Tamara Aleshina - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, actress



Tamara Aleshina is an actress of Soviet cinema, in 1957 he received a government award in the form of the title "Honored Artist of the RSFSR". It was involved in the creation of a film, and also participated in dramatic performances. The whole creative biography of Aleshina devoted to work at the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater.

Childhood and youth

Tamara Aleshina was born in Petrograd on May 10, 1919. The girl since childhood showed a tendency to creativity and artistic potential. She was a member of family holidays and school amateur activities, where she demonstrated the skills of the declaignation. Having received a school certificate, Tamara did not doubt the choice of profession. She filed documents to the Theater Institute and was easily a student Lirtmika.

In 1940, the graduate was invited to the troupe of the Leningrad Theater. A. From Pushkin, on the stage of which she went to the completion of professional activities. Adhering to the principle to remain true to his choice, the actress never accepted invitations to work on the other scene, although they came.

Personal life

Men of his dreams Tamara Aleshina met at the age of 25. They were the actor Yuri Tollauyev. A year after the marriage, the artist gave birth to her husband of the son of Andrei Tolubeev. The boy did not differ strong health, as he grew up in the postwar years, so he regularly needed attention to the mother's care. Tamara had to leave work in the theater and cinema to be near the baby. As the child grows, the woman began to take appointments to the role in the theater and again participate in filming.

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Personal life of celebrities has repeatedly influenced the course of career. After a time she left the profession again. In this case, the culprit was the spouse. Yuri Tolubeev started his mistress and had a romantic relationship on the side of secret from his wife. Colleagues and partners knew about them, but Tamara was in ignorance. True, it was opened only in 1965. At first, the couple was releasing, and Aleshina lived hope that her husband would soon return home. But Andrei demanded a divorce, and the actress had to come to terms with his decision. Subsequently, it turned out that this treason was not a single case.

Having survived a strong shock, Tamara Aleshina put the cross on the profession of film actresses and did not appear in the frame of 15 years. After a divorce, she did not enter serious relationship, fearing to trust another person. Until recent days, the only man in the life of the artist remained a favorite son.


Debut role in the theater them. A. S. Pushkin for Aleshina turned out to be the image of Paras in the formulation of the "hot heart". In the war years, the Soviet cinema did not stop the work, and at the end of the battles at the front only started to gain scope. In those years, young artists with proper desire and ambitions easily began their career in the cinema.

The first film Tamara became the painting "People", released on the screens in 1940. The passing role was not significant in the creative life of the performer, but he gave the opportunity to gain useful experience. The next 5 years, the girl embodies episodic images, and in 1945 he received an invitation to shooting in the heavenly dumb ribbon. Posing in the frame a serviceman Maria Slelvoy, Aleshina became popular. The role in the musical picture helped the artist to conquer the hearts of the public.

Ribbon action is developing in the war years. The heroine of Tamara is the bride of the pilot of Caisarov, one of the three buddies who promised not to fall in love before the completion of the war. By coincidence, all friends were penetrated by romantic feelings to an attractive girl. Critics counted the project frivolous, but he was leading at the box office until 1946.

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Break at 8 years old, made for the sister, left the gap in the filmography of the artist. She returned to the cinema in 1953 and immediately received the role of the Mother of the Master Character in the film "Alyosha Prytsyn produces character." After 2 years, the actress was invited to embody in the frame the image of Queen Elizabeth Petrovna for the project "Mikhail Lomonosov". The picture forced the audience and critics to recall the dramatic potential of Aleshina.

In the period from 1955 to 1960, the artist was in demand in cinema, however, films with her participation were not popular. Tamara Aleshina continued to work on the theater scene, so it became easily agreed to the usual genre of telephoto. So, in its service list, television performances "Children Vanyushina", "Oblomov", "The Tale of Our Days" and others appeared. The second break in creative activity for many years knocked out the performer from the profession. She returned to the shooting only in 1984.

Aleshina immediately offered several roles, and during this period the lights saw the projects "Distille", "Charlotte Necklace", "Mimosa Bouquet and Other Flowers". But the extreme development of the career of the artist no longer received. As a state of health, the woman has ever less often on theatrical layouts. In 1995, she completed creative activity due to disease disease.


In the last years of life, Tamara Aleshina was difficult to move. She hurt a lot and did not leave the house.

Tamara Aleshina grave

The actress died in September 1999. The cause of death has become a bad state of health. The actress is buried on the Volkovsky Orthodox Cemetery. Her photos can be seen today in the textbooks of the history of theater and theatrical archives.


  • 1940 - "People"
  • 1941 - "Front girlfriends"
  • 1944 - "Marine Battalion"
  • 1945 - "Heavenly Skin"
  • 1953 - "Alyosha Polysin produces character"
  • 1955 - "Mikhailo Lomonosov"
  • 1958 - "The Tale of Our Days"
  • 1959 - "Underwater reefs"
  • 1960 - "Winner"
  • 1963 - "Enchanted Wanderer"
  • 1964 - "Children Vanyushina"
  • 1965 - "Oblomov"
  • 1981 - "Family Relic"
  • 1984 - "Mimosa Bouquet and Other Flowers"

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