cartoon of 2012 already known identity audiences - Mario, Hedgehog Sonic, Dr. Eggman and others.

The plot was formed by the arcade games of the past, which somehow familiar with the adult generation. However, small television viewers also imbued with the idea of ​​the director, following the fate of the heroes faded by their own destination.

For a more realistic display of the Universe "Ralph", the project creators spent many hours, testing different game platforms. It was important to submit on the screen not only the visual embodiment of the pixel world, but also the feelings and emotions of those who do the same tasks every day.

The cartoon was perceived by the audience positively, having received the awards of the US National Council of Film Crims, "Annie" and many nominations. In 2016, Rich Moore announced that she was working on Sicvel.

In 2018, the audience saw the continuation of fantastic history. This time the creators of the animation painting expanded the universe by spending small residents of the Internet.

The expectations of the audience were justified - the incredible adventures of the fallen characters did not leave anyone indifferent. Considering that the director promised in case of success of the sequel to schedule the 3rd part, it is likely that Vanillop will soon go to space (as can be judged by the very same Moore).

As for the name of the heroine, there are several assumptions here. According to one version, Vanellope turned out of the connection of two words - "Vanilla" and "Penelope". In the original, the name of the character sounds like Schweetz, which is a certain pun on the basis of the word "sweet", reworked under the German pronunciation. However, the "background" also testifies to the connection of the image with this language.

Image and Biography Vanofa Cupcake Background

The cartoon has no clear guidance on the age of the heroine. Yes, and the creators did not agree on concrete years: Rich Moore claims that the young Rider is 9 years old, but the producer John Lasser calls the figure 12.

Be that as it may, the girl behaves like a child. It is noisy, curious and energetic. It rarely be seen calmly sitting - only at the moments of despair or sadness. During the rest of the time, the girlfriend is jumping and jumping, teasing the interlocutors and having fun of the audience with funny phrases.

Such a description of the character's character in something relates it from the main character of the children's animated series "Masha and the Bear". Although vanilla is not just like this, it satisfies the ideas - the energy of the rider requires exit. But with this, how it becomes seen from the plot, problems arose.

The appearance of the young princess is another reason for the audience sympathy. It is a little growth, with black hair, charming big brown eyes and a bright blush on his face. The creators of the "Ralph" put a turquoise sweatshirt and a brown skirt on the girl, to top up the image, sprinkling the hairstyle of the lover of racing by sequins.

The prehistory of the character became known in the cartoon closer to the plot of the plot. Vanillopa - participant and frequent winner of the game "Sweet Forsage". She had the status of the princess and sat behind the wheel of a racing car, decorated with royal attributes.

However, when rushed having met her, then the girl did not remember anything from these facts of his own biography. She felt lonely, because she did not allow to participate in competitions. The days and nights of Princess spent in dreams about how the gold medal receives, but the lack of a car and access to the competition made fantasy impossible.

In addition, King Caramel did not allow a dark-haired fidget to go to the track. Explanation of this is "glitch" in the program called Vanofoy. The girl at the moments of the experience began to flicker and disappear from the screens, which threatened the life of the "Sweet Flashing" players.

The appearance in the field of view of the heroine of Ralph became a turning point. A tricky rider persuaded having to help her create a car from sweets. And then took from the "Master Felix junior" participant his gold medal in order to confirm its right to pass the route.

Vanillop background cupcake driving

Closer to the end of the picture it became clear that Vanillop was not "glitch", but, on the contrary, a secret character. Her flicker was explained by the ability to teleportation. And King Caramel, proclaiming his rules in the "Sweet Foxhell," - an impostor from another game.

The role of this girl in the animation ribbon was not only to imitate the villain. Her wristband, incredible optimism, faith in fulfillment of dreams forced Ralph to rethink the vital values. A little rider taught having a good haul in everything, to love work and feel part of something that brings happiness to young players.

Time passed, and Vanillop bored in the program. At the start, she perfectly understood that he would come first. She, of course, liked to participate in competitions, but the soul was longer more - adventures, surprises, dangers and difficulties.

All this yard driver of sports cars received in the Sicvel "Ralph against the Internet." If in the 1st part of the heroine had to fight with injustice and deception, then the best friend was performed in this cartoon to the long-awaited happiness.

The young individual had to make a choice: to stay in the "Sweet Foxhell" - in the world where everything is predictable, - and be near the Ralph or to quit everything and test yourself in "slaughter races." The heroine does not want to throw thunder, even though the solution is hard. This also opens his eyes to the destroyer of the house in the "Felix Master" master on the main idea of ​​the cartoon - no one belongs to anyone.

Interesting Facts

  • Vanofa has 4 fingers on their hands.
  • In the picture of the character, traits similar to the other heroines - Peppi Long-rolls are traced. This is visible in a pair of legins with different pants.
  • Vanofu voiced Sarah Silverman. According to quotations from an interview with a dubbing actress, a young rider by the nationality of the Jewish.
  • After the cartoon exit, many mini-games appeared with the participation of the Ralph girlfriend. Little fans are invited to make her makeup, dress the girl as a princess and, of course, to help her conquer 1st place in races.


"Well, the capriculus in a jumpsuit, finished hysterical?" "What did you say? I can not hear! So it stinks you that my ears laid. "


  • 2012 - "Ralph"
  • 2018 - "Ralph against the Internet"

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