Interesting Facts about Irina Circle - Mikhail Circle, Husband, Children, Figure Skating, Chanson


Life tied it with three husbands, but she still did not let go of Mikhail Croge's second spouse. After the death of the chanson widow managed to rise, to independently raise the children and continued the vocal career after his beloved, winning the recognition of chanson fans. Other interesting facts about Irina Circle - in the material 24cm.

"Customer" husband

News that the artist of the cult composition "Vladimir Central" is not alive, all Russian channels quickly flew around. Mikhail Circle went to takeoff, gaining popularity and audience recognition.

After the tragedy, the widow of the chanson Irina circle recalls the events of those days, holding back tears. The star was already accustomed to hiding the horror of going over a duty smile, but the fear of that night remains with her.

The fact that the investigation is completed, it became known 18 years after the fatal events. For a long time, the widow knew who the killer, but evidence was not enough to make public charges.

In interesting facts about Irin Circle, it is worth a meeting with the customer of murder after 2 years. The organizer of the attack on the house of Mikhail Circle Alexander Kostenko came to the widow to the house where the crime was committed. At that time, Irina did not know that not only an influential person asks for a meeting with her, but also guilty of the death of his beloved spouse. She accepted Kostenko. He asked a question about the guess of the widow about who she thought to. But then Irina could not argue about the details of the investigation.

And when the details of the incident became known in 2019, the details of the incident were known, as a result of which Mikhail Krooga murder had happened, then Irina admitted that she wanted everything to be revealed. All these years she lived with a cargo on the heart.

As it turned out, the singer killed the criminal personality from the grouping "Tver Wolves". At the moment when the widow reported the completion of the investigation, Irina Poklakla.

People who killed her husband, she saw twice in life: for the first time - in the fatal night, and then - on video recording. The widow of Mikhail Circle admitted that the killers were already punished, but if they were in the wild, then other feelings would be overwhelmed.

Prophetic dreams

In marriage with Mikhail Circle Irina lived a year. Despite the mad love from the side of the fans and the unprecedencing about the adventures of the spouse, Irina believed her husband. His respect for a happy woman emphasized care and even a family circle called a loved one by name and patronymic.

Love for her husband made Irina sensitive. This fact from life later helped celebrities analyze upcoming events. A week before the death of Mikhail Irina saw a strange sleep, in which there were many people and flowers in the house, but there were no Misha. A frightened night vision woman shared anxiety with his beloved man, but he only dismissed and added: "So we will live long and happily!"

After death, the husband often came in a dream to his beloved woman, and the visions were prophetic. Often dreams with a spouse become a warning about the danger. In the transfer of the "Fate of Man", Irina was placed and admitted that I saw Mikhail in a white suit before the death of mother-in-law. In her nighthood her husband stood over a coffin with flowers. Later, the singer will regret that Mom singer did not live before the moment it became known who killed her son.

Life after a circle

After the death of the beloved Irina fell into a circle of suspected murder. To keep the memory of her husband, a family friend offered Irina to record a song in honor of her beloved. And in 2004, the solo plate "The first autumn separation" was published, which became popular. Career performer went to the mountain, and the schedule of concerts became dense.

4 years after the tragedy, the woman decided to marry the entrepreneur Sergey Belousov. Fans accused Irina in treason. In 2013, the Courty was born a common son Andrei.

However, the family life of Irina Circle cracks on the seams. The third in marriage was invisibly attended by Mikhail Krug, who was near his beloved woman. Later, in an interview, the singer admits that, probably, her ex-spouse Sergey hurts such revelations, but she cannot let go of Misha. In 2020, marriage with a businessman collapsed due to the betrayal of the third husband. Meanwhile, Irina continues to regret Mikhail Circle and adds with pain: "He had to live!"

The joint son of Irina and Mikhail Alexander is surprisingly similar to the Father. A young man is interested in rap, but a star mother teachs the heir to chanson. Son sings father's song. Many people do not like it, but the compositions of Mikhail Croge remain popular, which helps Alexander the circle to build a career.

Senior foster daughter singer did not have a life with show business. Marina's profession is not creative. Refused the musical career and the eldest son of the circle Dmitry, who graduated from the Cadet class and chose a career of the internal affairs officer. He had two children.

Mikhail's grave Widow visits once a year, in the anniversary of death. Browsing old photos, Irina seems to be the relationship with Misha was like yesterday. Closer to the anniversary of the memories are becoming sharper, she wants to cry, and loss seems undeserved. "I really hurt that it is not with us," the star added.

Male Addict

Analyzing the past, the celebrity often argues about how her life would have been and how much a happy woman she could become. However, a series of unpleasant accidents pursued Irina, starting from the first marriage, which can also be attributed to interesting facts about Irina Krug.

"For me, love is important," the singer admits. Even at school, Irina fell in love with a high school student Alexey, who later learned on the dental technology. Immediately after the prom, the future star was married. The spouses had a daughter.

But here happiness was short. Having access to forbidden substances, the first husband of celebrities became aggressive and nervous, and after the drugs were added alcohol and treason.

Irina tried to treat his spouse, sorry and forgot his daughter's unborn father. And he left only when Alexey raised his hand to Irina. "I am convinced: if a man broke and raised his hand on a woman, he will do it in the second and for the third time," the singer added, which then moved to the house of his parents and went to work to keep her daughter. And the former husband refused to pay alimony for a child.

The diligence of Irina was rated, and thanks to the conclusion of a neighbor, a mother with a child in his hands took a job in a restaurant, where she met Mikhail around.

Figure skating

The persistent character of Irina Circle appeared in childhood. She dreamed of a section of figure skating, but did not pass by age. Then the refusal seemed to her the strongest disappointment in life. The girl has not yet knew that the worst ahead.

A series of sad events made this woman strong and independent. She remembers that he did not ask for money in debt when he needed, shares emotions about how much worked in his youth, and proud of the children.

A selection of interesting facts about Irina Circle closes such a detail as creativity. The joy in life Irina Circle finds in the songs, which sings no longer for the sake of money, but "for the sake of Misha's memory."

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