Varvara Yakubovich - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Daughter Leonid Yakubovich 2021



On May 30, 2020, the next release of the current show on NTV "Secret by Million" was devoted to the "secrets of star heirs". The first visiting Lera Kudryavtsev was the only daughter of the permanent leading "field of miracles" Leonid Yakubovich Varvara. Following the spectacular red-haired girl, the children of Mikhail Efremov, Oleg Gazmanov, Alexander Malinina, Alexander Serov and Elena Yakovleva, were surprised and surprised by the leadership of television men.

Childhood and youth

At the end of the first spring month of 1998, March 28, Leonid Yakubovich became the Father for the second time. Barbara was born in third marriage with the Marina species - the employee of the "appearance" television company, which turned out to be the above one for almost 20 years. Exactly after 2 years, the leading of the first channel again received congratulations to replenish in the family - the granddaughter of Sophia appeared on the world.

By the way, both the heir of Showman (he has the eldest son Artem Antonov) recorded not under his famous last name, but under the maternal, the girl said about this in the "Secret of Million".

Lera Kudryavtseva poured the guest with a lot of questions, for the most part, of course, concerned about relationships with a star parent. So, the audience learned that a man from an early age was discussed from acting and professions related to television, despite the fact that she had liked to participate in amateur time since childhood and shine on stage. In addition, he is convinced that the only daughter outwardly very much resembles Grandma Rimma Semenovna.

Periodically, on the personal pages in the social networks "Instagram" and "Vkontakte", concise facts of the early biography of the girl pop up. For example, thanks to them, it turned out that from 3-4-year-old, the girl dreamed of making a tattoo (the desire in the form of an image of a tiger on his shoulder was embodied to the 22nd anniversary), and on some Halloween change to the vampire, which was fulfilled in 2019- m.

About where the Muscovite received secondary education, there is no accurate information. According to some data, it happened at school with an English bias. But it is known that at the beginning of the summer of 2020, she graduated from the 1st graduate course of MGIMO Faculty of International Journalism.

Here Yakubovich studied on the budget and attended such objects as the foundation of literary creativity and the language of the media. Prior to this, the student gnawed the granite of science in the undergraduate on a commercial basis, which he honored the history of history, and passed the practice in Tass. In 2019, in an interview with the magazine Andrei Malakhov, Starhit "Interrogative" by Marina Sattarov admitted:

"In the 2010 anniversary of the program celebrated Nikulin in the circus, and I was lucky to take part in the show. It was the first and only time I got into the circus. Fortunately, in addition to the horse, on which I performed, the animals did not participate in the presentation. I have not been present on the shooting of the transmission itself. "

Personal life

In mid-September 2019, Varvara directly answered the question of his personal life:"Unfortunately, on the personal front is still a row-field. I believe everything is your time. Yet the relationship is hard work. You need to be patient, listen, understand and take a partner. I critically treat myself and others, so while I do physical and spiritual development. "

A student also admitted that he believes in spiritual friendship, free from gender, and, accordingly, a friend can be a friend, and a girl, and even a cat. In her personal account, they rarely meet photos of young people, many more often pictures of beautiful sex representatives flashes there, among whom subscribers noticed Anna Maria Efremov.

Together, the heap of celebrities indulge in common hobbies - cosplay, removing funny videos for "Instagram" and "Tick-current" in the images of superheroes, and place posts in social networks from female, then from a male face. Joint publications eventually accumulated so much that subscribers, remembering that Mikhail Efremov's daughter belongs to unconventional sexual orientation, laughed, whether they were friends, or they are more related to their girlfriends.


The daughter of one of their most famous "Usach" is endowed with considerable talents. In January 2020, a girl, from childhood, fond of pop vocals, carried out another her cherished dream. She recorded the debut song Feel This World under the pseudonym Barbara Vido. March 28, on the birthday of a beginner singer, a clip was published on it.

A few months later, at a graduation at the university, the ascending star, newly returned to music with the teacher Marina Manukyan, performed the hit "Sleep Road" of the Mill Group, thoring the stormy applause of the gathered.

On the "Secret per million" air, Varvara Yakubovich admitted that, in addition to study, she had time and on working. If you believe the information placed on the personal page in Facebook, then it is from October 21, 2019, the TASS correspondent is listed.

Free from studying and maintaining a microblog in "Instagram" Time Star heiress dedicates cosplay, trying on Loki's images, Joker, Hermione Granger, etc. and visiting numerous festivals. Of course, such a hobby costs expensive - for example, the costume of the hero of the fictional Universe Marvel cost 60-70 thousand rubles. But in this, as in many other things (payment of the apartment in Moscow, horse riding, study in Bachelor's), she helped her the famous parent.

Varvara Yakubovich now

Now Barbara Leonidovna continues to build a musical career. She promised fans that he would certainly write an album with hits in Russian.

The girl, trying herself as a blogger, reports subscribers about favorite flavors, books, comics, tells about interesting places in Moscow and foreign countries, reflects on philosophical topics and about the essence of essentialism. All this, of course, is accompanied by colorful photographs, but among them there are no provocative shots in a bathing suit.

At the end of May 2020, as already mentioned, Yakubovich lit up on NTV, like Rodion Gazmanov, Anna Maria Efremova, Kira Evdokimov, Denis Crazy and Michel Serov.

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