Interesting Facts about Claudia Shulzhenko - Music, Theater, Old age


The performer of the song "Blue Platlets" was called the "voice of the epoch" and perceived as a symbol of wartime. She was distinguished by a bold temper, could cancel the concert because of the death of his beloved Bologun and easily refused to invite the son of Joseph Stalin to celebrate the New Year in the Kremlin. Other interesting facts about Claudia Shulzhenko - in material 24cm.

Conflict with Furtsev

According to the memoirs of relatives, Claudia Shulzhenko's navel belonging to the titles and awards. She did not know how to be friends with the authorities, for which the privileges were often deprived of, which could count the stars of the Soviet pop of her level.

Relations at the singer and the Minister of Culture, Catherine Furtsev, was not charged with Catherine Catherine, which was given a nickname Catherine III. With Claus Schulzhenko, Furtsev had a personal hostility, and this fact did not hide from life. And the reason for hostility was the offense of two women.

Somehow Furtseva invited Schulzhenko to receive. However, the iron lady did not hurry to call the singer in the office. After an hour of waiting, Shulzhenko stated the secretary: "Pass the Minister that it is fiercely raised," and left the reception.

To rip such a robe from "Some singer" Fursheva could not. The minister remembered the changthen of the phrase, and later recovered at celebrities.

After the divorce, Shulzhenko got a room in a communal, to rehearse in which it was impossible. The singer turned for help to the minister of culture, to which Furtseva did not have no pleasure to explain that in Moscow thousands of times.

Schulzhenko in the manner peculiar to her reminded the powerful person that it is former weave, and now the Minister of Culture, who will be unknown tomorrow. "And I am a singer who loves the people!" - Added a star than finally put the cross on the rank of "People's Artist of the USSR". It received the state recognition of merit only in 1971.

The Minister of Culture Furtseva did not hide the relationship to Shulzhenko. It is saying that at the prefabricated concerts of the executors of the Soviet pop, as soon as Claudia Ivanovna was announced, the iron lady left demonstratively hall. And when the singer was charged a pension, then by order of Furtsev, she was appointed minimal for artists. Rose social payments only due to respect Leonid Brezhnev, after death, the unfair.

Support Pugacheva

By the way, the decision of Furtsev then had a fateful meaning in the life of the singer. During the years of work, Schulzhenko was considered one of the highest paid stars of the Soviet Union. Tairy of the plates who hit the counter, still cause disputes. According to some calculations, the figure reached 170 million copies.

In interesting facts about Claudia Shulzhenko, it is possible to attribute that the capital for old age is not postponed, and all revenues spent on the outfits. About Shulzhenko said that "Klava is a button in front and a bow behind."

The celebrity was at that time the royal habit of eating a plate of strawberries, which were waged for considerable money. In addition, the peep character of Claudia Ivanovna, who did not want to approach the director of the store "Eliseevsky" with a gift to buy delicacies, played a cruel joke. And Shulzhenko was serving in the market, which was worth much more expensive than in the store.

In recent years, the actress forgot that he passed into the status of a pensioner and in a habit of spent on a sweep. At the end of the month, there was not enough funds to go. I had to sell table silver, antiques, jewels for a penny. In the apartment there were only a sofa from a mahogany, bought from Lydia Ruslanova, and the piano Dmitry Shostakovich, who lost to the cards.

The singer tried to help young vocalists, but Claudia Ivanovna did not take money. Only Alla Pugacheva managed to put money under the appliance tablecloth. And when the next visit, the performer of the "Blue Handle" complained about the memory and told that she forgets where and when he hides the money, then Alla Borisovna succifiously succumbed.


The star that became a symbol of the era, since childhood zeal did not show music. Although the father played on wind instruments and sang. In school years, Claudia was interested in literature and loved to reclaim poems in front of the familiar.

And the teachers of the gymnasium E. N. Drashkovskaya noted that the student Schulzhenko refers to music as a burdensome load and often strolls.


In the young years, Claudia Shulzhenko did not think about the vocal career and dreamed of playing on stage. The future legend of the Soviet pop by heart knew the repertoire of the Kharkov Drama Theater, and at 17 years old, it was easily entered into the troupe of the dreams to Nikolay Sinelnikov with the song "straighten, drain, horses."

One of the first works of the celebrity was the dramatization of the novel "Idiot", where Schulzhenko trusted the role of Nastasya Filippovna. True, on stage, the future legend appeared in the 4th act and put it, shrinking the arm and depicting the corpse.

Interesting facts about Claudia Shulzhenko will be incomplete, if you choose about the unique musical abilities of celebrities. I saw the vocal talent Shulzhenko Professor Kharkov Conservatory Nikita Cheizov, who said that the voice of Claudia was raised by nature. And the artist made a choice in favor of vocal career.

Gloomy Type

The first hits that brought the popularity of the young artist, became the "Song of the Brick Plant" (the people of "Bricks") and Mine No. 3. Meanwhile, the novice singer did not fit into the Soviet canons of beauty, and therefore the star was not spoiled by male attention.

Somehow the concerts of Shulzhenko began to appear a gloomy type in the checkered jacket, which ridiculed the repertoire of a beginner star. After a month, such signs of attention "Checkered Stranger" presented a bouquet of yellow roses.

The wayward star threw a bouquet in the urn, and after the caustic gentleman disappeared, pulled out flowers and heard the laughter of the "checkered" behind his back.

The fan regularly went to Schulzhenko's speeches than finally won her heart. Young met. The poet Ilya Grigoriev was the poet Ilya Grigoriev. As a creative man, he loved to repeat that the actress Schulzhenko is no, and the singer is average.

Meanwhile, the love of the clave was stronger, and she was the first to return after a quarrel to a person who did not forget her regularly criticize. The ulcerative tone concerned the eyebrows of singer, shopping and taste.

Officially, young to make a relationship did not have time, but soon in the life of Claudia Shulzhenko, a venue appeared and confeded by Vladimir Coralomet, for whom the star married.

Leningrad blockade

By 1940, coraline creates his own jazz orchestra for his spouse, with whom the team touches the country. With the beginning of the war, the ensemble became frontal. Schulzhenko returned to Leningrad, who was in the blockade ring.

Claudia Shulzhenko gives concerts in the trenches. The star issues a gymnaster as the ordinary Red Army, in which she goes to the soldiers to sing. Once the fighters asked the celebrity to wear a concert dress to recall peacetime. The singer agreed and always went on an improvised scene at heels and in the dress.

In one of the concerts, Claudia Ivanovna broke the heel. In order not to disappoint the soldiers, Schulzhenko and died the repertoire on tiptoe right up to the raid of enemy aircraft.

The famous "Blue Platle" appears in 1942 and immediately becomes a gymnast soldier. Then in the repertoire added compositions "Let's climb" and "Where are you now, family-soldiers?".

For 872 days the blockade of Claudia Ivanovna gave more than 500 concerts. In 1942, the executor of front-line songs awarded the medal "For the defense of Leningrad."


Over the phenomenal popularity of the songs of Claudia Shulzhenko still reflect sociologists. The "highlight" of the compositions was the semi-sustained-half-octal manner of the performance of songs, which were uttered with a beautiful breast timbre. And the perception of the meaning of the text at the expense of rich intonation shades and acting is raised.

In interesting facts about Claudia Shulzhenko, it is worth adding that I suggested the execution of the young artist Nikolai Sinelnikov. The mentor called on: "You must play a song and at the same time perform all the roles in it." Claudia Shulzhenko listened and created a style where genuine sincerity was hidden behind the visible simplicity of the song.

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