Elephantop (character) - pictures, Winnie Pooh, cartoon, description


Character History

Issonotop (oscillations) is a fictional hero from the Winnie Poha Universe. Created by Alan Miln Beast is an animal that is associated with an elephant and exists only in the consciousness of the remaining residents of the Stacre Forest.

History of character creation

Physically, this unknown creature was absent in the books of the Children's Writer. Mentioned in the 5th chapter of the works of "Winnie Pooh and all-all-all", then in the second collection. Due to the popularity of the character in English, the word "miscurrent". As well as the phraseological "trap and hunt for ocalopotama", in meaning of identifying with useless actions or the search for a difficult (non-existent).

In a fairy tale about forest residents, the beast is present solely in dreams and the imagination of the two main characters - Piglet and Winnie Pooh. In one row with it, it is also possible to put the Stupshvirnus, Foreign V. and Buku and the Bolya. Together with the latter, an unknown predator represents personification of fears, despite the fact that there were never hostile inhabitants in the Stacre Forest.

In the original mention of the mysterious missing character sounds like Heffalump. In fact, it is a distorted interpretation of the word Elephant, which means "elephant" translated. Actually, in pictures on the pages of books, the mysterious and dangerous guest is depicted by African animals.

Also, referring to the etymological analysis of the nickname, you can highlight the adjective Hefty, which indicates gigantic sizes and excessive force. The second part, LUMP, has a number of values ​​- "Chubban" or "Blub".

Interesting fact: In 2011, Viktor Weber translated the nickname of this non-existent hero in the word hobun. But in the more well-known adaptation of Boris Nodoka, the imaginary enemy received the name of miscurrent, thanks to which the association with a hippopotamus was increasing and clumsy animals.

The work of Alan Milna has repeatedly become the subject of curious research. For example, Professor of the State University of New York saw in the appearance of a dangerous character of the fear of the people of Britain to Africa.

The image and biography of elephantope

The first mention of the hero is contained in the 5th chapter of the collection "Winnie Pooh and all-all-all". Christopher Robin, as if by the way, informed the friends that I saw elephant. Piglet, too, thoughtfully stated that it seemed to have met this dangerous beast.

Then the poet comes to mind the idea to catch an unknown animal. To do this, he comes up with a cunning venture - to divert the pit. And for the bait, even sacrifice the pot with honey, leading the argument that the delicacy will definitely attract the "monster" trap.

Bear and Piglet feel as if their brilliant plan had already embarrassed fruit. But the successful outcome of the enterprise is hampered by one - Hungry Winnie Pooh. He wakes up at night and remembers that he gave the latest food for the Great Mission.

Unable to endure, the hero decides not to wait for the 6-year-old in the morning and check whether the mysterious beast fell into a trap. Next, the story is conducted on behalf of the Patch, which, contrary to his own fears, wandered to six pines.

When he got closer, he heard incomprehensible sounds. Looking into the pit, saw something frightening, noisy and with an incomprehensible head. In horror, the Piglet shouted and rushed to the only one who would have come to the rescue - to Christpler Robin.

The boy immediately gathered and hurried to look at the caught animal. When I saw that in fact it was a bear with a head stuck in a pot, I began to laugh. And the patch was ashamed that he did not understand and the comrade was frightened.

The next time the heroes remember the dangerous beast when they are started in search of a goat - one of the many relatives of the rabbit. Not wanting, Winnie Pooh and his best friend come into a trap, which was previously prepared for iloryopotam.

Piglet, experiencing that the beast also wages there, lost a whole script in his head, like that he will say a frightening being. In his thoughts, a successful dialogue was lined up, after which, as he believed, the uninvited guest would leave himself.

When Christopher Robin found his comrades, the penalty from fear decided that he was talking to the very imaginary enemy. As a result, Winnie Pooh saw a boy and was delighted, and a small panty felt shame and decided to go to the sailors.

In the work of Alan Milna, a description of a mysterious character is given through fantasies of other heroes. For a pig, he is a big and terrible creature that can win except that

Bear, perhaps, too, afraid of an unprecedented beast. But since he has a sawdust in his head, and not brains, it was more interested in a pot with honey than a hypothetical danger.

Slanotop in films

Another option to translate the name of the character. Fans of creativity Alan Milna learned, looking at the full-length animation film of Walt Disney Studio. In the Russian box office, the picture of 2005 was called "Winnie and Slanotop".

On the plot of the cartoon in the forest there are strange pipe sounds, and the inhabitants begin to notice large traces on Earth. Everyone understands that the most terrible and dangerous icy elephant adopted. Naturally, the "visitor" decide to catch.

Friends organize an expedition, in which because of the age do not take the crumb of ru. But the kid desperately wants to participate in this frightening event, so runs away and goes in search alone.

As a result, Kengi's son can meet the very "monster". They turn out to be peaceful and playful elephant named Top. They begin to be friends, and crumb ru calls a new acquaintance to his home.

Top agrees, but soon it begins to look for a mother - Mrs. Nestonotop. By this time, the remaining residents of the forest are returned from the expedition, see the incomprehensible beast and arrange to him by the Western.

From her, the baby saves mother who came to the rescue. Kengurenok convinces everyone that the top is not terrible, but, on the contrary, it is afraid of the rest.

Immediately after the release of the animation painting, Sequel was released on the DVD "Winnie Pooh and Slanotop: Halloween". In the magic forest, everyone is preparing for the holiday. The crumb of ru with a new friend is sent to search for mysterious Goblun, the existence of which characters will be learned from tigers. Incredible adventures end with Heppi Endom, despite the fact that the heroes fall into their own traps.

The elephantine in cartoons is demonstrated by a faithful friend who will not quit in trouble. Despite his own fears, he was able to overcome the bugs, becoming part of the forest residents team. Throughout the on-screen time, the song sings a song or plays, highly jumping and runs.

In both the first and second draft Studio Walt Disney in the voice acting of the character participated Actor Kyle Stanger 1997 born. Young talent passed Casting, where more than 900 children participated. Critics appreciated his work positively, noting that the audience fell in love with the contagious laughter. In Russian, the role translated Ivan Chuban.

Interesting Facts

  • The English phraseological "trap for ilonopotama" is identified with the Russian saying "not a swarm of another pit."
  • Boris Sadier translated the chapter, where this character is mentioned, only in 1990. In the early works, the writer struck it out to make a narrative more dynamic.
  • Russian viewers expressed the opinion that the American Top is close to the description of the mammoth, who lost mom.


  • 2005 - "Winnie and Slanotop"
  • 2005 - "Winnie Pooh and Slanotop: Halloween"

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