Claudia Drozd (Bunina) - Biography, Personal Life, News, Photo, Actress, Films, TV Series, Filmography 2021



Claudia Drozd was destined to become a star of screens, because she was born in the acting family. The girl conquered the audience with the images of purposeful and hardworking heroines embodied in Ukrainian melodramas.

Childhood and youth

Claudia Drozd (Bunina-Drozd) was born on August 9, 1997 in Kiev. She was the only child in marriage actor Georgy Drozda with his colleague Anastasia Serdyuk (Bunina). Before that, the man married Lyudmila Speedtnik, who gave him the son of Maxim Drozda, who also chosen the acting profession.

Despite the fact that the girl was brought up in a creative atmosphere, she did not hurry an artist. In the early years, Klava's biography was a athlete, engaged in gymnastics, athletics and loved game sports. Parents also did not insist for it to continue the dynasty, called a profession difficult and taking a lot of time.

Despite this, the mother and father considered it important to familiarize themselves with the imprint of the artist's work and still a child began to take her to the cartoon platform. The debut for a small star became the Camera Cafe Socket, where she played an episodic role. Then there were "madhouse", "love and some pepper" and "rage", shooting in which Claudia became more and more fascinated by opening new faces of acting talent.

After school, the girl decided to engage in journalism and submitted documents to the university named after Taras Shevchenko, but not enough points for budget receipt, and paid training was not affordable. Mother advised the clave to look at the site of Kiev University named after Ivan Karpenko-Karoy to clarify the conditions for admission to the faculty of journalism, but Drozd accidentally went to the acting department and found out that the course of Nikolai Rushkovsky, Mother's mentor, was being held.

The girl spent several days to prepare the program and successfully passed the selection. In his student years, she continued to actively film, replenished with the filmography of such projects as "40+, or the geometry of the senses" and "on the line of life."


The first large-scale project in which the artist fell out, was the series "Paradise place", where she played a major role. Her heroine Nina is an orphan, dreaming of his own hotel. But she has to work as a simple maid, overcoming difficulties and adversity in its path.

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Such experience was for the girl in a novelty, but the team she got friendly, so she easily worked out with his colleagues Andrei Fnych, Konstantin Danilyuk and Anna Salivanchuk. Claudia also coped with the acting tasks, however, she had to work on the stage with skiing, because she could hardly stand on them.

After that, the Ukrainian directors who began inviting her to the lead roles in their projects to the artist. Among the following notable works, the actress - the image of Natasha in the melodrama "Taste of happiness", where she fell to play along with Anna Koshmal and Alexander Pashkov. The premiere of the series took place in 2018 and received the approval of the audience.

In the same year, the girl played the main heroine in the Motheric film "Voice from the Past", in which Alexander Popov became its on-screen partner. And in the TV series "Two Poles of Love", the girl once again needed to cope with a difficult acting task, because she fell to play twins sister.

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Later, she appeared in the image of Ksyusha in the project Oksana Bayrak "Nothing happens twice." Anastasia Serdyuk and Maxim Drozd also starred in Drama. True, brother and sister could not be seen on the site, but with Mother Klava managed to work.

No less bright was the appearance of a thrush in the comedy "plantains". She embodied the image of Ani, which works as a waitress in the cafe of his mother, but secretly dreams of the scene. As the celebrity admitted, the role in the humorous project was new, because she was used to filming in melodramas.

At the beginning of 2020, the TV series "The worst friend" was released on the screens, in which the girl performed a major role. She played a talented pastryer Victoria, who has to work for a former classmate Marina who wants to spoil her life. The partner of the Drozd on the site again became Andrei Fed block.

Now the actress continues to build a career on the screens, caught a piggy bank of images. Claudia is divided by success with fans in "Instagram", where publishes photos and talks about news.

Personal life

About personal life, the celebrity rarely rarely, it is known that she is not married and while in no hurry to associate himself with the Uzami marriage, because all his free time is working. Claudia wants to see near a sensitive and caring chosen one who will support her in all endeavors.

In May 2021, the actress hinted that there is a romantic interest in her life by writing the next post in "Instagram":

"A lot of new, nothing old, and in the eyes still love that is reliably hidden from other people's eyes."

Claudia is not divided with fans with the name of the beloved, guided by the rule "happiness loves silence." But some facts about themselves in the interview hides. For example, she listens to music when she needs to relax after complex filming. Among the favorite performers - Zemfira and Svyatoslav Vakarchuk.

In the handbag, the actresses are always lip balm and perfume. In general, the thrush refers to a scrupulous to care - never goes to sleep with makeup and does not paint at all, if not involved in the shooting. In winter, it defines the nourishing cream on the skin.

Supports the figure of Claudia, playing sports. In priority she has yoga.

Claudia Drozd now

In 2021, the actress filmography was replenished with two premieres in which she played the main roles. In the family comedy "Avenue for Two", the character of Claudia, according to her, is very similar to it. The heroine Marina is fair, kind and knows how to love. In the picture of Nikolai Pelikhov, Andrei Fed block, with which a native of Kiev has already met on the shooting platforms.

The heroine of Anfisa was also close to the thrush in the film "Lady Lady". The actress admired the courage of the former orphan girl, which reached everything, following the simple rules - to act as you feel and say what you want.


  • 2006 - "Madhouse"
  • 2011 - "Rage"
  • 2016 - "On Life"
  • 2017 - "Paradise Place"
  • 2018 - "Taste of happiness"
  • 2018 - "Voice from the Past"
  • 2018 - "Two Poles of Love"
  • 2019 - "Nothing happens twice"
  • 2019 - Zoya
  • 2019 - "Plantain"
  • 2020 - "The worst girlfriend"
  • 2021 - "Lady Lady"
  • 2021 - "Two Adventure"

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