Vasya Kurolesov


Character History

Vasya Kurolesov is a fictional character of the trilogy of the Soviet writer Yuri Koval. Good-natured, honest and brave guy who fell on the trick of scammers, decides to restore justice. And despite the lack of professional skills, he plays the last role in a detective investigation.

History of character creation

The hero appeared in the story of the "Adventures of Vasi Kurolesov", written in the genre of detective and published in 1971. The continuation of this book was: "Promach a citizen of Lisakov" (1981) and "five abducted monks" (1976). Moreover, the chronology of events testifies precisely about this order in the trilogy, despite the fact that the publication time speaks about the opposite.

The plot was inspired by genuine events. The author of the author, Joseph Yakovlevich Koval, often told the heir to work. The man worked by the head of the Kursk criminal investigation, and after the war he was transferred to the Moscow region, retaining the title.

Yuri Koval noted that Joseph Yakovlevich loved to read his writings, commenting on that he himself suggested the son of the theme of the narrative. The proof of this fact is that the name of the main character of a humorous detective was borrowed from a real policeman - an employee of the Father writer.

The first part of the trilogy received positive evaluations from critics and even presented the Creator to the Prize at the All-Union Competition. The story was interested in the border - Hans Baumann translated the text into German. Then the detective penetrate not only to Europe, but also beyond its limits - to China and Japan.

The image and biography of Vasi Kurolesyova

Yuri Koval vividly described a noisy market, a variety of sellers's nose, long Musta Militrian Tarakanova, the appearance of a red-breed PSA sailor. As for Vasya himself, then the author gave a chance to the audience independently draw a portrait of a character. Nevertheless, from the actions of Kurolesov it is easy to conclude about the characteristic of the hero with the talking surname, its habits and views on life.

The one who was destined to neutralize the chief criminal of Kurochkina, born and grew up in the district center of Parmanov. He lived in a house with his mother, he studied at the mechanizer and helped the farm.

The peaceful existence of a rustic resident did not assume any shake. While his parent, which the author named Elampievna, did not decide to buy piglets. Interestingly, the guy did not like this idea - not really he wanted to breed pigs. But did not shoot with Mother and went to the market.

There he was visiting the noisy cluster of the people, rewarding every seller a comment. Obviously, for a rustic resident, such a "exit to light" is a big rarity. When the guy joined a conversation with a mustache uncle, selling piglets, he decided to immediately show himself "grated Kalach."

Kololesyov managed to throw the price twice than he was immensely satisfied. He felt pride, which defended his point of view. In such a raised mood, Vasya wrapped the bag with two piglets and drove back.

Vasya Kurolesov

All the way he listened to the animals, and was satisfied with the dialogue with the seller. However, the contents of the bag led it first into bewilderment, and then into rage. It turned out that instead of domestic livestock, he brought home batted by the life of red dog.

The annoyed Kuroles poured all night to do what to do next. And the next morning came up with a brilliant plan - to calculate the passing and punish it. Vasya - a man who did got honestly, never deceived anyone and did not seek the benefits. Therefore, he was difficult for him to pass by such injustice.

The hero decided to disguise - glued the fake mustache from the serve, forced the PSA of the sailor (so he called him) climb into the bag and went to the market. And there it was waiting for disappointment - the valiant defenders of the law enforcement took the guy himself for a criminal who sends people instead of piglets of yard dogs.

When the misunderstanding was allowed, Kololesyov offered help with the capture of a fraudster. A young man happily agreed. But, having failed one of the operations, "deserved" sending home.

Frustrated guy returned to pockets. Elampievna saw that her son was loyal and was not interested in anything. The very faithful opponent of the criminal organization regretted the happening and wanted to know what the story would end.

In his life never happened such situations, and the soul demanded exploits. Then the young man decided to send a letter to Captain Boldyrevu with a request to talk about the progress. And also attributed that is ready to fulfill the debt and help in the investigation.

The answer has not arrived for a long time. When the mother brought a letter, then in him the unknown threats were set out towards a young man. Kuroles immediately smacked, who is the sender, and decided to go into an independent "swimming" to find Kurochina alone.

Vasya Kurolesov and Kurochkin

His detective path began with a trip to Tarasovka - it was a hook, spied back in them in a joint operation with Boldrev and Tarakanov. In the train, the young man met a familiar - Baton, with whom she sat for some time, being under suspicion.

He suggested a hero easy money, as well as in a non-surrender coincidence, went out on the same station. The young detective decided that it was no accident, and agreed to work. Freeshu Kololesyov did not let: Baton led him right in the den of the criminals, where the young man was already famous than the young man Raspil, and the Kurochkin himself came up soon.

The violators of the law were cut down, who in front of them, and the fight began. Under the law of the genre at the same time, Boldrev and his assistant cockroaches arranged a cloud. The leader managed to leave, but Vasya rushed behind the bandit and caught up with him at the station.

Going at the back, the guy did not come up with anything better, how to pull on the enemy from above the urn. The dehydration of the criminal, the self-taught policeman received a music clock as a gift from the criminal department and the proposal to join the ranks of the law enforcement.

The work of Yuri Kovala resembles a fairy tale, but it gives reasons to think. The main thought is not only that good always wins evil, but also that every person can become part of noble strength, if it is not indifferent. The guy, whose duties did not include dangerous investigations, nevertheless felt the need for establishing justice and was not afraid to risk a life.

Vasya Kurolesov in films

In 1981, a cartoon was released based on the story of the "Adventures of Vasi Kurolesyova", which was 26.5 minutes of screen time. And the audience finally saw the character of the person.

The audience appreciated the humorous genre, a fascinating plot and bright pictures, which became illustrations for Soviet realities. Writer of the hand drawn cartoon was made by Yuri Kowal himself, Mikhail Kononov participated in the voice acting of the main character.

Filter screen was filmed by the film director Isaac Magiton "Five Kidnapped Monks", filmed in 1991 to the same name. For the actor Alexander Demidov, participation in the project turned out to be a debut in a film.

Interesting Facts

  • Yuri Koval worked to attach dictionary explaining the meanings of some words. For example, the quotate Kololesyov "Eye Marengo" is decoding that it is a strict black and white color.
  • Another character with the same name is present in the work of the "runner" Yuri Mamleev.
  • The patronymic of the hero is mentioned twice. He himself calls himself Konstantinovich, but Captain Boldyrev uses the Feofilaich version.


This is the surname! - thought Vasya. - Boldrev! As if samovar fell into the water.


  • 1971 - "Adventures Vasi Kurolesyova"
  • 1976 - "Five abducted monks"
  • 1981 - "Promach Kisakov citizen"


  • 1981 - "The Adventures of Vasi Kurolesyova"
  • 1991 - "Five abducted monks"

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